View Full Version : lightworker and her body

31-05-2012, 12:16 PM
Ok.. before I start I totally admit to pouting and having childish feet stamping moments... I'm hoping I will move through this part into a place of acceptance, and that this thread will help me get there.

As I rule I forget that I have a physical vehicle... it just isn't important to me. Yes I want it to look nice but I am not bothered enough to make that much of an effort.

I do my best to eat well and if I am overweight it will only be by a few lbs, nothing more.

I do a sedentary job, spending hours sat at a desk and I don't have time to go to the gym.

Anyway, onto my question...... I have found I have a bad back. I have been told by an osteopath that I have a hollow back, when I stand I bend my back too far the wrong way. My stomach muscles are non-existant and I need to build them up to start supporting my back muscles and tilt my pelvis the right way and stop the pain.

I have started trying to work my stomach muscles more by clenching them when I walk and when I sit at my desk but I find that I am breathing really shallow, which goes against everything I have been taught about how to breath properly.

I don't understand why my body needs tension in any place, I've always learned that I need to be as relaxed as possible. This just doesn't make any sense to me.

I feel utterly hampered by this body, this body that is now hurting!!!

I don't understand my body at all!!!! And that is bothering me as much as the back pain :icon_frown:

Can anyone help here? Is there anyone who also feels no connection to their body? If so, how do you keep fit?

02-06-2012, 04:02 PM
Sungirl, do you walk? I walk walk walk walk walk as much as I can.

Something simple I find great for the tummy is to carry a small load when you go upstairs, using your stomach muscles?

I know what you mean about clenching the tummy and breathing shallow. I would say relax a little the tummy and perhaps clench a bit more in the pelvic region and full deep breaths. Very very hard - you need to concentrate so may be try once an hour for a minute or two, and then when you start to ache to try to sit a little bit straighter.

As for the feeling dislocated from your body - it's very normal I think for those who get limited chance to exercise. If you know yoga I would suggest a couple of slow rounds of sun salute each morning. That's five mins. If you don't then a couple of squats, a couple of lunges and as long as you can in plank and half pushups (that is - same as push ups but resting on your knees rather than your feet). Plank is super-good for your tummy.

Yoga I find also really good for my tummy, the balancing in different postures and moving slightly around in postures shifting the centre of balance (try doing tree posture whilst cleaning teeth or washing up - it's quite cool)

What does your osteo suggest ?? Good luck

11-08-2012, 10:53 AM
I second that walking is good, I do a lot of it myself and find that it really helps clear my mind, especially if I walk in the bush somewhere. For myself, it's important (spiritually) to be well grounded in my body, as it is an essential part of the whole, and if I were to deny it, I would be denying part of myself. So, you may want to look into a form of exercise that will train your whole self - Mind, body, and spirit. You could look into things like Yoga, Qigong, and Martial Arts to help develop your whole being.


Best of luck.

immortal coil
12-08-2012, 07:03 PM
Yoga, and....


13-08-2012, 10:23 AM
We can give you what we do and know is good for us and others... why not ask within what is best for you? There you may find much more then we could give you. :) walking is great, yoga and small workouts are great as well. It is up to your body though, on what is needed and what is not.

17-08-2012, 12:49 PM
I have actually dragged my cross trainer out of the shed having never been used and I have started doing 20 mins at least 3 times a week. I am also trying to go for a walk most lunch times.

Immortal.. I do have a swiss ball in the attic and I might see if I can find it next time I am up there. I am also trying to do the sun salutation every morning after doing a few tummy exercises. It's gonna be a long process and I feel so bad after being on the cross trainer, but I'm hoping I will keep seeing progress.

Oh and I got some NMT and got my back fixed so it's not hurting any more.

Thanks all

01-09-2012, 12:20 PM
Hollow back ? I've only heard and read about this in reference to 'wood wives' in northern European folklore.
