View Full Version : I've hit a dead end in my path, help would be greatly appreciated

21-05-2012, 06:11 PM
I've been into spirituality since I was thirteen, and I'm going onto 17 years old, I've focused on occult, spirituality, and enlightenment, believing that enlightenment is the key to finding your true self, and mastering witchcraft. But here's the thing, I can do outside witchcraft really well, as in I can use witchcraft to bend events outside of me, but I just cant progress, on the inside. I've worked on chakra development a lot, mainly third eye, but I seemed to never gain any progress, I cant in the slightest focus into and "feel" the other worlds, I can "feel" energy like you wouldn't imagine though. In general I seem to be able to perform witchcraft extremely, extremely well, it seems like a natural gift, but I just can't progress on the inside, I work on chakras and it does nothing, I wish my third eye would just be active already. One thing that may be an obstacle is that while all my witchcraft works every time, so I know for sure it's real, I've had no spiritual visions, revelations, or basically I've had no spiritual motivation, no spiritual thing that has moved me to practice this vigorously. Also I've changed my religion many times on my path, from christianity to satanism to wiccan to pagan to celtic, I've been all over the place, and I'm tired of it, I just want internal spirituality, not external through my natural talent for witchcraft. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, I have talked to a few members, only on yahoo answers, and they all tick me off, but one thing I think I'm missing is I have no pagan friends or any friends that share my belief or support my path.

21-05-2012, 08:24 PM
Can you clarify what you mean by the "inside" of yourself? I'm not sure I understand exactly what you feel like you're missing. What are you expecting to gain "inside" of yourself by doing chakra work? What experiences do you think you're supposed to be having?

Honestly, I think right there is part of the problem: thinking you are "supposed to" be having some particular kind of experience. You'll inevitably get told by all sorts of people that you're "supposed to" have this, that, and the other thing, but you know what? This is YOUR path. YOUR experiences. Play to your strengths and forget about what is "supposed to" happen.

22-05-2012, 07:53 AM
Deathscallingyou - what is supposed to happen will happen in it's own good time, not to your timetable. Relax and enjoy the journey :smile:

11-07-2012, 11:33 AM
okay first of all forget the religion. where your tring to go and do, has nothing to do with who you pray to. I went through the same thing not that long ago. It's turns out I was tring to hard and was blocking it. I joined a meditation and psychic group and they helped me to unblock it and it's the best thing I ever did.

12-07-2012, 02:01 AM
This stuff takes time. I know 4 years+ seems like along time.

I would suggest some meditation. This will allow your internal stuff to surface and allow you to perceive it. When that happens, you will have a better idea how to address them.

12-07-2012, 03:13 AM
Yahoo Answers. I have been there before. The place is overflowing with Trolls, "Atheists", and devout Christians that live by the book and threaten you with Hell. It's the internet's version of the Medieval era.

It's good that you've been looking around for other beliefs. And it's also good that you've decided to look within. Do not condemn your natural talent for witchcraft, rather learn to channel the energy properly (we have witches in this forum).
But just like any art, whether or not you can physically manifest its promises, you should learn the philosophy behind it. For example: Martial Arts. If you know all the moves but not the principle, all you are is a deadly weapon. Same thing goes with Magick and everything else.

I see you've got 1 post.
Welcome to Spiritual Forums. :) You're gonna love it here (you just made it past the dead end).

04-08-2012, 12:16 PM
Just relax, learn the meaning's and the principles just keep practicing and studying and everything will happen in time. I had the same problem (not still completely past it) changed from a christian to wicca when i was 13 but than at 14 i came across Paganism and found it suited more what i was about and im not 15 going on 16 in a month and personally i have not had that many experiances or visions but i've had some and i have seen ghosts and it all just happens at it's own pace.

Like i said before just relax and let it happen when it happens - you cant rush it and theres no set time period for anything to happen.

04-08-2012, 01:25 PM
Time to switch to following the Divine mother Meera.
Answer 1&2 from Amazon.
In pure light and truth.

21-08-2012, 02:01 PM
Years ago I was told an old proverb that makes a lot of sense to me

"even the sharpest knife in the box can't sharpen itself"

Sometimes we have to look to others to help us on our path. For me this has been in the form of getting regular energy healings (in my case crystal healing) and joining a meditation group that is led by one person. Both of these brought about the greatest change.

Also, what others have said is very true. These things take time, lots of time. This is your life's work. I have been on my path over 10 years and I still feel I have SO much still to learn, heal and change. 4 years is a drop in the ocean, particularly if you have been switching faiths. There is nothing wrong with swapping around but until you have a strong grounding in what you believe fundamentally you can't build on it.

I know it's frustrating but you have to forget about the destination and enjoy the journey. It sounds trite and is not what you want to hear but the journey is what it is ALL about as that is where we gain the experience needed to recognise we are getting closer to the destination.