View Full Version : Your simple way to use tarot

14-07-2012, 08:22 PM
Hi all

I have my new tarot cards and love them, just wondering how you work with your tarot. What is the 'easy' method for working with them?


14-07-2012, 09:22 PM
It has been said that the best way to learn your cards is to place them under your pillow at night.

14-07-2012, 09:25 PM
It has been said that the best way to learn your cards is to place them under your pillow at night.

Oh? I put them in my left shoe under the bed.

15-07-2012, 12:05 AM
Tell the story of the spread reading one card into another and so on.
Each picture has a scene on it , so read the story:smile:

15-07-2012, 12:30 AM
I like to practice my cards by asking the question, "What will be interesting and revealing about my day?" as I shuffle the deck. Then I cut the deck and lay three cards out on the table.

It's fun to see what happens and look back at the cards I drew. It really helps to understand the court cards. Sometimes they represent people and it is fun to see who will show up that day!

Another fun thing is to do something called "stepping into the cards". Take one card that appeals to you (court card) and before going to sleep, read the meaning of the card, then meditate on the card and ask it to show itself to you. I have been transported on wonderful journeys that portray the personality of the card.

15-07-2012, 12:52 AM

I start when teaching someone how to use them to start with the main anarca, looking at the pictures and without looking the books meanings write down what YOU feel they might mean. Then look to see what the book says. In this one is starting that path of understandings via intuitions as a good reader combines I feel both. The known meanings of the cards but too the intuitions around those meanings that apply to the person or self getting the reading.

Do a daily card for yourself. Do not put too much meaning into what the message is more get used to what the cards mean. When doing readings for friends be honest one is new to it all, and start with a three card spread, Past, Present and Future. That is a good foundation setting spread to start with. Then move into maybe a 5 Card Spread.

There are some decks that have a "Meaning" printed right on them. Now these tend not to be the more traditional Tarot Cards but there are some nice message decks out there.


16-07-2012, 07:50 AM
It has been said that the best way to learn your cards is to place them under your pillow at night.

I have done that, I've slept with them for three nights but no strange dreams like someone said you can get on other forums.

16-07-2012, 07:54 AM
Don't forget that its nothing to do with the cards, there is nothing mystical about the cards, the answer is all within you.

16-07-2012, 07:59 AM
Thank you for your replies everyone x

16-07-2012, 11:01 AM
Polly the more you work with them the easier they will be. Spend time just shufflung them and pulling cards getting a feel for them without looking at the book and see what you see in them.

24-07-2012, 02:38 PM
hi Polly,
i sould go with angelwhispers advice, it is really a good one..the thing is to find a way to integrate the cards into your daily life. use them every day, you don't need to do spreads or anything, just play with them, look at them, see what comes up.. tarot are like a new baby.. it takes time to get to know your baby- and it is not the baby alone that is growing but you grow and develop along with it.. so it is with the tarot cards. if you pull yourself a daily card, one card each day.. as a message for this day. try and see what the cards " tell" you, you can also read the book if you like to have an extra meaning, and try to " find" this card in your daily doings and happenings.. it will give you a more realistic and life connected feel of the cards...
well just ideas...


24-07-2012, 04:53 PM
So far since I've been working with them they proved right for me :-)

Thank you everyone for your advice x

28-08-2012, 05:49 PM
I am new to tarot and have found that when I hold the pack I feel how they should be dealt. For example one time I felt they should take the shape of an arrow. Could anyone tell me if this is OK? It seems to work!

28-08-2012, 06:19 PM
I am new to tarot and have found that when I hold the pack I feel how they should be dealt. For example one time I felt they should take the shape of an arrow. Could anyone tell me if this is OK? It seems to work!


I feel there is no right or wrong I would say one is tapping into what one needs on the intuition level and getting the cards one needs.

There are "guide" books out there to show us layouts that have been designed by readers so that there is a consistancey for them to work from. So that when one goes to a reader they will understand what one is getting.

On the personal level of a reading I so feel it does not matter the lay of the land in the cards. One is connecting with that higer self for what one needs to see and hear.
