View Full Version : An Introduction to Crystal Work

02-10-2010, 10:43 PM
Working with Crystals? Well to be honest half the objective is acheived because they work with you too.As soon as you come into contact with them.
The Most basic way a Crystal works with you is that it uplifts you simply because it is pleasing to the eye and in some cases to the touch, As with anything that is Aesthetically pleasing the upliftment comes along automatically It makes you feel Good, Which goes some way toward explaining in certain cases why Diamonds are a Girls best friend.

On a more scientific note. We find Quartz in Silicon Chips, Clocks watches, TV Remotes, Microwave Ovens and numerouse other things like LCD TVs Liquid Crystal Display Televisions. The Application of Quartz is so wide spread in our lives because it conducts small ammounts of Electricity very efficiently.

If we take a quick look at ourselves, Our Brains are firing with little micro electrical charges . In Fact on a Brain Scan you can see theses little neurons lighting up like a Lights on a Christmas tree. Similarly our central nervous system running all the way throught our bodies is connected by these channels through which biological micro electric currents run. Nerve impulses.

Examples of that electricity are those times When you get a shock of a shopping trolly or when your hair stands up after you pull a sweater over your head.

Clearly then, When your Energy Field comes into contact with a piece of Clear Quartz an interaction of energy takes place.

If you look into a piece of Clear Quartz, Look at the Mists and fractures and the Cracks and those lovely rainbow silvery windows. You will find quiet involuntarily that you are relaxing, Your Heart Beat slows and your breath deepens. If it's a good size piece you can get lost in it , totally emersed. And feel very relaxed.

Feeling the Energy of your Crystals;

Firstly they should ideally be clean, A run under the cold tap then allowed to dry naturally normally cleans them (not to be confused with cleansing )
And that's it. We are ready to begin experimenting with feeling the energy of the Crystal or Crystals.

The easiest way with tumbles (The most commonly initial purchased types of Crystal) is to put them on a flat surface. Table or floor . Take your left Hand, Open Palmed and facing the surface about 3 inches above the table or floor next to and not above your cleaned tumbles.(They don't have to be tumbles incidentally ).

Try to get a feel of the sensation in your down turned left Palm as it hovers above the surface, Ordinarily you won't feel very much. Though sensetives amongst you will feel the energy of the wood of the table or the floor.

Now move your Palm at the same height above the surface to directly above your Crystals or Tumbles. The difference should be significantly noticeable. Usually a Coldness of Energy is felt from the Crystals or Tumbles. Give it a go and see if you notice the difference.

Taking it a little Further, You can use this Method on individual Stones. I get the Most marked result from Clear Quartz Personally. For you, It might be a different Stone. Its worth experimenting in this way to see which Stone has the strongest energy for you , because normally the strongest energy Is from the Stone that will in one respect or another effect you beneficially.

Another effective way of feeling energy from Pointed Crystals is to clean one as previously described, Then moisten your lips and slowly bring the point toward your lips, at some point you will feel the energy from the tip of the Point on your lips. Once again a coldness is most commonly experienced.

The Energy from Crystals effects the area in their proximity, They are natural De Ionisers and neutralise free radicals in the immediate atmosphere, Because of this they do gather a lot of dust quickly.

This is very noticeable on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Monitors and TVs which are magnets for Dust in particular. A dusty Crystal, whether you notice it's thin layer of dust or not does impair the abilty of the crystal to put out it's energy, Which is why I recommend giving them a run under the tap before spending time with your Crystal.

As you know, Crystals in addition to being conductors are also transmitters and recievers, So making sure they are clean really augments the ability of the crystal . Old Radios , used to be called Crystal Sets.

Gridding is the expression used to describe a number of applications. The basic concept is to arrange Crystals in such a way that the energy from them effects a space in between them.

The simplest of grids that you will be able to feel an effect from is to simply place your left hand palm down on a flat surface and arrange your crystals so that they form a perimeter around your hand.The effects though subtle are usually quiet marked even to those not usually sensitive to energy.

Now a Grid for your Head. You will need three Quartz Points Arrange them so that when you lie within your Grid A Point is directed toward your Crown and the 0ther Two are pointing toward each Ear respectively. This creates quiet a powerful energy and in my experience is best kept to periods not exceeding 20 minutes.

This process as with the following bodily Gridding may be enhanced with the addition of soft relaxing Music, Subdued Lighting and your favourite essential oil or Incense.

Chakra Alignment Gridding is said to bring all your energy centres into Balance. You may already be familiar with the idea that each Chakra has a corresponding Colour. The idea is to rest a stone of the Chakras Colour on it's corresponding Chakra, Once again 20 Minutes is sufficient and also as you are lying there you can take advantage of the time spent to go on a meditation if desired.
The beauty of this grid is that your under performing Chakras will respond to it's Crystal and you will feel it as a pulling on the Chakra in question.

The Colours are, Violet or Clear for the Crown, Indigo for the third eye, Blue for the throat, Green or Pink for the Heart , Yellow for the Solar Plexus, Orange for the Sacral and Red for the Root.

It's good to make sure that your Chakra stones have a flattish surface on at least one side so that they don't roll off.

A Basic Chakra Set would include a Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Sodalite , Unakite, Citrine, Carnelian and a garnet.

Now for a turbo charging Grid, That's a real tonic.
All you need is Six natural Clear Quartz Points. These are to be positioned;
One facing each Shoulder, One facing each Hip One Pointing down to the Crown and One Pointing up to the Soles of the feet

It should be noted that this grid can be combined with the Chakra grid and if you have two extra quartz points , you can combine all three grids along with a meditation for 20 Minutes after which time you should be fairly buzzing with vibrancy vitality and feeling refreshed and rejuvinated.

For a profoundly Meditative experience I carry out the Head Grid above and Add a lapiz lazuli to my Brow Chakra. Crystal gridding is a method used by professional Crystal therapists.

It is widely known that Crystal's contain Earth Energy with the exception of those that have an Extra Terrestrial origin,(Meteorite's, Moldavite etc ) These also contain the Energy of their Origins. Often the way in which Crystal works with you is very much subliminal in it's nature, It communicates without languge directly to your Heart and mind.

Sometimes we as Humans wish to communicate with our Crystals in terms that we in our Consciouse mind can readily understand. We want, to speak to our Crystal. Or more precisely to communicate with the energy that resides within the crystal.

This energy is sometimes referred to as Crystal Spirits or Crystal beings.
Crystal Beings are Spirits of Nature that reside within Crystals , Minerals and Rocks.
They are are the consciousness of the crystals, the spirits .They are the individual spiritual, mental, and emotional aspects of each crystal or stone.

Crystal Beings are the energy of the crystals manifesting in a way that makes it possible for us to communicate and understand and what it is they are and how we can work to the fullest effect with them.

You may feel communication with them as straight forward energy, receive words or images, colours, music or a knowing. You may not consciously sense the Crystal being yet may still be interacting with them. Sudden insights are a very common result of inter action with a Crystal Spirit. Meditation with your Crystal is a method of awaking this meeting of energies and in some cases communication.

It is possible to feel the Crystal Energy as an embrace or hug of energy from within and outside the body, a physical sensation. Sometimes this can be a very profound experience however more commonly it is subtle and takes place without necessarily any conscious awareness of the exchange.

Going into meditation with individual crystals and with crystal Beings is a way of receiving energy and information pertaining to life and the crystals themselves. Crystal Energy often carries ancient records and wisdom . This Energy can really help with your healing and spiritual growth.

So with this in Mind here is a relatively simple meditation that I have used to contact the Crystal Being; Going into this meditation, you should ask that the Crystal Spirit takes on a form that you can easily communicate with, a Person, a Fairy, an Angel or an Animal, anything that you yourself can easily relate to.

Hold the Crystal that you wish to explore or alternatively (If you are lying down) Place the Crystal on it's corresponding Chakra and Imagine in your Mind's eye the entrance to a Cave Inside the Cave is the colour of the Crystal you are meditating upon,Imagine yourself stepping into the entrance of the Cave, As you enter the Cave take a mental note of how you feel and any impressions that you get.

Once inside the cave you notice a Path leading downwards that goes deeper into your Crystal coloured Cave, The Path leads down to an Door, On the Door is a Picture of the Crystal that you are meditating on.

Hewn out of the Cave wall to the side of the Door is a Seat for you to sit on, all you need do is walk toward the seat and sit upon it and wait for the door to open, Whilst you are sat upon your Crystal Seat take note of your surroundings and collect your impressions of this environment for recording afterwards.

Once the door opens you rise from your seat and walk through the door into a new environment, Take note of what lies beyond the door, It could be anything from a Library to a Meadow, A desert to an Icescape, Where do you find yourself, Is anyone else there. This is the time to explore because you are in the heart of your Crystal. Everything you experience beyond the door is an expression of the Crystals Spirit.

Spend as much time as you wish here, Ask questions of any Visitors you encounter.
Once you have dwelled as long as you wish to in the Crystal's inner sanctum, Thank your Crystal Spirit for allowing you to visit , Leave through the door and close the door behind you. make your way back up the Path and out through the Cave's entrance.

Be open to your inner messages, as you hold and gaze on the crystals and then afterwards throughout each moment of life because communication can occur at any time. You may meet Crystal Entities in your dreams or during waking normal routines .

Ask the Crystal energy what you wish to know, pay attention to all information and sensation that occur. When you have returned to normal consciousness you may want to ground yourself and you might wish to make notes to record your memories and impression while they are fresh.
As long as you continue to be open to messages from beneficial non physical beings you will be strengthening your ability to connect with energy and information from the Crystal Spirits

As with angels and Other Spirit guides You will probably at first wonder if the contact is only your imagination and doubt that it is real. Then you will begin to realize the quality and validity of the information. Then you may begin to sense the various Crystal Beings from each of your Crystals and with this awareness may become more real to you and you will come to trust in the communication and once you have developed a relationship of communication with your Crystal Spirits you will come to understand that you are never alone.

© Neville Surrell 2010

03-10-2010, 05:33 AM
Great post Neville :-)

05-10-2010, 08:20 AM
Thank you Neville ! Some very interesting info you have shared with us.

Dream Angel xx

08-05-2012, 07:58 PM
Wandering thru the crystal forums, I found this from Neville and thought we should revive it. Such interesting info and thought others who might have missed it, might like to read it.

Thanks again Neville ! :hug3:

Dream Angel xx

13-05-2012, 12:16 AM
Great post! I can't believe I missed it for so long. Thanks for reviving it!!:smile:

15-05-2012, 06:18 PM
Thanks Neville awesome read.

Going to try some of the grids and I Love the sound of the meditation.

Thank you

15-05-2012, 06:28 PM
I seem to have seen this post at exactly the right time - as I am starting to get interested in crystals and hopefully get some of my own. Thank you for the wonderful read Neville!

15-05-2012, 10:17 PM
This is wonderful! Thank you for reviving it. I had never seen it before. I'll practice using these techniques to get to know my crystals. I have a question tho. As I was reading about gridding, I was wondering, is it possible to create a circle with crystals and put a picture of someone inside the circle that you would like to send healing energy to? Sorry if this is a stupid question. It just popped into my head. Actually a certain person's picture popped into my head and I saw her picture in the center of a circle of crystals. I would like to send her healing. Is this possible?

19-05-2012, 12:17 PM
I only had time to read up to the Chakra grid, but will come back to this (I haven't got my first crystals yet, they're in the mail anyways) thanks so much for this cool informative post!

19-05-2012, 04:50 PM
I have a question for you, I have a bowl of little mixed crystal and stone pieces that I place my fingers in and it relieves headaches and anxiety. It's about 1 cup full. I have a piece of tigers eye and kyonite in there also. Does it matter is they are tiny pieces mixed together or can I take like pieces out and use them separately. I'm not even sure what kinds of stones are mixed in there.

Some are clear crystals.
some are milky white with black and green etchings
some are transparent purple, orange, pink and light green
others are solid brownish orange/ blood red / dark green and black.
Is there such a thing as color healing?

22-05-2012, 11:19 PM
This is great, i have crystals but i haven't done much work with them, but after reading this i know where to start. :) Thank you so much!