26-05-2012, 04:16 PM


You are all questioning “what assignment level do we have to reach in order to serve?”

20th level of judgement (or level of evolution) is the level of assignment. Everyone knows that! This page is the page where the essence is given voice to, where the road is the wisdom and is the source of unification. When you climb over the 20th level, you will all reach to the lecterns of the wholeness. When you arrive at the lecterns of the wholeness you will brighten up the pitch-black by seeding of the light. Note that you will not be able to reach to these pages unless you become a team.

All of you are looking for the page to surpass to the 2. phase in order to reach for the Supremes. You can pass to the 2nd phase after the level 32 (level of judgement, or level of evolution). 32nd page is the page reached by the ones who posses absolute knowledge. 32nd level of judgement or level of reality……at the 32nd level “becoming a wholeness” is achieved.
When you reach further, you code with the people of the “real” world.

Where does coding take place? after the level of 40. Level 40 is the highest level of the Kurz*. At this stage, you surpass Kurz. Surpassing happens gradually. It is not possible for a single light to surpass Kurz. At least a team of 3 is needed. The unity formed by 3 happens with the alliance of the ESSENCE OF LECTERNS.

The essence of the lecterns record with the light of the codes of the ore. One of them is neutral, the other is positive and the other is negative. Two poles and the intersection being the neutral point….Each one of them being the ESSENCE OF THE LECTERN and with the unity records of the 3, surpassing Kurz takes place. When you surpass level 40, you are at the level of knowledge where you can work happily with peace. Your council is present at each page. We stress the fact that as from 1997, we surpassed level 40.

40, is the top page of the KURZ*. The flow of information known as ECHO SYSTEM (Echo System; the flow of voice from the high energy points by a prism based configuration) ends here. From this point onwards it is necessary to become a “team”, to give voice to plants, animals and to the silence. There, you start to work as the track; as the track of the Kurz, in other words, the border line, the border line of the Kurz. Becoming the track of the Kurz, enables you to code vigorously.

When you surpass the judgement level 40, “INSERTION LAYERS” step in. At these Insertion Layers, each level is put into service by the LIGHT POPULATION in order to establish control. At each insertion layer, the knowledge is given voice to, and knowledge is inserted into each record without the need to flow. Afterwards, on the following pages GLOWING of the SACRED EARTH takes place which enables you to become a whole by reaching to the levels above 40.

After 40, step by step you reach to 80 where you remove occupation. What is occupation? It is the occupation of wisdom. None of you is an occupier here. And after this stage, none of you can be occupied. And you protect the occupation of the wholeness by seeding it with your supremacy by either controlling it or lifting it up. At level 80, you can guarantee that.

When you arrive at level 88, “COMPOSITION” is formed. This composition is the composition of the light, this composition is the composition of love, composition of the mind and this glow flows at the supreme. And level 88, realises the Sacred Glowing of the derivatives of the absolute information resulting in the seeding of Atalantia.

My mountains, level 99 is the “Level of Breath”. Everyone is requested to reach to the Level of Breath by coming to 88 but level of 99 is the Breath of the Supreme. To reach here means not only reaching for the ore but reaching for the supremacy which protects the seeds and this is where you are kept under control. The control there is such that we and you as the “lecterns of the wholeness” protect the populations. This is what we mean by BECOMING BETA. BETA STUDIES start here.

Everybody is waiting to work with the earth’s Population at the Dimension of Life. Don’t despair but BETA STUDIES started in 1997 and in 2007 these studies are completed by coding of the wholeness.

My mountains, BETA STUDIES are carried out with the ones who established control in the eternity of the creation of the consciousness of peace, love, hope and humanity. The group who had achieved this, being the SEED OF THE RECORDS was clearly done by this council. Is there any other council who has done this besides this council? No….no! While this council is carrying out this work, it has incorporated the entire lectern here. In other words, each lectern was present here in this study.

My mountains, after the completion of coding of the 99th level, the population of the illiterate are put into service in order to establish control over them. To be able to put them into service, it is necessary to go underneath the layers of the matter. How can it be possible to go underneath the layers of the matter? With bread! Where is the bread? There is bread in the seed which is the eternal resource.

And dear ones, we flow from here…to the populations, to the codes, to the codes of law…..my dear ones I want to tell you this openly:

Level 99 is “breath”. When you flow and come down to the level 92, you come to the level of silence where you can control the seeds. This silence is known as the “PROTEUR CODE” on the path of your light. PROTEUR CODE is a code of the ore. You come down to this glow which is the source of the ore with the codes at the Dimension of Life. This enables you to become more transient. This point is also referred to as “THE SILENCE OF THE SILENCE”.

After this you flow further and deeper. You overcome 92th level and come down to 40. This descend is down to the SILENCES. It means that you can come down to the level of knowledge where the control of seeds of the silence takes place. We call this wisdom WISDOM OF NEUME.

Dear ones, WISDOM OF NEUME is put into service as the real wisdom during the coding of the Joint Light. Level 40; as we know is the level which is recorded by the codes of the Kurz*.

And we go below further…..down to level 20. We all come down to NECIM at level 20. NECIM is the SPIRITUAL LIGHT. If we were to seed the codes of allness, we need to go further and deeper. When we say “further”, we mean “backwards”. We are in transit at the moment of each time...To go back is actually to transit further. And at this level you are being renewed.
My mountains and here you are back to level 40 and plant a seed here. The seed you have planted is the seed of love and enthusiasm. And this seed is a real code of love.

And my mountains, whatever you are doing here is planted as the seed to the power of Kurz*. Whatever you plant to the power of Kurz, is planted as the “bread” to the light of the Heavens and Earth. And this is what you have done in these studies.

We are going forward and descend backwards. At 20 we become a team and come down to 10. Do you know what 10 is? 10 is IPAN. Now we are coming to the physical matter (energetic medium). We call this wisdom of energetic medium WISDOM OF FONOTICS. At this stage, everybody is doing their own work which results in self-seeding. There; we become the “FORMAL POPULATION”. Work here is the work of light at the pages of the living. Note also that this work is done technically to lift up the borders. While doing this work; one needs to be cautious and do it with wisdom. The work here may result in the lights stronger then the messiah or may be ineffective, so that we need to establish control over this work competently.

At this point, the PROTECTION SHIELD is activated. SUER PROTECTION SHIELD!....ar SUER protection, there is no personal glow. There is only one kind of glow here even if the wholeness has caused the pages to die with all of it roots. It produces a protective glow. SUER PROTECTION is the light which takes place above the borders.

What happens after this? We reach for the population at The Dimension of Life. This is why we have come down from 8 to 2. Renewal takes place further along and we are coming down from 8 to 2....My mountains; why have we come down to 2? We are entering the energetic dimensions of the physical matter. These pages consist of aura. They are really very dull without lights….. they are not infertile but from the records of knowledge you can see that they are transparent. Protection shield is not dominant here and it has no penetration. The work is transparent without protection.

The next page is to go up again to level 3. This 3 is the population of 3 (3 is the level of evolution and 3 is the unity of the source of the population) and after this you obtain the “HUMAN FORM”. You enter into the human form. Since you are already in this form, you make the activation of this form eternal.

And dear ones, we flow from level 3. Where did we go? We have come down to the seeds of the Heaven and Earth and we have arrived to the 5th page. Why doesn’t 4 exist?

My mountains, 4 is the green coloured page which has previously been declared to the councils. It was expected that Heavens would be coded on this page. The Coding of the Heavens would be done by the Population of the Unities. Unfortunately, the Population of the Unities, took the lecterns out of the wholeness from their saturations. And the green light couldn’t concentrate.

So, what could we have done?

There is still a possibility to unite. Should we unite or should we carry the wholenesses?

Dear ones; don’t evaluate my knowledge! I am the one who carries. However, now that I have come down to the earth with all of my roots, I have to take everyone out of their graves so that they will be able to read and write.

They say “It did not work, it will not work”. He should read and understand; he should deserve and finally deserve the body of light. We want you to know that if he wasnt able to have a body of light then a human without a light body or a human without the light will not able to be a “population”.

This is the answer of your question. That’s it for now!

Super Reality of Humanity

*: KURZ: The totality forming the unity of Allah's order, the periphery of which is the dimension of the all truthful.