View Full Version : Healing

Spiritual Healer
12-07-2012, 12:01 PM
To forgive someone once on a mistake is greatness while doing the it again on same mistake is foolishness.
How much of you satisfy with this?

13-07-2012, 01:50 AM
Maybe I'm a fool then. I try to forgive no matter how many times I'm wronged. But it is myself I blame for putting myself in the same situation over and over again if it is hurtful.

13-07-2012, 02:02 AM
One either forgives or carries the insult, "injury" within them.
Forgiving is really more about you than the perpetrator , as I see it.
(letting go and moving on)

(Granted, it's often easier said, than done)

13-07-2012, 02:06 AM
I agree with the above posts. Forgiveness is grand, and it is yourself that you free, not your trespasser. I am still working on putting this principle into constant practice.

13-07-2012, 08:16 AM
I want to know, what happens when someone doesn't say sorry etc in forgiveness to you? Does it mean that they are sorry or they not sorry?

Best Regards & Blessings!

13-07-2012, 08:33 AM
You mean if someone has wronged you and is not asking for forgiveness? You can still forgive them within yourself I suppose...

13-07-2012, 06:57 PM
Yes, that's right.

13-07-2012, 09:09 PM
When jesus said to love your enemies.

He wasn't expecting us to send 'em love letters, but simply accept and move on. (as i see it, and possibly have some compassion for their ignorance)
Without reacting with hatred, that only consumes US.

I recall a Tibetian Lama discussing his imprisonment by the Chinese.
He said his greatest threat, was possibly losing compassion for his captors... as that could consume-weaken him, and destroy the love he needed to survive.

The strength of character required is pretty awesome.

Miss Hepburn
14-07-2012, 01:20 PM
I keep forgiving over and over - but as Rip Torn said in "Defending Your Life"...
"I wouldn't want to hang out with any of 'em..."

Then there is the Christian guy that caught his employee stealing from the
register..."I forgave him and then fired him."

That's what I'd do - I'm clear on this forgiving thing bec I've worked
on it for years til I did.

The source of forgiveness is never to have anything to forgive in the first place.
The result of my years of study.

(Understanding 'everything' ---the beginning, the middle and the end - the totality of reality ---
the Cosmic Dance of it All...needless to say and so elementary, never
ever, never take anything personally -
Be the Witness, the Observer.
When anything slips thru and you find your ego rising, bec that's all it ever is -
Check yourself - (My inner dialogue): "Why am I being effected by this?"...always checking yourself - never the other
person, ever...they are
NOT the issue...it's all you/ me..."Why am
I taking offense?....this person obviously is 'stuck, acting out, in pain, oblivious, or an anti-social...'
why would I let the likes of them upset me in ANY way?
Geeze, snap out of it - it's the ego trap!!!!")