View Full Version : Two desperate ghosts

19-05-2012, 07:29 AM
I was recently ask in another forum, to tell about what happened when I had come under attack by a couple of murder victims looking for help. But since that other forum wasn't really the appropriate place to tell this story, I decided to tell it here in this forum. It is a rather long story when told at its full length, so I may not be able to get it all in one post.

This incident took place not long after I had gotten involved with helping lost souls cross over into the Light. And at that time, my psychic abilities had been somewhat dormant for the better part of my life. But I think a lot of that had to do with growing up in a Baptist home where this kind of stuff was considered "evil". So I'd never really developed what abilities I'd actually had all along and just never realized I actually had them. And it was because of my lack of truly understanding what was happening at the time, that helped to create a situation that just kept escalating into something most people would consider a frightening experience. Many years prior to this, I'd actually learned how to grow stronger then the man who used to abuse me to earned my freedom. So that's why I can't really claim this incident frightened me. But it sure did annoy the heck out of me though, LOL.

Back when I first got into soul rescuing, I kind of took to it like a fish takes to water. I just loved doing it so much, that I'd set the intent out there, that I'd help anyone who came to me. But, since my psychic abilities were still rather lacking in certain areas, I wasn't always able to figure out everything that was going on around me in the spirit world.

For about two months, I kept hearing this tapping noise, that would become increasingly annoying to me. It was soft for the first two weeks or so, and when I finally figured out where the tapping was coming from, I just didn't understand why it was happening. It was actually coming from the metal handle of the smaller wooden box in this picture, right where the tiny gap between the two boxes is.


But since I wasn't picking up any other kind of vibs as to why it was happening, I just kind of figured that it was the spirit of the first person whom I'd helped cross over, since that particular box held all the "scrap book" pictures and articles I'd collected over the years on that particular person. This man and I had actually shared a couple past lives together, and were supposed to meet back up in this lifetime as well, but he died before that could actually happen. So I thought it was just his way of letting me know he was around, even though the tapping got to the point to being very annoying and I kept asking him to please stop it.

As time went by, the tapping would actually get worse. It sounded like some rapid fire Morse code that just kept getting louder and louder. It was driving me nuts and I'd start yelling at who ever was doing it to stop. It would for a bit, but a few minutes later, it would go into another round of rapid fire tapping. Then one day, I took a piece of junk mail and shoved it between the two boxes, hoping that it would stop all that tapping. But it didn't! Only thing it did was make it a bit quieter. And while that helped, it was still quite annoying.

Now, about this same time, my cat had been acting rather strange. Sometimes he would stare up at the ceiling and "talk" to something in a strange deep meow that I'd never heard him use before. Sometimes he'd go tearing down the hall like a bat out of hell, and jump up onto the highest cabinet he could get to. And sometimes he'd sit at attention at the end of the hall, just staring at my room. I figured he was seeing something, but never figured out what, since I wasn't really picking up on anything that would cause me to be afraid. I'd still been helping the spirits that I could sense were there, and also talking to the ones I'd already helped who'd come back to visit. So I really didn't think too much of my cat's strange behavior.

Then one weekend, while I was trying to sleep in, the tapping had gotten to me so much, that I stormed over to the boxes and moved the envelope I'd shoved between them. This time, I shoved it behind the handle, thinking that it would finally take up enough of the gap to where it could "tap" anymore. But boy was I wrong! After I laid back down to get some sleep, the tapping started up again. This time, it was far louder then it had ever been before! By that time, I was just so angry and annoyed over having to get back up again, that I just laid there in bed fuming. And then something unexpected started to happen. Though the tapping didn't let up for one second, I could actually hear the paper envelop crinkling as it was being put back in its former position on the other side of the handle! And the tapping was once again back to the more muffled (but still annoying) tapping sound.

This went on for several more weeks, until I had finally gotten so fed up with all that tapping, that I finally decided to tape the handle down to the side of the box. And just for good measure, I taped the handle on the other side as well. And that's when all the other stuff from this incident started happening.

That night, within minutes of laying down to go to sleep, I sharp pain in my shoulder as if I'd just been stabbed with a knife. Then I felt another sharp pain around my knee, then another in my mid thigh. All of which were on the right side of my body where I'd been laying close to the edge of the bed.

I had no idea what was going on, I just knew that it hurt a lot and the pain was not going away. It was actually pis*ing me off to no end because it hurt so bad and I couldn't do anything to make it stop. I even tried rubbing my crystal on it, hoping that what ever it was, would go away. No such luck. Even though it took hours for me to fall asleep with all that pain, it was still there the next morning when I woke back up. I've lived with pretty bad back pain for years, and know how to suck up the pain to turn it into enough "angry" determination to be able to move around till the pain goes away. I do believe in mind over matter, so I just forced myself to believe that I could will the pain away, and it worked. So, I kind of forgot all about it and just went about my business for the day. But as soon as I laid back down that night, I started feeling all that pain again. Still had no clue why it was happening, but this time I was able to block out all that pain to where it was more of a nuisance. And then the pain was gone by the time I fell asleep.

It's getting kind of late right now. So I'll have to post the rest of the story tomorrow.

19-05-2012, 07:53 AM
I look forward to it :smile:

20-05-2012, 04:03 AM
I look forward to it :smile:

LOL, well I'm glad you found the post without me having to tell you when it was up :wink: Hope you're enjoying it so far.

Well, the next day I had planned on doing some yard work by pulling up the weeds and tall prairie grass out of the rock bed I shared with my neighbor. She's in her mid 80's and hadn't been able to take care of her side of the property, and I figured I'd go ahead and work on her side of the rock bed as well since it was so overgrown.

So, I was on my hands and knees, balancing my weight onto my left hand, which was inside a large clump of this prairie grass, while my right hand was tugging up a fist full of grass. Then all of a sudden, I saw some kind of shinny silver thing just jump up from the grass. I don't know how, but somehow I knew it was a knife, and the word "danger" flashed in my head. So I let go of the grass to pull my hand back just as fast as I'd seen that thing jump up. But it just didn't make any sense to me, that a knife would be able to jump up out of the grass like that. So the more I thought about it, the more the logical side of my brain decided that the only explanation was that my neighbor's husband (whom passes away a few months earlier) must have dropped a knife in the grass while working on the yard at some point, and had never been able to find it in such a huge clump of tall grass. So, I carefully started moving the grass around to see if I could find the knife to move it out of harms way. Only, I couldn't find any trace of this bright shinny silver knife.

I still didn't understand what had just happened, and began to think that maybe it could have been some kind of animal, like a snake or lizard that jumped up. But that didn't quite fit what I saw either, since I don't think there is such a thing as a shinny silver colored snake or lizard. It was just kind of boggling my mind a bit, till I decided that I must had been my imagination. But the strange thing was, when I finally pulled my left hand out of the grass to sit back on my knees, my two month old watch fell right off my wrist. The rubber watch band had broken into two pieces. And even that didn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense to me, especially since the watch was so new. So, I just wound up chalking the whole thing up to some strange fluke. And it was about that time that my best friend called, and I'd started telling her about all the strange stuff that had been happening lately. But even then, I still hadn't associated any of this new stuff to what ever spirit had been tapping on that box for almost two months.

But I suppose since I still wasn't getting the message, these spirits decided to kick things up another notch. That night, I was visited in my dream by the two ghosts who had been responsible for all that stuff. In my dream, I was just sitting on the bed in the house I grew up in, seemed like I was doing some kind of homework or something. When all of a sudden, I saw this girl who looked to be around 8 years old, holding up a chef's knife in attack position, right outside my bedroom window. The windows in that house were actually twice the size of a regular window, and went all the way down to the floor. Right after I noticed that the girl standing outside, all of a sudden, the glass was gone from the window and she was instantly in my room, coming at me with this knife.

She kept screaming, "You said you would help me! And you didn't help me!" I suppose I should have been scared, but a part of me still didn't really know what was going on. So I just kept trying to keep her away from me with that knife. Then I saw a woman just materialize right next to the little girl, and somehow I just knew it was her mother. But this woman was actually egging the little girl on with her attack. The mother seemed quite mentally disturbed as well and was yelling at the girl, "See! I told you she wasn't going to help you! You have to make her help you!" And then the mother disappears and it was just the little girl, still trying to come at me with the knife. I had managed to grab her by her wrists and held her in such a firm grip that she couldn't come at me anymore, and nor could she get away. And I was kind of angry by this time, because I've got that "surviver" mentality of I'll be damned if I'm gonna allow anyone else to physically attack me ever again.

So, I'm holding onto this girl, telling her that now she'd done it and that I'd already called the police to come and arrest her. Then all of a sudden, I found myself in the kitchen, and I was actually dressed as one of the detectives that showed up. I start looking around, trying to figure out what was going on and how I got there. Then I remembered the girl in my bedroom and went (as the detective) to my room to try and figure it all out. I opened up the door, and there's sentence after sentence of blood writing, just covering every inch of my bedroom walls. Only thing was, I couldn't read it to know what it said. Then I turned around just in time to see the girl coming at me again with the knife, and I grabbed her by her wrists a second time. I got the knife away from her, and put in on top of the dresser, and she disappeared. So I turned my attention back to the blood writing to try and figure out what it said. But when I looked back at the dresser, the knife was gone. So I turned around quick to look for the girl, but she was gone, and even all the writing was gone. And then the dream ended.

But the dream had bothered me so much all the next day, that I finally started putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. I did remember saying months earlier that I would help any lost souls who came looking for help. But the thing was, at the time, I just didn't really know enough about what to look for to tell when a spirit was around, since all the other spirits I'd dealt with up till then, had used other methods to get my attention. But with these two, it was like a whole new ball game from anything I'd been experiencing prior to them showing up.

And once I finally figured it all out, I called out to the little girl and told her I was sorry that I hadn't helped her when she first showed up. We actually had a very nice conversation. I found out that her name was Mary and that she and her mother had been murdered by her father. Judging by her mom's cloths, I'm thinking it had to of happened somewhere in the early to mid 90s. But I was never really able to get a whole lot of information out of her. I think mostly because when I asked her why she was still here, and not crossed over into the Light, she told me the only reason was because she didn't want to leave her mother behind. And just as soon as she admitted that, I saw an arm come swoop around her waist and drag her off into the Light. She was holding her arm out to me, crying "NO!"

It was a bit of a shock to see her get carried off like that, but I was at least happy that she got taken into the Light. But then I just had this sinking feeling like her mother was going to pull some kind of retaliation on me. To my surprise, he mother didn't even seem to notice that her daughter was gone. Her mental state of mind was just so warped from being murdered by the man she once loved, that she really couldn't even think straight, and she was acting kind of crazy.

I didn't really know what else to do, so I just tried talking to her, and telling her that I knew how she felt, because I'd been abused by my ex too. But that just made her angry, and she started screaming at me, telling me that I didn't know anything about how she felt, because I was never murdered like she had been. So I admitted that I really didn't know exactly how she felt, and I told her that I'd listen to anything she wanted to tell me, to help me understand. And I guess she just really wanted someone to listen to her, because right after I said that to her, she just stopped being all frantic and was drying her eyes as if she'd just gotten finished telling me everything. Then I saw my guide (the same one that came and took the girl) put his arm around her shoulder and he escorted her into the Light.

That was actually quite a learning experience for me. And I started paying more attention to the different kinds of signs that can come from the spirit world. I've actually wound up have so many interesting encounters over the years, that I can't always even remember them all. But this particular experience is one I don't think I'll ever forget.

20-05-2012, 09:12 PM
That's awesome. Thanks for sharing that Trieah. I have a few similar stories myself but your dream of the girl is quite similar to the one I had a few years back. I can go in my journal for exact dates. I dreamt of a girl around same age. I couldnt see her face as she had long blonde hair, messy. She was wearing a long nightgown. I first noticed her walking outside a window, it was dark out. She was also walkibg around with a knife. Then she was inside the house. It was an old manor and on a round table in the foyer, in an open book, she wrote her name. Charlotte Mary Reeve. I knew she wanted help but I had no idea how to at the time.

21-05-2012, 12:46 PM
I'm glad you found the post without me having to tell you when it was up :wink:
I seem to have an ability to judge when things are up :wink:

Back to the post thank you so much for sharing that encounter, talk about intense! what have been some of the most common attention grabbing techniques spirits have used to get your attention?

I have had two encounters where I am sure the perpetrator is a child, but not be trained it is impossible to tell for certain.

22-05-2012, 04:43 AM
That's awesome. Thanks for sharing that Trieah. I have a few similar stories myself but your dream of the girl is quite similar to the one I had a few years back. I can go in my journal for exact dates. I dreamt of a girl around same age. I couldnt see her face as she had long blonde hair, messy. She was wearing a long nightgown. I first noticed her walking outside a window, it was dark out. She was also walkibg around with a knife. Then she was inside the house. It was an old manor and on a round table in the foyer, in an open book, she wrote her name. Charlotte Mary Reeve. I knew she wanted help but I had no idea how to at the time.

That's so interesting! I've had a few other dreams where I've seen very vivid spirits on the outside of a house, while I was inside the house. It kind of seems like it's some kind of indication that they're trying to get behind the rest of the barriers inside the mind (house). I've seen one standing just outside one of those doors with shutter slats in them and the space between the wooden shutters was so much more vivid, that if it weren't for the wooden slats (my mental blocks to keep them out), that one would have been able to fully get inside my head. And I've also seen others cut a hole in my ceiling with a saw to force their way inside. But for the most part, they usually can't get that close to me. Even my guides say they have a hard time getting through all my mental barriers.

Did you ever learn how to help spirits cross over into the Light?

22-05-2012, 05:05 AM
Back to the post thank you so much for sharing that encounter, talk about intense! what have been some of the most common attention grabbing techniques spirits have used to get your attention?

I have had two encounters where I am sure the perpetrator is a child, but not be trained it is impossible to tell for certain.

I've actually experienced a bunch of different ways. For several months after the girl and her mother crossed, I was still getting tapping on that box. So every time I'd hear the tapping, I'd get my pendulum out and just start talking to who ever was there, and used the pendulum to either confirm or deny what I was picking up. But they finally stopped using that method. Might have something to do with me having to use ear plugs at night to block out all the noise my sons make while playing their computer games, LOL.

But another popular method had been them messing with my necklace and crystal pendent. They'd just love undoing the clasp all the time. In the beginning, I could actually feel the chain being unhooked against my neck if I sat still enough. My soul mate whom I was supposed to meet back up with in this life was the one who used to do that all the time. And others just kind of joined in. Back then, the only time I'd ever take my necklace off, was when I was bathing, and I'd always carefully fold the chain over several times and laid it out so it wouldn't get knotted up. But sometimes, it actually would be all knotted up just 20 minutes later. And that was usually my indication that there was a "negative" spirit around wanting attention. But they don't really do that one too much anymore either.

Though lately, they've been pulling all the rhinestones and one of the studs off my purse. I finally figured out that it was a restless spirit doing that just recently, since it kept happening way too much lately. Though I didn't know who was doing it. But just this last Sunday, I was out with some friends who did an automatic writing reading for me. And I was told that Whitney Huston was the one who'd been trying to get my attention recently. Since I don't have TV anymore, or listen to the radio, I didn't even know she was dead. I know her name kept popping up in my head several times lately, but because I didn't know she had died, I wasn't putting two and two together. I've actually had a lot of celebrities come to me in the afterlife, both crossed and uncrossed, so it makes sense to me that she was trying to get my attention. But I am very happy to say that she did cross over this morning :smile:

25-05-2012, 07:38 PM
That's so interesting! I've had a few other dreams where I've seen very vivid spirits on the outside of a house, while I was inside the house. It kind of seems like it's some kind of indication that they're trying to get behind the rest of the barriers inside the mind (house). I've seen one standing just outside one of those doors with shutter slats in them and the space between the wooden shutters was so much more vivid, that if it weren't for the wooden slats (my mental blocks to keep them out), that one would have been able to fully get inside my head. And I've also seen others cut a hole in my ceiling with a saw to force their way inside. But for the most part, they usually can't get that close to me. Even my guides say they have a hard time getting through all my mental barriers.

Did you ever learn how to help spirits cross over into the Light?

Yes, that makes sense. Them not being able to get into your mind. Interesting.

Well, I'm sort of an amateur self taught soul rescuer. The first time I did it, I just did what felt natural. It wasn't until I kept getting validation that I decided to give it a go. I think me being an empath helped me in communicating with them and guiding them. I've read on here that these ghosts have their own spiritual team that will help them, but if I see someone, including spirit, in need and asking for help I will do what I can to help them instead of palming them off. We are all from the one light so we should help each other. I can't or probably don't want to, open up to them as much as you probably do. I think this is for my own protection. I sort of just empathise with them tell them what they want to hear and help them move on. Sounds simple doesn't it. I guess I've been lucky I haven't met any aggressive ones. Each one has been quite easy to move on. There was one woman who looked and came across mean, she had murdered her daughter, but after spending time with her, she broke down and was sorry. It was so emotional. I love helping children especially. I remember one girl ghost who was a such a delite. She was part of the living family for years. They were ready to let her go. Seeing the angels come down and hold her hands while they lead her into the light is just an amazing experience.
Anyway I could go on. I have been trying to find places where I can join a group and develop this further but have not been successful in finding anyone. There was one person who ran a group but I haven't heard back from her in awhile. Well that's enough from me. Love and light x

26-05-2012, 06:36 PM
Yeah, I don't really recommend being as opened up to the lost souls as I am. It can be quite a dangerous thing, and I hope I don't make it sound so fascinating that others are willing to jump right into it. But I do know that once you set your boundaries as to what you are willing to deal with, you shouldn't have to deal with the things outside those boundaries. It's such a great feeling getting to see the go into the Light :smile:

If you want, we can talk about this more in private and see about starting up our own group. I've actually done rescues with other people in chat rooms before.