View Full Version : Would this be dangerous?

15-06-2012, 12:05 AM
I want to go to the woods near my house and try to interact with fairys. I was going to go to kroger or the dollar store and get some pretty little rocks and also bring bread and honey for them. I was thinking about drawing the elven star and leaving the rocks and bread there but my friend doesnt trust drawing the symbol because we dont know all the origins and wether or not it has different meanings in other beleifs that will bring upon evil.
He also said fairys are sometimes evil.
Feedback please?
Also this will ben during the night time

15-06-2012, 12:15 AM
It's all on the individual fairies, there is not some huge war of fairies between good and evil, there are good fairies as there are bad ones just like people in today's society. That's in every species to encounter as well. Feel free to do that and be prepared for any possibility but don't assume one or the other only.

15-06-2012, 01:22 AM
If you're not comfortable how about skipping the elven star and concentrate on having good energy around yourselves? Plus the bread and honey. Maybe if they trust you enough, they will pay attention.

15-06-2012, 01:54 AM
I got some colored pebbles and cookies. How will they know its for them if I dont draw the star?

15-06-2012, 03:39 AM
Its all about intention :) and if you want to, write a note. They may get back to you :D you never know till you try :P also, every creature should be treated like a stranger, treat your mind like you would your bedroom. How many strangers should be strolling into your bedroom..:D I mean, maybe a couple extra mini ones, but always follow your instincts. If you have a bad feeling, then no matter who it is, you should keep yourself safe and excuse yourself. It has saved my life countless times, and it will be there for you, once you know how to listen to it :) if you need any spicific help, you can pm me if you'd like :P

15-06-2012, 04:03 AM
I've only experienced fairies 2x personally.

However I strongly feel this is one instance where the thought
"you attract what you are, very likely applies"

Approach them with love in your heart and respect their needs, and you'll very likely succeed. But be patient...
You've nothing to fear whatsoever,IMO
but I expect you'll have to play their "game" in order to meet them, as you'll be entering their world-territory.

Meditating might be an excellent idea to quiet your mind and open your heart, and just trust your heart-instinct, where to go, in the forest...
Ask, and you'll likely be led.

Just had the thought, that a playful, improvised ceremony, might be useful....something a child or someone with a childlike attitude might do.

15-06-2012, 11:17 AM
I've only experienced fairies 2x personally.
[COLOR="Navy"]Just had the thought, that a playful, improvised ceremony, might be useful....something a child or someone with a childlike attitude might do.
Yeah,it could work :) Maybe I'll try one day

But I think the more important is that you attracted what you are/what you thought

Go out with a pure heart and intention and everything should be right,of course you can encounter a bad fairy but if your intentions are pure it's very unlikely.If you do just excuse yourself and protect yourself with white light,I think it will be okay,don't forget 'pure heart and intentions' :)

15-06-2012, 11:17 AM
I was thinking about wearing my fairy jewelry also so they can tell I believe. I was also considering wearing shiny jewelry to attract and make them notice me, but wouldnt want them to covet it or be mischievous and take them :P

15-06-2012, 08:39 PM
What's in your heart is quite obvious to them, I'm certain.

But anything that helps your frame of mind-attitude would be benificial as well I'd guess.
Just trust your intuition and don't take it too seriously.....

I suspect reports of "bad" fairies were from folks who didn't respect them and tried to barge into their world-home.
If someone barged into your "home" and trampled "mud" on the floor , most anyone would get miffed.....

Also I suspect these stories are from fantasy stories rather that real experiences.

BTW I've met a number of young women (when involved in photography) who I strongly suspect were fairies (or nature spirits) in past lives
(I seem to attract 'em for some reason)

Actually My ex was one (as my teacher informed me)

15-06-2012, 08:52 PM
11 Yrs ago I went to a spiritual workshop in Oregon.

Heard stories that fairies lived in certain parts of the ajoining forest, near our cabins, from folks who worked at the retreat center.

It rained quite a lot so I never really ventured far into the forest.

While resting in my cabin I thought of this , and 2 smallish, attractive fairies, appeared to me in my inner vision.
We didn't really communicate, as I recall, but I thought it was pretty cool they came to say hi.

A couple times, few years ago, I saw what seemed like gnomes or some tiny male forest being at the local park. Quite playful-teasing.
One perched on my cap and playfully looked down at me while walking around the lake, to make me giggle.

This marvellous book describes many interactions with nature spirits & fairies by a woman who was moved to create
a home in the forest and was advised by them regarding her gardening experiments and other matters.
Read it long ago....quite inspiring-informative


16-06-2012, 12:01 AM
:) on the account of seeing them, I was at a college the other day at a meeting, and one physically appeared flying near my shoulder :) radiating bright light. One person saw it, but the fairy hid behind my hair after that so no problems :D

16-06-2012, 12:50 AM
I want to go to the woods near my house and try to interact with fairys. I was going to go to kroger or the dollar store and get some pretty little rocks and also bring bread and honey for them. I was thinking about drawing the elven star and leaving the rocks and bread there but my friend doesnt trust drawing the symbol because we dont know all the origins and wether or not it has different meanings in other beleifs that will bring upon evil.
He also said fairys are sometimes evil.
Feedback please?
Also this will ben during the night time

http://img12.dreamies.de/img/919/b/ouznreotkvs.jpg (http://www.dreamies.de)
dreamies.de (http://www.dreamies.de)

Then please check this following Video out!! :hug:

The Strange Show : Series 01 - Episode 04 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkfzEeTcex0)
"This week's show is all about fairies, not the Tinker Bell tutu wearing type, but the dangerous bigger Scottish sort. Presenter Mark O'Dowd also reports on the story of Robert Kirk, a minister who was spirited away by fairies.

Series presented by Margaret Bennett and Mark O'Dowd featuring the bizarre, unknown, pagan and Scots folk law."

http://img1.dreamies.de/img/402/b/di1c2ct4qc9.gif (http://www.dreamies.de)
dreamies.de (http://www.dreamies.de)

16-06-2012, 01:17 AM
I want to go to the woods near my house and try to interact with fairys. I was going to go to kroger or the dollar store and get some pretty little rocks and also bring bread and honey for them. I was thinking about drawing the elven star and leaving the rocks and bread there but my friend doesnt trust drawing the symbol because we dont know all the origins and wether or not it has different meanings in other beleifs that will bring upon evil.
He also said fairys are sometimes evil.
Feedback please?
Also this will ben during the night time

As with all Beings- especially humans- there are going to be those with bad intentions, and the good hearted ones who -while cautious of us humans- are more inclined to be open-hearted. In my experience, I've met only pure-hearted faery with an honesty and gentleness that would put a human to shame.
Do not be afraid- you don't have to interact with them during the totally dark night either- They often visit areas around dusk or early morning. An elven star , I don't believe, is the same thing as other star symbols you see-- like the Star of David or even the Pentagram. It's it's own star symbol in itself and I'm not aware of it having any questionable background- but it's probably not even necessary to use it anyway.

I just talk out loud to the Faery when outside alone at night- and have experienced their responses to me in return. The other night I had to place something outside that had some ants on it- I stopped to listen to the frogs outside and enjoy the fireflies all over the backyard while greeting the Faery and telling them how much I love them-- and that my home is always their home too. I told them that even though I couldnt see them, I knew they were there and I was happy for that. While saying that-- suddenly a white light- much larger than a firefly- maybe about the size of a golf ball zoomed right through the back yard directly in front of me then disappeared. It really touches my heart and confirmed to me that they hear me out there :-)
So all you have to do is talk to them sincerely - I've been told by a friend who has alot of interaction with the Faery that the Faery told him once that they have to follow a "chain of command" and are not often permitted to materialize or show themselves to the humankind at whim- Usually they need permission by their leaders over them for this. Unless you get some mischievious ones that can't resist. Some may be seen by us without their realizing we can temporarily see them also- and when you read testimonies of those kinds of sightings, you will notice that the Faery or Elven Being is not necessarily comfortable in being seen by a human when they didnt plan on being seen.

Just don't be offended in them if they don't suddenly appear when you try to interact with them. Be aware that if any faery are in the vicinity, you're going out of your way to connect with them has gotten thier attention!

19-06-2012, 09:42 PM
thanks you guys! i went the other day and left the stones, cookies, and a note that said "to all Fae with good intentions and pure hearts, you have a friend in me" i left the note at the base of a tree along with stones and cookies and put the rest in what looked like a dried up creek. i had two purple ribbons that i used to tie the bags together and tied those in a bow on a branch. i figured theyd like the decoration, but told them if they didnt i wouldnt do it anymore. i spoke out loud to them and said we were just coming to give them a gift and leave, that i believe in them, and that no one with bad intentions are welcome.
i got a couple bug bites and ticks, but im wanting to go back there and maybe plant some daisies or leave more food.
i also made sure everything i brought was colorful. the cookies had little m&ms in them, the note was colorful, and the stones were different shades of blue, clear, and green, with some brown that looked really pretty in the sunlight.

20-06-2012, 06:33 AM
also today i was meditating in my backyard. my body was feeling locked into place, in a way where youre laying in bed and feel so comfy you cant move. i told the Fae now is a good time to come up to look at and observe me, since i was in a tranquil and un-moving state. i also told them i was about to open my eyes, so they wouldnt be startled. as i walked to my back door, i noticed a tan frog blending it with the walkway. it made me jump because i barely saw it, but right when i saw it i thought "maybe this is their way of telling me theyre around, they just blend in and you have to look for them" then i saw another frog that was dark colored and my immediate thought was "there sure are alot of you, arent there?" the whole experience made me feel very happy and lighthearted.
also something cool but irrelevant; while i was meditating my palm kept itching. i always believe money is about to come my way whenever this happens. surely enough, afterward my brother's friend who he cuts yards with for money said hes going out of town for a while, which leaves a perfect opportunity for me to take his place and make some extra money (:

22-06-2012, 06:20 AM
For many people, just before dropping off to sleep, is when they see things with eyes closed. When they're still aware but not trying.

Sometimes meditation occupies our mind-efforts in such a way that it's challenging for spirit(s) to contact us.....as many say that's not when their guides contact them... but it's good practice for stilling the mind when we need to.

(You're actually trying to match a fairy's vibration .... to more easily enable contact... as I see it...) Yet there's really nothing stopping them from coming to you, if your intent in sincere, like just before sleep. Magic know no limits.

Your gift-ceremony sounded delightful-sweet.. and I really hope you find what you're after.........
The saying, "you can't push the river" applies to many spiritual endeavors...(patience)
and often we get answers when we least expect-seek them.

22-06-2012, 06:33 AM
Perhaps someone know more about mythology, but 2 frogs sounded like a good encouraging sign.

Like representatives of the nature kingdom.
And you can certainly talk to them as well.

Nuther thought
Talk-listen with your heart, rather than your mind.
The heart is always connected to all life.

24-06-2012, 06:44 PM
Yes, the frogs are definitely a good sign! Whenever I talk to the Faery out loud outside- I often will immediately be visited by a dragonfly or butterfly zoom right by me. Even a rabbit once too , hopped right by me and stood watching me. When I shut my eyes so as not to scare him, in my mind's eye, I suddenly saw a vibrant green outline of an Elven Being- about 2-3 feet tall with ears that extended out like Yoda. I felt alot of love coming from this Being also-

This is always something I look for because I am a Christian also so I ask God to help me discern whom I might see-- wether they are attuned to Him, or not.

Yes, animals- including certain insects that the Faery may want to express themselves through- are often suddenly right around you when you are talking to the Faery outside. This usually when you least expect it too.

24-06-2012, 07:04 PM
Yes, the frogs are definitely a good sign! Whenever I talk to the Faery out loud outside- I often will immediately be visited by a dragonfly or butterfly zoom right by me. Even a rabbit once too , hopped right by me and stood watching me. When I shut my eyes so as not to scare him, in my mind's eye, I suddenly saw a vibrant green outline of an Elven Being- about 2-3 feet tall with ears that extended out like Yoda. I felt alot of love coming from this Being also-


That's a great story.
Astral beings manifesting as animals is very common in Indian lore, and we should remain open to this.

I've always been big on ET experiences, but many lifeforms we can learn from are far nearer, and I'm glad to have looked more into this,

24-06-2012, 07:28 PM
That's a great story.
Astral beings manifesting as animals is very common in Indian lore, and we should remain open to this.

I've always been big on ET experiences, but many lifeforms we can learn from are far nearer, and I'm glad to have looked more into this,

I t's always good to keep an open mind and think outside of the box. I've learned so much this way- and believe that God wants us to have that kind of attitude- not to follow the dogma of the "crowds" because that is limiting the Holy Spirit. There is so much we can learn from the Native American people- sooooooooooo much on many levels!!

I never believed in these things until after talking to some Native American women before this- then asking God to allow me to see what they saw. Even with me He unexpectedly answered that prayer in a way which led me outside of my own spiritual box and expectations. He seems to answer my prayers in ways that always blow my mind and lead me into some adventure!

24-06-2012, 10:06 PM
I agree, the frogs are a great sign!!! My husband was working in the garage today and a dragonfly kept flying next to him so he couldn't get his work done. He gently scooted them out the door with a piece of paper only to have the dragonfly fly back towards him again and again. I finally asked my daughter if her fairy friends were involved and she said yes. They were steering the dragonfly and having a great time while at it. :icon_eek: :D

25-06-2012, 12:17 AM
Pretty cute story.

I alway regarded fairies as some sort of new agey airy fantasy, along with crystals & Trekkie mythology.
Something Lord of the Ring fans dreamed up while smoking dope in the woods. :wink:

Shows ya that we all have lots we don't know about life.

Only after I saw one did I truly get curious, and now I'd almost rather meet a water Nymph than another ET.

25-06-2012, 01:48 AM
I agree, the frogs are a great sign!!! My husband was working in the garage today and a dragonfly kept flying next to him so he couldn't get his work done. He gently scooted them out the door with a piece of paper only to have the dragonfly fly back towards him again and again. I finally asked my daughter if her fairy friends were involved and she said yes. They were steering the dragonfly and having a great time while at it. :icon_eek: :D

Wow! that does not suprise me in the least! Today I saw a beautiful orangy butterfly flutter throughout the Faery Garden- then right up the hill toward me -- past me then accidentally hit the aluminum siding on the house. I can just visualize a faery steering that insect-- and having such fun that he/she got carried away a little..lol! I've also had a visitation of a dragonfly last Summer after my father told me to dig up the Lemon Balm in my mother's vegetable garden. He has no tolerance for things like mint that he claims "takes over" . I took a shovel towards the lemon balm, intending only to take the excess and transplant it anyway ( even though my father would want it ALL removed) when a large dragonfly zoomed right up to me near the shovel and hovered there in mid=air. I felt as though I was being watched as the Faery did not want that lemonbalm totally removed. I told the faery who may have been on that dragonfly not to worry- I had no intentions of destroying it- and that I would allow the main part of the lemonbalm to remain while transplanting the smaller sections. With that, the dragonfly flew away-

The lemonbalm that I did transplant from that is doing nicely to this day- in fact, I have some in the Faerie's garden now too :-) It never took over, but comes up every year nice and healthy ;-)

Ps. Henri, I hear ya!--

Have you posted about your Encounter before? I would love to read it! :-)

25-06-2012, 02:14 AM
For many people, just before dropping off to sleep, is when they see things with eyes closed. When they're still aware but not trying.

Sometimes meditation occupies our mind-efforts in such a way that it's challenging for spirit(s) to contact us.....as many say that's not when their guides contact them... but it's good practice for stilling the mind when we need to.

(You're actually trying to match a fairy's vibration .... to more easily enable contact... as I see it...) Yet there's really nothing stopping them from coming to you, if your intent in sincere, like just before sleep. Magic know no limits.

Your gift-ceremony sounded delightful-sweet.. and I really hope you find what you're after.........
The saying, "you can't push the river" applies to many spiritual endeavors...(patience)
and often we get answers when we least expect-seek them.
I definitely see where youre coming from about meditation. sometimes I wonder if im focusing too much on the outcome. But then again I think; isnt it also effective to make my intention known, then meditate on it and wait for a sign wether its in a meditative state or not?

Im really interested in matching a fairy's vibration. what is it and how do I go about doing it?

Aww, I love that quote

25-06-2012, 02:19 AM
I t's always good to keep an open mind and think outside of the box. I've learned so much this way- and believe that God wants us to have that kind of attitude- not to follow the dogma of the "crowds" because that is limiting the Holy Spirit. There is so much we can learn from the Native American people- sooooooooooo much on many levels!!

I never believed in these things until after talking to some Native American women before this- then asking God to allow me to see what they saw. Even with me He unexpectedly answered that prayer in a way which led me outside of my own spiritual box and expectations. He seems to answer my prayers in ways that always blow my mind and lead me into some adventure! ever since i was little ive always been interested in Native Americans and their character. i'd love to be more in tuned with that as you've been.

25-06-2012, 02:20 AM
Wow! that does not suprise me in the least! Today I saw a beautiful orangy butterfly flutter throughout the Faery Garden- then right up the hill toward me -- past me then accidentally hit the aluminum siding on the house. I can just visualize a faery steering that insect-- and having such fun that he/she got carried away a little..lol! I've also had a visitation of a dragonfly last Summer after my father told me to dig up the Lemon Balm in my mother's vegetable garden. He has no tolerance for things like mint that he claims "takes over" . I took a shovel towards the lemon balm, intending only to take the excess and transplant it anyway ( even though my father would want it ALL removed) when a large dragonfly zoomed right up to me near the shovel and hovered there in mid=air. I felt as though I was being watched as the Faery did not want that lemonbalm totally removed. I told the faery who may have been on that dragonfly not to worry- I had no intentions of destroying it- and that I would allow the main part of the lemonbalm to remain while transplanting the smaller sections. With that, the dragonfly flew away-

The lemonbalm that I did transplant from that is doing nicely to this day- in fact, I have some in the Faerie's garden now too :-) It never took over, but comes up every year nice and healthy ;-)

Ps. Henri, I hear ya!--

Have you posted about your Encounter before? I would love to read it! :-)haha love this story!

25-06-2012, 02:37 AM
so happy to hear you guys agree about the two frogs! Cant wait to experience more as i go along.

25-06-2012, 09:40 PM
Can't say I thought it was hogwash, but I never gave it any thought. like crystals.
To me crystals suggested silicon based life, and I was a bit leery of venturing there.

12 yrs ago... I was attending a workshop in Oregon, and folks mentioned
that fairies lived in certain places in the forest.
Resting in my cabin, that thought crossed my mind, and 2 small fairies appeared to me.

Since then, I'd worked with many young women , as a photographer, that I intuited were fairies, or nature spirits in past lives.

Very creative, intuitive, sensitive gals. Nearly all with wings or fairy tatoos.
And I seem to attract them as collaborators for some reason.

My teacher told me , that my ex was a fairy in past life....

I always really loved nature but rarely spent much time in nature, except on vacations. And typically sought out mountains or secluded ocean spots.

Anyway it's a fun thread.... as we all could learn from nature

25-06-2012, 09:46 PM
Actually Drunvalo, whose workshop I attended, recently discussed having a telempathic

conversation with a large frog, he encountered during an outside break.

Demonstrating to students how simple it was. Using imagery, I assume.