View Full Version : Talk with Earth,

01-04-2012, 11:53 PM
I spoke with Nature today. I went for a walk with the intent to connect with my spirit animal- more for clarity with what I already know but wanted to enjoy an intended experience so to speak.

I walked down to the ocean and followed the shore line along the beach for about a mile. I then noted a jut of large boulders just in the shore, and hopped along them until I felt I was where I needed to be. I sat for a while- and disconnected from time. I began to meditate and heard the sound of Nature all around me. I began to hear another sound. The sound of Human voices. It annoyed me as I felt violated in my privacy and then began to ask the questions that were born from the feeling of my experiences.

I asked the Ocean why I felt connected to it, and to all other forms of Life but yet I felt such a Disconnect from Humans when I am a Human.

"Because Humans don't understand what they Are- they see You and they do not recognize themselves in you so they see you as different when you clearly are not. Humans will begin to feel the Truth of who they are and they will also not feel a disconnect from that which is Not Human- Life is all and interactive, interconnected and You are connected and interconnected as are many others of You. You understand Nature will never judge you and this is why there is the Connect within you- and you were not always Human here, you were also that which you bond with and look for."

I meditated a while longer and two animals came into my mind-

One land the other air. Land was known ahead of time as I understood it to be, and air was at first not visible as I could not see it from a bird's eye view. That was my confirmation of that which I once was and why it is such a strong part of me- I could not see it below because I Was within the air.

"Intrinsic bond without question of fairness or unfairness towards that which is Natural is Why there is no need for awkwardness with the Natural environment with which you feel at home in."

I asked for a physical gift/offering that I could take home and use toward clearing energy with my own work.

I felt the need to look to my left and at that moment from my right, callings from above came nearer and nearer until the sounds passed overhead and towards the direction I was looking in. I narrowed my eyes and recognized family movement close to the ground- community and I watched the sources of the sounds draw closer and lower until they too were grounded.

I got up and carefully made my way toward the family.

They flew up when I told them in thought who I was and what I was there for. They made a fuss in the air, and made for a tree between where they were and where I was emerging from and gathered there noisily until I was very nearby.

They departed and I lingered a while before I noted a feather on the ground. I asked if I could keep it, and then noted an interesting bit of wood, rock and two other smaller feathers- Yes.

I made my way home and passed by about four other females- I felt awkward because my mind was not in 3D and I felt like I must seem 'odd' to them.

I felt I seemed 'odd' to the sky beings, as I wasn't really what they were comfortable with either-

Earth continued to explain that I was Purposeful. I mattered.

Sunshine glared my eyes like the tousling of my hair from a comforting adult in my moment of need; I smiled and said Thank you for today.

~ C.

02-04-2012, 12:09 AM
I like this a lot.
Thanks so much for sharing! :redface:

02-04-2012, 12:44 AM
Thanks Evaah, it was a really nice experience.

I have bonded like this with nature for as long as I can remember. There was more information/experience I had/shared during the meditation and connection with the Earth but felt it was more of a personal and private nature to post.

I think that quite often I have a lot of amazing and wonderous connections with Nature but don't ever tell anyone about. I'm not sure why- perhaps they have always felt like they were Just for me.

I have turned to the Natural environment to share my thoughts and feelings with, far more than I have ever turned to other people. Nature always seems to understand far better-

This was the gist of the experience though. :)

02-04-2012, 05:25 AM
You're lucky you live near the ocean. I like Ocean Spirit, but I don't work with it at all since I live in the middle of a continent. :icon_frown:

02-04-2012, 07:50 AM
Beautiful post, CatChild. I wish this consciousness belonged to more and more people - Earth needs it, and She also needs to heal through the loving intention of people like you.

02-04-2012, 08:03 PM

"I mattered"...We all matter! - and we all have a contribution to make to bring peace, harmony and beauty to the world

02-04-2012, 08:18 PM

"I mattered"...We all matter! - and we all have a contribution to make to bring peace, harmony and beauty to the world

Yes, good point to have noticed how profound those words were.

Many times there was a disconnect with Humanity- but I think we All have been able to attest to that feeling at some point throughout our lives.

When I communicate as a Spiritual Being who is having a Human experience, it can at times feel very lonely and heart breaking because there is not the same bond with other Humans yet.

It is nice to be reminded of how much I matter when I feel rather small in such a big world- and when I feel ignored or misunderstood by other people. And we Do all matter- more than we realize! :)

Peace on Earth means more than stopping wars and being happy- it means that we need to start the process by falling back in love with ourselves and our place in the consciousness.

When we can see beyond the sense of Love as being something possessive and understand it to be freedom in the physical.

04-04-2012, 10:36 PM
Thanx for sharing this.... not that many connect to earth so easily , and your perspective-insight is appreciated.
It's good to hear this reminder, and you're lucky to be so close to the sea.

05-04-2012, 04:22 AM
Quintessence, Arcadia and Henri77 thank you very much for your comments- I am Very thankful for them.

Yeah I Am Really lucky to live where I do. There's something about being near the ocean that always draws you back to it if ever you move away.

05-04-2012, 06:18 AM

I had the thought the other day that man looks at earth and the treasures it has, but does not treasure the earth in itself.

09-04-2012, 04:16 AM
Thank you. I have often wondered that myself, why it's so easy for me to connect to the trees and nature, but feel so disconnected from most people. I'm starting to figure some things out. For now it is just as it should be for my experience; but I have hope that soon it will be easier to connect with others as more and more wake up.

10-04-2012, 06:20 AM
With the Easter long weekend finally over and preparations for being back to school tomorrow completed, I allowed myself a few minutes outside to be with Nature.

Standing on my porch in the spot that I have stood in countless times over the year that I've been here, I gratefully shifted into openness to talk to the trees. My mind ached with sadness while I addressed them with the honor of sacred family.

"I will miss you when I go. Most of me doesn't want to ever leave here because of you- and because of the spot I am in with my sacred space and reiki room. You have stood faithfully, and watched over my home with such love for us. I feel my pain inside me but I know I don't need to feel it because You don't. I know you don't feel sad because you understand that despite being separated in the physical, we will still hold the same energy of this moment."

"Know that you have held space with Earth from the beginning of time in which you sense. Whether you are here or somewhere else we are always with you through the roots of all trees as we are combined in energy and pathways beneath the ground and breathing always with the movement of the life within the soils. You only need to stand and be with us even in the grayest places of cement and that which you call waste- remember. I will see you in any tree- this is how we travel."

"I want to give a part of myself to this location to remain here for the rest of time as I sense it. I will never forget that I listened to Spirit and came here where I intuitively followed the sound of the voice of synchronicity. Where I came here to heal, retreat and rest a while. Breathe clean air and drink fresh water. Gather the collective of crystaline energies to care for my Being and prepare me for the next chapter of my life. After never planting roots of attachments to any places that I called home for the last forty years, I want to plant them now..."

"It is done".

Roots touch through my feet and slide below to coil in respect.

"What is it like to be a tree? What is it like to never move? I wish I could take this place with me."

"You spoke of your feelings- the Human experience comes with these emotions that many of you want because they are the mirror of your Being to understand what it is to feel Life and alive and that which is Spirit. For many of you they become the way that you exist and how you define yourselves. Results of your experiences; and they run as deep as our roots and bind us together in our separateness as is how you see us to be. Together but separate. We don't need to move to experience life as we have the same attachment to where we bond with the crust of the Earth and deep contact and togetherness which networks memory and acknowledgments of Community and Family beneath the ground as you do with reflections of your physical network upon the Earth. While this balance of Natural life between Human and that which is Gaia displays alternating movement and that which is grounded, works together in Spirit with the waste with which we both breathe that feeds the other- life."

"You speak of attachment. I feel from you no sadness in the way that I understand sadness to be. What I understand from this, is that emotions which bring us a degree of despair block us of the sense of Purpose towards what will just be the next section of our life events. More opportunities to experience emotions that will aid in our evolution towards that which is wiser... and our comprehension of our 'attachments' turn into needs that sway our choices and may hold us back if we refuse to look beyond what we feel. Being Human without the fear means being more than Human. Beyond Human. A Better Human. Feeling a wisdom from Love rather than a bittersweet and preemptive sense of loss, just ensures stronger connection to Spirit."

"You will Choose to Love and not be held back by that which you know and not be attached to the physical."

"Will I ever find that balance within myself though? Between the knowing of what is beginning and what is ending in my life? The sensations that I go through from the energy to fly forward and the need to rest- as this is where I know how it feels to die and reemerge from that which I have outgrown to the promise of greener pastures. And I soon forget what it was like, in the old life... I feel like I am here for my last lifetime with all the shifts and changes that happen so quickly with so little time between each occurrence. Yet I know that I bring them on myself because I feel my life and growth moving so quickly that I almost miss so much if I do not take the time to reflect.."

"As it is for us when the wind blows and Gaia shifts our deep roots. For it is all for the purpose of the strongest life we have which is our loving Mother. Spirit speaks to you and through you with the sacredness of all that is."

My heels ached with the openness of the chord that I planted and I struggled to breathe with the ache that ran through my Being. I leaned forward and felt sobs wash through the inside of my body, rising to my eyes which tightly squeezed while I held my breath. I hissed the air away and felt release of all I had been holding on to within my heart and head. All the fears and questions dissolved with the wash of Tree's words and Company. No tears fell, nor did they remain within me.

I will move with Purpose to a New Beginning. And I will stay connected to my Earth roots Here now no matter where I move to- and I will be wiser for it.

Disconnect from that which is finished and know when it's time to die from an old life. And don't be afraid, because you are loved. Thank you Spirit,

~ C.

03-05-2012, 02:40 PM
I love nature as well. There is such a profound connection to the earth and all it has to offer. Humans are so... well... human!
My boyfriend and I went for a walk in the woods the other day and he said, "It IS peaceful in the woods, isn't it?" I said, "Yes. Everything makes sense out here. Everything is living and breathing. Everything has a purpose. There is peace. There is no negativity. There is no media cramming negative things down your throat."
We have many human things happen in our lives every day. Even when are not actively listening to them, the energy of them affects us, because it is near us. It is for this reason that some of us pull away from humans at times. The negativity can be overwhelming... especially for us sensitives. It's like being on the front row at a concert and trying not to hear the band. lol Nature is an escape. A time to connect with positivity and know that something in life makes sense. Just plain old simple sense.

03-05-2012, 05:24 PM
Thank you for these posts Catchild, they reasonate deeply with me. I feel disconnected from other humans yet at peace in nature and it makes sense that I feel this way because nature never judges, it just is.

04-05-2012, 05:11 AM

I had the thought the other day that man looks at earth and the treasures it has, but does not treasure the earth in itself.

Well few of us get an astronauts view. I'm certain that would move anyone.
......"distance makes the the heart grow fonder"

04-05-2012, 05:51 PM
That is true. However, there a many who walk this planet who are so self-involved, they couldn't see the gift from any place in space. That is so sad.

amy green
04-05-2012, 09:02 PM
Cities sever and weaken our connection to nature. I envy the rainforest tribes being so in harmony, attuned and incorporated into their natural environment. Their simple lifestyle is rich in ways we probably cannot fully grasp, e.g. their sense of strong community and developed knowledge of how to utilise their surroundings.

It is said that aborogines see stars in the skies that we need telescopes to see.

How much have we lost in becoming civilised?

Our brains have what scientists call junk DNA (function unknown and defunct). Is this to be developed or were we once much more fully functioning - more attuned with nature?