View Full Version : Healing my Emotional "bubble". Please help

23-03-2012, 03:18 AM
My friend who can see auras says that i have a bubble around me. There was two layers to it originally, a hard layer, and a liquid-like layer. He says i've managed to break the hard one, but there's this liquidity one still that's tricky to understand. Emotions that go towards me are deflected by the bubble (they go around it). the only emotion that goes in consistently is brown. My other friend actually pulled off the bubble for a second in the presence of my first friend, and he said that it revealed this golden-yellow aura, this silly child like aspect of myself, but when he let go, the bubble went back on me. It did have its up-sides for a while; i'm able to see the world in a very objective way unclouded by emotion. But its lost its meaning to me. I want it gone! It leaves me disconnected and talking down to people, and above all, it leaves women very mystified because the bubble keeps them from knowing what i'm feeling. So what is this bubble? Where did i get it? can this kind of thing form from a result of a psychic attack? And most importantly, how do i heal from this?

23-03-2012, 03:25 AM
Hi cartpack, just be careful because i like to burst bubbles lol.:smile:

23-03-2012, 03:46 AM
that would be much appreciated. The other color of my aura is a light purple :) I'd sure love the gold to show! so badly XD

24-03-2012, 06:32 AM
My friend who can see auras says that i have a bubble around me. There was two layers to it originally, a hard layer, and a liquid-like layer. He says i've managed to break the hard one, but there's this liquidity one still that's tricky to understand. Emotions that go towards me are deflected by the bubble (they go around it). the only emotion that goes in consistently is brown. My other friend actually pulled off the bubble for a second in the presence of my first friend, and he said that it revealed this golden-yellow aura, this silly child like aspect of myself, but when he let go, the bubble went back on me. It did have its up-sides for a while; i'm able to see the world in a very objective way unclouded by emotion. But its lost its meaning to me. I want it gone! It leaves me disconnected and talking down to people, and above all, it leaves women very mystified because the bubble keeps them from knowing what i'm feeling. So what is this bubble? Where did i get it? can this kind of thing form from a result of a psychic attack? And most importantly, how do i heal from this?

Well, people say all sorts of things which are worth taking with a grain of salt because the truth is how this experience actually pertains to you, and not another person who may say strange things.

What 'you' say sounds sensible to me, but what you've been told about coloured bubbles doesn't, and that's because you tell of your experience as it is for you, and their words are not pertinant to your actual experience.

I understaqnd what it's like to be brought up in situaltions where it is necessary to 'hide yourself', and instead of just being as you are openly, 'act acceptably'. Bieng brought up this way leads people to believe that they won't be loved or accepted if they reveal themselves truely, so they kinda put up a front which has served their survival in the past.

Over time, the 'front' doesn't serve the same purpose as it always has, and actually inhibits the person, so the person is forced to abandon it, but so doing means revealing their 'true colours' and it's damn scary to be real because the person tried it before as a child and was not accepted, and that hurts, so it's a big risk to be genuine and sincere and let the light in on who they really are.

Regardless of the fear though, the old front has no purpose and just starts to fall off by itself, and it's a very interesting thing to see the actual person who used it.

24-03-2012, 07:39 AM
My friend who can see auras says that i have a bubble around me. There was two layers to it originally, a hard layer, and a liquid-like layer. He says i've managed to break the hard one, but there's this liquidity one still that's tricky to understand. Emotions that go towards me are deflected by the bubble (they go around it). the only emotion that goes in consistently is brown. My other friend actually pulled off the bubble for a second in the presence of my first friend, and he said that it revealed this golden-yellow aura, this silly child like aspect of myself, but when he let go, the bubble went back on me. It did have its up-sides for a while; i'm able to see the world in a very objective way unclouded by emotion. But its lost its meaning to me. I want it gone! It leaves me disconnected and talking down to people, and above all, it leaves women very mystified because the bubble keeps them from knowing what i'm feeling. So what is this bubble? Where did i get it? can this kind of thing form from a result of a psychic attack? And most importantly, how do i heal from this?

Why not work with pushing your aura out?

Therefore revealing your aura, self protecting with your aura and allowing your aura to over power the bubble, naturally,,,

That way, you can do it at your own pace and comfortably for you

As for women being mystified, why do they need to 'know' how you feel?

Can't they ask?

Also, what might be worthwhile looking into before you start removing something that may actually be helping you, is Empathy,,,

Love and hugs

