View Full Version : A little help

23-04-2007, 04:58 PM
I am quite new to this but the reason I joined is because over the past few months I have been noticing strange things happening like people vanishing into into thin air and cars pulling out and disappearing into brick walls. I have also heard people call my name and when I turn round to answer them and there is no one there.

This is starting to freak me out a bit. I have only been into spiritulism for a couple of years and I only started to look into it because where I use to live me and my partner had 2 mischiefeivous spirits in the flat and they allways seemed to pick on me, so I started to look into it further. Now I feel my senses are getting stronger and I don't know how to control it.

If anyone has some advice I would be very grateful for the help.



23-04-2007, 05:45 PM
let your senses come naturally and let it be. Fear not what comes to you for it is all from within. In time you will get used to it ^_^

love and blessings to all

23-04-2007, 11:49 PM
Yes, agreeing with Makoorakoo.
Don't be afraid, think positive and let your spiritual side unfold in its own time. You will have moments when you think you are probably seeing things or going mad and other times when you feel its not working. Just relax, always control your breathing and surround yourself with love and light.

Another great idea I got from here is keep a spiritual journal. Its amazing how many things you can look back on.


24-04-2007, 03:26 PM
Thankyou that advice has helped me a bit and I will start a spiritual journal I might help me keep track of what is going on. I will try to think positive about it even my partner said that I think over time it will get easier.

Thanks again