View Full Version : Being Positive

21-04-2007, 02:49 PM
For the last couple of days, I have been practicing being positive. I have noticed that I can be sitting at my computer and negative thougts start popping in. Sitting at my computer is just one of many places. LOL

Of course I put the thoughts down and rid them as quickly as I can. I just thought how weird it is that the more you try being positive, there is a force that tries to make you negative.

Has anybody else noticed this?

21-04-2007, 03:12 PM
Hey pebble,

There is a theory that adverse forces act as a gravity to hold you where you are if you try to better yourself, this could be seen as karma or just as ones own fear of the unknown. Some may see these forces as the devil or darkness, I would opine that they are maybe just challenging your worthiness to get to a better place (but thats just my opinion which may or may not be worth squat)..you are what you believe yourself to be...changing beliefs of who or what you are can be challenging....some may say that to give up all beliefs is the quickest route to re-defining your experience (or undefining it)...others may say that everything is perfection and that to see everything as such will naturally lead to a more positive outlook...either way trust in letting go seems to be the key if one really wants to get to know oneself better.

But yes, to answer your question i notice this.

21-04-2007, 03:31 PM
What you say really makes sense, this is the part of what you say that I like most.
I would opine that they are maybe just challenging your worthiness to get to a better place (but thats just my opinion which may or may not be worth squat)..you are what you believe yourself to be...changing beliefs of who or what you are can be challenging.
I feel I am worthy and march forward with my postive thinking. lol:laughing5:

Mother Goose
21-04-2007, 05:19 PM
I've posted this in other places, but if you're practice positive thinking...then this might be something you'd be interested in. I usually pull a couple of cards a day...just to give me a boost:


ROFL...I just went and pulled one....and dreamer...what you just said was confirmed, my dear!!!

The more I love myself the more I see love reflected in those around me.

21-04-2007, 05:31 PM
I went to the site and this is what I got. Abundance of love. I give and receive an abundance of love.

21-04-2007, 08:19 PM
What you say really makes sense, this is the part of what you say that I like most.
I would opine that they are maybe just challenging your worthiness to get to a better place (but thats just my opinion which may or may not be worth squat)..you are what you believe yourself to be...changing beliefs of who or what you are can be challenging.
I feel I am worthy and march forward with my postive thinking. lol:laughing5:

lol, thats definitely the way forward, take what spurs you on and acknowledge but ignore that which grates.....until you get to a point where everything is seen to be the truth/perfection.

21-04-2007, 11:26 PM
Hey pebble,

There is a theory that adverse forces act as a gravity to hold you where you are if you try to better yourself, this could be seen as karma or just as ones own fear of the unknown. Some may see these forces as the devil or darkness, I would opine that they are maybe just challenging your worthiness to get to a better place (but thats just my opinion which may or may not be worth squat)..you are what you believe yourself to be...changing beliefs of who or what you are can be challenging....some may say that to give up all beliefs is the quickest route to re-defining your experience (or undefining it)...others may say that everything is perfection and that to see everything as such will naturally lead to a more positive outlook...either way trust in letting go seems to be the key if one really wants to get to know oneself better.

But yes, to answer your question i notice this.

Hey Dreamer,

While we don't agree on that many things, I think you got it perfectly right this time. Life itself, and especially change, is an ongoing process. We have to weigh the pros and cons, and decide what will work for us at any given point. I tend to be slow and plodding, not because I have a lot of doubts, but because I like my life as it is, and so I need good reason to change. And usually, change is so gradual if we don't pay attention, we could end up stuck in a rut. Not all change is positive, but it is always change.


22-04-2007, 02:07 PM
This happens a lot in my life. The maintaining a positive attitude and either negative thoughts or happenings pop up. My understanding of why it happens is that I’m trying to change my normal reactive thought process to a peaceful one in all circumstances. In order to really get to being peaceful in all places of my life I need to have experiences or thoughts that are not of a peaceful manner present themselves in my life so that I may choose to be peace ful or positive in the wake of those non peaceful things happening. Basically the universe is giving me those bad things to give me the opportunity to be good or positive while there occurring. And if I do that then I can be the positive person I chose to be.


22-04-2007, 10:44 PM
[quote=Creator]This happens a lot in my life. The maintaining a positive attitude and either negative thoughts or happenings pop up. My understanding of why it happens is that I

Mother Goose
23-04-2007, 01:13 AM
pebble, may I make a suggestion? Instead of seeing it as a 'battle' it might help to see it as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn something and to grow. Our choice of words really does affect how we approach life and all the challenges/opportunities it presents.

23-04-2007, 02:26 PM
Thank you mother goose for pointing that out. Power of life and death are in the tongue. So indeed I do need to choose my words with postive power. One lesson in this mighty journey. Thank you. Flying high on this positive energy. Feel free to give more advice.

Mother Goose
23-04-2007, 03:01 PM
Here's a quickie: MG is easier to type out than Mother Goose LOL :wink:

And a little tidbit: that flying high feeling...savor it & remember it so that you can recall it in times of need :hug:

23-04-2007, 03:08 PM
Here's a quickie: MG is easier to type out than Mother Goose LOL :wink:

And a little tidbit: that flying high feeling...savor it & remember it so that you can recall it in times of need :hug:MG right now in this present moment, I feel a surge of love flowing through my body. It is such an awesome feeling, that I find it hard to describe. You have great advice. thanks

Mother Goose
23-04-2007, 03:14 PM
I know the feeling :smile: There have been times when I thought I'd just burst with love, the feeling was so powerful. You're right...it's quite awesome in every sense of the word! :color:

23-04-2007, 04:28 PM
What we bring into our lives - - is little more than what we constantly tell ourselves inside - - during those secret moments - - especially when we are angry or sad or hurt or scared - - and these little secrets manifest themselves thru our perceptions and attitudes. This is what make the Law of Attraction work in the first place.

What most often makes it difficult to accept - - is - - that we can tell ourselves that we never told ourselves that; we didn't believe this.... or couldn't do that.... or that we were messed up... or that we incapable of seeing the true message we are sending or telling ourselves.

If my inner message is not a positive one, I must first be truthful about what my actual feelings are. Then reinforse that feeling with positive thoughts and affermations which will then manifest in my actions.

Love to all

23-04-2007, 04:51 PM
I find this happens to me all the time. It makes it very difficult to maintain an positive attitude, especially when it seems like everything and everyone is trying to get you ticked off. Eventually I'll just loose it and feel bad because I cannot get over the hurdle sometimes. It's like the weight of the world is pressing on me and I've run out of strength.

I do keep looking but it is hard, it's very hard. I never feel like I get a break.

25-04-2007, 11:39 AM
I find this happens to me all the time. It makes it very difficult to maintain an positive attitude, especially when it seems like everything and everyone is trying to get you ticked off. Eventually I'll just loose it and feel bad because I cannot get over the hurdle sometimes. It's like the weight of the world is pressing on me and I've run out of strength.

I do keep looking but it is hard, it's very hard. I never feel like I get a break.After reading "the secret" it inspired me to start being positive.
Not for worldy gain or such. Just to be positive and to get my life going in the
right direction. I am on a spiritual journey with God and want to improve
myself. I have been on this journey for 9 years. Now it is time to move forward.

If you haven't watched the video on "the secret", i would like to recommend it to you. really an inspirational movie.

25-04-2007, 11:56 AM
MG, or any that can help

I have been going through some things that are trying to rob me of my positive power. My mother died last july and she left no will. well, there are
nine of us, her children. because I took care of her and helped her with some of her financial needs, 6 brothers and sisters thought that i should live here in her house. however, 2 of the 9 object now. guess that jealousy thing got
to them. I look at it from there point of view and try to think what I would do. I don't believe I would be jealous, but not sure. These two that are doing the objection, they didn't even want to help pay for the funeral. after her insurance policy, there was still 3200 left to pay. plus while she was alive, they did not contribute to her needs. She didn't have much money and the rest of us would help her out when we could.
The 2 have taken it to court and are wanting it sold. I am having a battle here. Revenge and ager walk hand in hand and keep trying to rob me of my peace. I'm telling you, I have to fight
these thoughts off quite regular. I have put up a shield and when the thoughts pop in i immediately do away with the thought. It keeps trying.lol.

Since the 19th I have been practicing being positive. I love it. I have noticed that when I go to bed, even being positive and believing I have a shield up, I wake up with negative thoughts trying to get to me. I immediately start in thanking God as soon as I raise up out of bed. This helps a lot. But, I'm wondering, how do I prevent these negative influences from coming around while I sleep?

26-04-2007, 02:58 PM
Hi there,
I just think that everytime i have a negative thought i shake it out...i actually shake my head a little bit to...lol...try to eject it out...sometimes i am so happy to know that i have neg thoughts so i can learn and heal from it...like another lesson to grow from...i also have tried this to and it works...if i am having a rough time or in a bad mood, i make myself smile, then i will laugh at myself for letting a stupid thought control me...we can make are self happy or sad just by are thoughts,,,just think of all the beauty and love that surrounds you every minute of the day...keep it up and it will make you shine...
lots of love

Mother Goose
26-04-2007, 11:18 PM
pebble, there's a book that really helps me a lot when I'm dealing with negative thoughts. It's called Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain. It has wonderful exercises to keep you positive! You can find it online real cheap! It's an easy read that helped me a lot when my dh lost his job and I was in panic mode. Wishing you the very best! :hug:

04-05-2007, 02:11 PM
hi there i agree i too try and stay positive but i sometimes get presented with the negative thoughts but as they say in life u got too take the rough with the smooth which gives u that balance and understanding.x

05-05-2007, 09:51 PM
MG, or any that can help

I have been going through some things that are trying to rob me of my positive power. My mother died last july and she left no will. well, there are
nine of us, her children. because I took care of her and helped her with some of her financial needs, 6 brothers and sisters thought that i should live here in her house. however, 2 of the 9 object now. guess that jealousy thing got
to them. I look at it from there point of view and try to think what I would do. I don't believe I would be jealous, but not sure. These two that are doing the objection, they didn't even want to help pay for the funeral. after her insurance policy, there was still 3200 left to pay. plus while she was alive, they did not contribute to her needs. She didn't have much money and the rest of us would help her out when we could.
The 2 have taken it to court and are wanting it sold. I am having a battle here. Revenge and ager walk hand in hand and keep trying to rob me of my peace. I'm telling you, I have to fight
these thoughts off quite regular. I have put up a shield and when the thoughts pop in i immediately do away with the thought. It keeps trying.lol.

Since the 19th I have been practicing being positive. I love it. I have noticed that when I go to bed, even being positive and believing I have a shield up, I wake up with negative thoughts trying to get to me. I immediately start in thanking God as soon as I raise up out of bed. This helps a lot. But, I'm wondering, how do I prevent these negative influences from coming around while I sleep?

Hi Pebble :hug:

Sorry to hear about your Mother but know she walks the other side of the veil & is witness to all that is happening..

Sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time lately.. Your family are where they need to be right now while they squabble over what belongs to who & who deserves what raise above it all & you will remain positively positive & when the dust settles you can hold your head up with pride knowing that you have done things right & proper.. As hard as it seems sometimes when the mud throwing stops you will be victorious not always in a monetary way but with dignity & in all ways but without becoming part of it all in a negative sense..

When you sleep get yourself a piece of unadulterated black tourmaline very powerful for any negativity sleep with it either by your bed or I often tend to hold one until I drift off then lay on it lol :smile: ...

Big warm hug & a sprinkling of stardust for you xxxx

15-05-2007, 05:35 PM
Thanks moonflower. will check into the black tourmaline. well, just to report, I have been doing pretty good with being positive..two nights ago, I was under heavy spiritual attack. Could not sleep, tossed and turned, got on computer, went back to bed tossed and turned some more. finally about 5 am I dozed off. To awaken at 7 am. Really wasn't tired. As I lay on my bed things from my past tried to haunt me. Things that have truly already been forgiven. I would put one thought aside and another would pop in. Was very irritating to say the least.
Of course Jesus got a lot of thanks that night. Does this happen to others as well.

15-05-2007, 05:39 PM
That's funny. Went to google unadulterated black tourmaline and it brought me back to this forum. right here. lol

16-05-2007, 01:30 AM
I agree with this but keep it up and eventually we will get there
great post:)

21-05-2007, 04:24 AM
Well, I didn't even realize this has been going on for a month...I would like to
report some changes in my life...
Better health is happening, was so painful in my bones to even lay in my bed at night. My shoulder and arm joints hurt so bad...when I would walk down steps, I had to take one foot at a time..same foot ya know...now I am walking down them normal...with little pain...my shoulders do not hurt now as I sleep.
I can acutally get comfortable on my bed at nights..however, I do need to get
another pillow...this one I have is to small. not fluffy enough
My leg that has been swollen since open heart surgery, has reduced and almost normal now..the scars on my leg from the surgery have all quit hurting.

For some reason, my hair has been getting more color in it...less grey...don't know why...

I have lost 15 pounds...I never even went on a diet...just quit eating the sweet foods I was eating...

Now to some this may not sound like much, but to me it feels good...By the
way my mood has improved considerably...I am learning to be more pleasant to people around me...smile and they smile...lol

right now, cant think of much more...but this was only in a months time.
oh, more breath. eaiser to breath...will inform in another 30 days..

noticed last 2 mornings I got up, I felt kinda beat...know I have been under
spiritual attack. Praise God, that means I am doing something right...

26-05-2007, 02:00 PM
noticed last 2 mornings I got up, I felt kinda beat...know I have been under
spiritual attack. Praise God, that means I am doing something right...

What do you mean by spiritual attack?