View Full Version : Why not visualize?

12-05-2012, 06:57 AM
I sometimes read here the recomendation to not visualize and wonder where that is coming from? Why? There any many "masters" in various areas that recomend it to increase power/result/effect and i my own work with myself, the experience is that it helps. The only time I have stumbled upon this idea to not visualize is in this forum and wonder about the origin of this.

12-05-2012, 10:45 AM
I sometimes read here the recomendation to not visualize and wonder where that is coming from? Why? There any many "masters" in various areas that recomend it to increase power/result/effect and i my own work with myself, the experience is that it helps. The only time I have stumbled upon this idea to not visualize is in this forum and wonder about the origin of this.

It probably stems from the buddhist vipassana (insight) techniques which are based on 'see what is' as opposed to conjuring anything.

12-05-2012, 11:44 AM
Thanks G, that is for me something different from energy work. Types of meditation where nothing should be achieved, just noticed and accepted without commentary, analyze or any attempt to change. Sort of.

12-05-2012, 12:48 PM
Thanks G, that is for me something different from energy work. Types of meditation where nothing should be achieved, just noticed and accepted without commentary, analyze or any attempt to change. Sort of.

yea... energy work is different, in that eastern tradition it's called prana (also means breath), the technique is called pranayama, and Vispassana (insight) is a different technique.

Usually, the meditator starts with the breath technique called Anapanna...

It's best to be aware that these techniques can (or will) bring up some hard emotional things... and expose some raw nerves... so be mindful.

17-05-2012, 10:13 AM
Visualization is a tool. As with all tools there are times when they are helpful and times when they can limit your growth. Visualization, when used properly, can be a helpful tool up to a level of mastery which few in the world will ever reach.

The biggest danger in visualization is as Gem implied, that sometimes you can see something that isn't actually there, think you are succeeding when you are failing or think you are failing when you are succeeding. Definitely follow Gem's advice and remain aware that they are separate techniques - never confuse the two (or three or four).

17-05-2012, 05:03 PM
well id ask the question of when awareness becomes vision or feeling?
because in all honestly sometimes it bleeds over for me.
i dont visualize but i definitely get visuals. and i notice i can move energy by making a visual.
but then you have to ask if my body/mind is following the intent.
and if the visual is just my need to have a map to move that intent.

18-05-2012, 04:00 PM
Yup, all valid questions. Know there is a difference between Preceeding and Succeeding visualizations. Preceeding Visualizations mean what you visualize before an effect - i imagine that the energy is moving and then cause it to move. Succeeding Visualitions mean what you visualize after an effect - the energy moved and I now translate that motion to my senses as confirmation.

18-05-2012, 05:23 PM
Thanks for answers. It confirms my own thoughts about this and what I'm doing. The confusion was more why people make general statements like "don't visualize" when it comes to energy work.

18-05-2012, 08:01 PM
some ppl cant. i notice some people kinda use it like "eww you visualize lol"
idk. i tryed energy work for a bit but before i got into the tactile scene it just didnt click. i dont judge people who visualize because countless documents say you can succeed but "me, personally" i didnt get too much mileage out of it.

i think yamah, said something about visualization and delusions.
not saying alota of the feed back aint real.
but to me its hard enough you know, knowing whats real and what isnt.
even if i did visualize id try to follow the sensations (cobwebs, tingles, feeling of moving ants?)
till i could trust that its working and im not imagining it working (loonybin)

i like the whole concept of Preceeding and Succeeding visualizations.
gives it more perspective.

i think i visualize when i heal.
its harder for me to feel my energy in some1 else's body.
maybe because to my mind im a step removed?
im used to feeling it inside my body and projecting it without
i visualize how it might be moving through their body. or how i would like it to. (intent?) and it usually works.

19-05-2012, 02:14 AM
All our outer physical senses are also inner senses. Creative energy work, for healing or some other purpose, for best results may use all of them in combination... particularly visualizing, hearing one's own mental words and choosing them consciously, and especially feeling what is visualized and thought as real.


19-05-2012, 06:24 AM
If by energy work ,you mean "healing" (which is a pretty broad concept)
I'm in the non visualizing camp, for how I work anyway.

Actually guess that's how I was initially taught... and worked on feeling alone, what to "do" where to place my hands, etc.
I just let the "energy" direct-move me, and tried to get out of the way. (mentally)

Those who get imagery seems to be receiving rather than creating images, as I understand.
But hey, whatever works for YOU is likely best, just so your focus is in the heart rather than the mind. Based on what most healers report.

When working on myself, I likely begin in the mind, if there's a specific issue, and quickly move attention to the heart, to optimize the flow-process.