View Full Version : Hearing voices when sleepy

01-08-2012, 03:36 AM
I have been hearing voices, twice now, one before falling asleep and another right after waking up.

One time I was bandaging my wrist and I had my phone on my chest, the lights were off and I was using the phone’s flashlight (it’s an old model), and it formed really big shadows of my hand on the ceiling. I realized I was falling asleep, then I heard a voice whisper “Science can’t explain shadows…”. Which really makes no sense to me because I know for a fact Science CAN explain shadows.

The other time I had just about woken up and still groggy, then I heard a voice tell me – I can’t remember the exact words but they told me that one of our client’s company name was a combination of their name (spouses). After realizing that, I became more awake, thought of it and it’s true… Though I haven’t and wouldn’t confirm with the client, it suddenly became so obvious.

I have googled about and it looks like I’m not the only one.

Share your experiences or tell me what happened? LOL… :tongue:

01-08-2012, 04:04 AM
A few years ago, I began having all kinds of paranormal experiences in my bedroom. I was totally scared about it all. I lived alone and there was no explanation for all I was experiencing. But it all turned around after this one experience.

One Saturday morning my alarm went off at 6:30 AM. (I had an old one that didn't have the weekend setting and I'd forgotten to turn it off the night before.) I bounced out of bed and turned off the alarm and hopped right back in for a nice "sleep in".

I had just closed my eyes when I heard a very stern woman's voice say, "YOU GET OUT OF THAT BED RIGHT NOW!" I jumped right out of bed without even thinking! My heart was pounding, but I started laughing. There was no way I was going back to bed that day! I was wide awake!

01-08-2012, 05:09 AM
Woah! I would never have laughed at that. The message is funny but that would have been too weird for me. Haha!! :))

I love my Twin Soul
01-08-2012, 09:38 AM
Hi, I was fast forwarding on play, a Video tape about 15 years ago when I must have dozed off, then I heard this loud voice say, Clarrie. I woke with a start and found that the video was at the spot where I wanted to watch it. There was no one else in the house.Blessing to all, Clarrie

03-08-2012, 02:22 PM
When I was little, I would hear lots of different voices before bedtime. Sometimes I can see them too if I tried hard enough.

One time I was going to oversleep for an important job interview and a voice yelled my name loudly in my left ear and woke me up. I went to the interview on time and got the job thanks to that voice. Another time, a different voice that sounded like my brother calling my name through my left ear. I believe these were guides helping me on my path.

03-08-2012, 05:30 PM
I wonder if I could get my daughter's guides to wake her up in the morning. She is really hard to get out of bed.

05-08-2012, 01:11 AM
i have had several experiences over the years, most have been (in hindsight) positive. the first one that i can think of was when i was home from my freshman year of college. my father had been having a some bad health complications and one night he had a bad episode and i heard in my ear a calm, stern, female voice say, "(my name), get up. (my name), wake up now." i woke up and all the stuff with my dad was going on... if my mother and i hadn't gotten up he would have died.

a few years later i moved back home from college and every time i started to doze off i would hear people say my name.

the most recent was a couple of months after i got back from thailand last summer. i had been having issues sleeping and late at night i would feel/ hear voices talking but they were indistinct. then one night i was up late reading and into what i was reading. then, clear as if i was talking to anyone, i heard a female say "she doesn't know," with the implication that she thought i should know. then a male responded, "she doesn't need to know." then another male voice, "she is listening."

05-08-2012, 05:18 PM
I've experienced that also in the, "Hypnognic" state, just in between awake and sleeping.
A decade of more ago, shortly after reading the book, "Autobiography of a Yogi", also, I felt someone running their finger up and down my leg.
It was the only time I can think of, of having a tactile dream, or sleep experience. I awoke and of course, no one was there.

10-08-2012, 07:01 AM
Oh, Morpheus I didn't know there was actually a term for that... :)) Perhaps if I can try to be more aware, but not awake, if that makes sense, during that stage, I can pick up more things. :P

10-08-2012, 07:53 AM
Sibylline I like your posts they are cool.

I hear voices when sleepy too.

They go like this:

"Can you put the bin out and clean up the kitchen"
"Its time for the kids homework to be supervised"

lol those voices will come to you dont worry!

16-08-2012, 09:58 AM
Muhahaha! Lightworker thanks~!!

The voices you hear, might be the same voice my bf hears, from yours truly, hehehe ♥

16-08-2012, 11:07 AM
Non Proximal hearing is very common during the Theta state of brain frequency. A number of theory's surround this phenomena.

Theta is a low brain frequency in which REM dream takes place... You will note that dreams seem very real. It is as though ones awareness consciousness is far removed from the head resting on the pillow.

To get to sleep properly..The timeless black void of sleep...Delta frequency it is usual to to pass through Theta in departing Alpha Frequency(restful wakefulness... So in a sense you do traverse these frequencies from deep sleep to total awake and alert Beta.

Interestingly (To me anyway) Mediums..Meditators and Astral Projectee's occupy the Theta state during those activities that they practice.

Other examples of Non proximal hearing that have happened to me while dropping off to sleep. My name being called, Loud knocking,Music, Crashing noises.

I conclude all of this to be normal, further and more excitingly for me are the accompanying visuals (seeing behind closed eyes) that will start to occur. Now this is the part that a lot of people find difficult.

Once you focus it's gone... caput...disappeared.. Because you bring your attention Alpha, even Beta to bear upon Theta ..You are switching brain frequency and moving away from the subject matter of Theta where you are required to nothing more than passively observe...

Anyway...It's a really interesting subject and I could go on and on about this area of interest but I'd bore the pants off most of you.. So heres a small illustrative read me.

Beta Brain Waves (13-30 cycles per second). The fastest, representing the most intense state of alertness. The result of heightened mental activity. Maximum mind power. All five external senses, logical mind, memory from the five senses & logical thinking.

Alpha Brain Waves (8 to 12 cycles per second) This brain wave indicates a relaxed state of mind.. State of relaxed alertness, good for inspiration and learning facts fast. A meditative mind. In this state tap into internal “antenna” like qualities. Visions, powerful ideas, mindless creation of the incredible. Internal feeling & sensations.

Theta Brain Waves (4 to 8 cycles per second) Deep meditation. Deep inward thought. This is associated with life-like imagination. High state of mental concentration. A magical mind. Internal pictures / visualisation. Intuition, inner guidance. Access to unconscious material. Dreaming.

Delta Brain Waves (0.5 to 4 cycles per second) Deep dreamless sleep. Deep relaxation. State of oneness, whole body feeling. Pure being & will.

Note that the lowest range of delta is 0.5 hz and that No Brain activity is 0. This provides a very comforting view of what life is like after physical death may actually be like.. A very deep perpetual sleep. Which should provide some solace to those who have no faith that an afterlife exists...

For more information on this self same subject here at SF please read the following topic



10-09-2012, 10:03 PM
Thank you for that info Neville. Is it possible to be lucid about what wave you're in, or does it tend to hard to grasp?

On voices, I have heard the just before sleeping/just before waking voices, usually about weird things that make little contextual sense.

But sometimes I hear them when wide awake. I'm sick with an absolute ton of stress and so my mind races often. Sometimes there are quiet, faintly distinguishable voices that chime in. Sometimes they are on topic, sometimes they are not.

I think I can tell my inner guide/higher self/whatever he/she/it is from these voices. It has a very calm feeling to it, it doesn't speak much at all, maybe once a week or two, and it never gives me negative news.

The other voices can say anything. One time there was one that was saying the opposite of everything I was thinking, telling me the answers were the opposite of what i was figuring out. And after I mentioned that, said internally, "you're not saying anything productive, you're just giving me the opposites", that voice went away immediately.

So I have no idea what this might be. I fear I'm schizophrenic and that wouldn't surprise me given how much anxiety and stress I've been under for so many years and probably the majority of my 20 years of life.

13-09-2012, 03:29 PM
Thanks, as well, Neville, for the info. I often 'hear' voice, but it's more like thoughts, once however, during a bad time when i was about to do something I heard a very loud "RUN!" and so I did. Anyway, when I hear thoughts that do not seem to be my own, I always listen, they are things I need to hear or relate to others.

I did hear a crash in the kitchen last night, but there was nothing that fell. My daughter even heard it as well.

As for waking, it's funny because there are many times I would have overslept and my internal alarm clock is usually pretty amazing, but there are times I'm dead to the world and a bird will loudly bring me back to life or another sound of or from nature is sure to awaken me. I often wonder what brings that about? Like something knows I need to wake up.

16-09-2012, 10:17 PM
I often hear a male voice talking in one low monotone like a run on sentence, but I cant understand what is being said, in the back of my mind, again mostly when I am trying to go to sleep or daydreaming, which I do a lot. However on two instances I heard, again in my mind, a voice say something. Once I was walking though a mall and a voice said NANCY and I was like thats weird, thats my cousins name and I hadnt seen her in a while. well I turned the corner and practically walked right into her. Another time I was having bad anxiety issues and was late at my old job, alone in the building, and I got a sense I had to get out, but the indoor alarm went off and I heard the same voice go JENN, which is my name. I had been starting to freak out about the alarm (anything set off panic attacks those days) and then I stopped freaking out, shut off the alarm and left.

17-09-2012, 12:02 AM
I think there is definitely a lot to be said for the different stages of brain waves/sleep, etc...
Over the normal course of our day, our heads are so filled with "noise" - both external, and all those "little voices" always competing in our mind!...that we forget how to simply be still and calm...when relaxing, or drifting off to sleep, our minds finally slow down, and filter out all the chatter so we can hear the more important things, or the aspects we tend to ignore....
And yes, all those voices in our head can be destructive in their own way! My boyfriend calls it my "hamster wheel"....contradictory thoughts will spin round and round till I drive myself half crazy! He is constantly telling me to relax and turn off the hamster wheel :smile:

immortal coil
26-09-2012, 01:51 AM
I've been having these voices over the last several months.

Last night was the strongest its ever been. Usually I have it as I'm nodding of to sleep, but can usually fight off sleep for bit and hear quite a bit of chatter as I'm in and out of sleep.

But this voice last night was different. For some reason, I got the feeling that this voice was a guide trying to contact me. I've heard many different voices, over the last couple months, but this one last night was a young girl with an English (i.e. British) accent. For some reason, I thought her name could be Amelia, but I got a stern "No, it's Jane", as the voice spoke up to correct me.

After that it seemed like there was some kind of messaging being conveyed to me, but it was like a radio station going between clear and static, and didn't end up getting much. I'm going to work with it in the next couple nights.

18-05-2015, 12:29 PM
Lately I have been hearing voices more and more before falling asleep.
The only strange thing I find about this is how clear I can understand what they are saying and often they speak in full sentences. These can also be conversations some times, and I also can distinguish whether it is a male, female, or a child speaking...

18-05-2015, 06:05 PM
Yes I get this but not just when falling asleep, sometimes I hear voices when meditating or when deeply relaxed or, conversely, stressed.

I'm not sure if they're spirit voices or not. They intensify when I've just woken up or in the hypnogogic state.

18-05-2015, 10:19 PM
I too hear voices when I'm falling asleep~! One time I heard a male voice say " Hello? Who are you ? Hello?" & I just ignored it & then he started singing horribly, like he couldn't sing high notes haha I had to polite ask to be quiet so I could sleep :angel4:

19-05-2015, 05:38 PM
"Note that the lowest range of delta is 0.5 hz and that No Brain activity is 0. This provides a very comforting view of what life is like after physical death may actually be like.. A very deep perpetual sleep. Which should provide some solace to those who have no faith that an afterlife exists.."


I don't find that idea comforting at all, it's complete obliteration of everything! Sleep is different because you wake up!! You are never aware of the sensation of a dreamless sleep during that sleep, only when you are dreaming. Once there is no functioning brain its something very different indeed. You can't perceive non existence, how can that work?? I find the idea very disturbing, even more so when I apply it to loved ones who have gone before

I started a thread on the very idea of Non Existence on the Death & Afterlife forum. I wonder if the people with the mediumship abilities ever get this wobble of faith??

24-07-2015, 01:37 AM
there's a scientific name for hearing voices just before falling asleep or waking its called Hypnogogic auditor hallucinations. These occur before you fall asleep. Hypnopompic auditory hallucinations occur just before waking. They are very common and may have not have any spirituality to them at all.

09-08-2015, 12:59 PM
I have these every once in a while. When I'm about to fall asleep, I hear a very loud noise/ a voice saying my name / someone screaming and I wake up, but I never actually thought it would be a paranormal thing. I thought of it as a "brain error".

As Dragonsong says, there's a scientific explanation

When I first googled it, I found some kind of conspiracy theory about V2K. Ridiculous :D

09-08-2015, 08:29 PM
Had always heard some known, some unknown, voices, and felt it may have, to me, been a type of 'delayed' hearing.

So very repetitious, spanning my life, evolving to wake induced lucid dreaming, producing premonitory scenes of jolting, vivid clarity, with post unerring accuracy.

11-08-2015, 04:56 AM
My recent experience, (and the reason I signed up here) happened while I was sleeping...I hadn't gone to bed until late, around 2am but was in a deep sleep when I heard my name being whispered in my ear...3 times to be exact.
My hub was fast asleep and it sounded like a female's voice...very gentle but very clear. I have no recollection of a dream so not sure what this all means??
I'm curious to know if others can relate and perhaps have had their own experience...thanks!

11-08-2015, 04:56 AM
My recent experience, (and the reason I signed up here) happened while I was sleeping...I hadn't gone to bed until late, around 2am but was in a deep sleep when I heard my name being whispered in my ear...3 times to be exact.
My hub was fast asleep and it sounded like a female's voice...very gentle but very clear. I have no recollection of a dream so not sure what this all means??
I'm curious to know if others can relate and perhaps have had their own experience...thanks! :cool:

12-08-2015, 03:49 AM
It happens a lot with me while I am about to sleep or while I am sleeping.
I always strongly feel that someone is trying to communicate with me or asking for help.
I was never able to figure out the truth behind it. Sometimes I feel that these are the voices in my head and it is just a part of my dream.

02-09-2015, 01:00 PM
I often hear voices when falling asleep or waking. One night I heard a mans voice speak to me in a foreign language which I thought was either Japanese or Chinese but then a word popped into my head that said Mandarin so I wrote down the words that I thought I heard as best I could and next day looked it up under Chinese Mandarin and found words which I thought was the ones I heard and the translation was "Help me" that made me feel quite sad. One morning I woke up and went to the bathroom, came back to bed and I heard a Mans voice say "Well Hello there" it made me jump out of my skin as I was the only one at home and this was like someone was right next to me. Between sleep and waking is when we are most Psychic or so I have been told.