View Full Version : The Angel Elevator

20-04-2007, 04:03 PM
Book: Ask Your Angels

in the bible, jacob dreamed about a ladder going up to heaven, with angels climbing up and down. since times have changed while you are drifting into sleep you might want to visualise a golden elevator in which you and your angel are traveling up into the dream world. doing this will support you in dream recall, working with your affirmations and seeding your dreams.

1) close your eyes and feel yourself drifing into sleep. your breathing is slow and easy
2) let your neck relax, let you shoulders relax. feel your entire body releasing tension.
3) now visualise a long, long hallway in your mind. the walls and floors are made of glowing light. see the light, and see yourself slowly walking down that luminous hallway, with your angel right beside you.
4) at the end of hte hallway you see a shimmering portal. this is the doorway to the angelic elevator. as you and your angel get closer, teh door slowly opens.
5) hand in hand, with one of your its wings wrapped around your back, you angel and you step into this elevator. when you do your body is bathed in the purest, warmest light you can imagine. it soothes your body and flows deeply into every part of you, into every cell.
6) you watch your angel reach out with the tip of its wing to push one of the glowing buttons on the panel by the door.
7) the elevator door slowly closes. bathed in the light, you and your angel are slowly rising up into your dreams.
http://www.getphpbb.com/phpbb/images/smiles/icon_cool.gif if you would like to ask your angel a specific question or seed a particular dream, now is the time to do it.
9) notice your breathing again. feel yourself drifting into sleep. together with you angel, you are moving up, up into the world of dreams

10-05-2007, 06:38 AM
Hi Felchiel

Can you explain what you mean buy "seed a particular dream" please. This sounds very nice and i wouldlove to give this a try. Do you at the end of this just let your self fall asleep??


12-05-2007, 12:06 PM
Hi Felchiel, Tried this last night, the visulisation, was really easy to do,actually felt the air around me and could see the light. Ive sowed the seed of my dream if thats what is meant by "seed a particular dream", drifrted off to sleep and was given the words "discover the realms of possibilities elaine, and everything is alloted to you".

What does this actually mean, Ive taken this as a good sign.

thanks elaine

15-05-2007, 09:49 PM
Hi Felchiel ~

This is a very interesting post , think I will also try to do this.

Hi Elaine ~ cool ! you tried it and got a message - sounds like a very good sign to me!

Hi James ~ I am wondering if " seeding a dream " is like requesting, or as I heard in a dream class " incubating a dream " ?

In the class, we were told if there was a problem or a question that we would like an answer to, that before going to sleep at night we should write out the question, all in capitol letters, and say it over and over (either out loud,or to yourself) til you fall asleep. Then when you wake up in the morning to write down whatever it is that is on your mind, or if you remember a dream, write it down and you will have an answer to your question. Sometimes it takes a few days to get an answer. I tried this and got quite a mixture of dreams - all seemingly non related to my question. A few days later after thinking about it all, over and over again - it did relate to my question and was actually an answer - but I had to figure it out, it wasn't a clear answer like someone speaking to me.

15-05-2007, 11:14 PM
Hello, all. :)

I will try out this meditation this very evening, it sounds very nice and helpful, thank you for posting it. :)

Love and Light -


15-05-2007, 11:19 PM
I will give it a try too!
I will also make sure to post about my experience later. :smile:

16-05-2007, 06:36 AM
Yeah I agree with you DA, keeping a dream diary is a good idea as you can look over it for hidden messages you may have missed. You may have to wait for the answers as I have had to. Patience is the key.

love elaine

16-05-2007, 11:54 AM
The meditation didn't quite work for me last night but I will keep trying... Perhaps I was just too tired because I was asleep real quick... BUT I did have a weird dream though... I "visited" a place full of Leprechauns!!! :D