View Full Version : Who am i really???

06-03-2012, 10:56 AM
The past few years i have changed so much, i barely reconise myself. I watch peoples actions and their thoughts and wonder why they do such things. It all seems so clear to me, yet they walk around oblivious wondering why things happen to them.

I re-read and watch the things i say to people, and wonder where it comes from. It does not feel as if it coming from me, more or less, it is coming from someone else through my body. Perhaps god/universal consciousness.

I get the feeling that the words i speak just flow down through me and out my mouth delivering a message unique for that person.

It is as if i watch myself from 3rd person view. like watching a movie of myself. And it seems to be happening more and more. I keep analyzing everything i say wondering if its me, my ego, or someone else...

Is this apart of a spiritual awakening? I've failed to find anything about this.

06-03-2012, 11:09 AM

Yes, you wake up, feels also like it probably. When you clear you inner conflicts it will be much easier to move on and you don't get so much of a break from your reality.

06-03-2012, 11:35 AM
The question who am I is really profound and though we have no ready answer it is worthwhile to discuss it and the very discussion, not the conclusion can make us delve into the deeper query of knowing ourselves

06-03-2012, 02:45 PM
Who are you?

You are who you are; and you are who we are.

Is it part of a spiritual awakening?

Possibly. What does that mean to you?

06-03-2012, 10:01 PM
Sorry guys, i don't expect you to actually be able to answer that question "who am i"
It just feels like my life is on a strict script and im just following it!

Quintessence- Im not sure, makes me feel like i have support i guess, but raises alot more questions!
out of everybody i have ever met, or know, i am the only one who experiences unusual things. I mean it doesnt bother me, i live with it now. But if im the only one, it makes me wonder why im so special/unlucky.
Hence the question "who am i??"

06-03-2012, 11:13 PM
I would keep in mind that a lot of people do not speak about their religious/spiritual/mystical experiences in real life. Where they do, it is usually in a group devoted specifically to that kind of study. It's a sensitive topic, and putting your own personal gnosis out there takes some amount of courage since it opens up your experiences to critique and criticism. Online you can at least take a deep breath and compose yourself if someone calls your experience a load of $#@%. It's not quite as wounding as someone calling it $#@% to your face, right?

I suppose what you can take away from this is that you're not alone. Many people have interesting experiences and interpret them in all manner of curious ways. Quite a few of us are "special/unlucky" as you put it. =)

07-03-2012, 12:14 AM
thanks Quintessence :)

07-03-2012, 01:17 AM
hoon.... Who am I really? is the best question.

You are discovering the silent watcher within yourself, observing all the changes and thoughts and analyzing... and knowing you are not really them.

There are many names for what we awaken into... inner being, pure awareness, true nature, spirit or soul and so on.


18-03-2012, 12:51 AM
Thankyou Xan- i was hoping you would reply to this :)

18-03-2012, 12:56 AM
Who am i really?, well only you can find that answer, no one can tell you, all they can do is point you to that which IS, and that is who you must Realize for yourself.

18-03-2012, 01:55 AM

You are who you have chosen to be, and the beauty of it is that you are free to choose again and again, and even choosing not to choose is still a choice..

There is no 'silent watcher within', there is the potential that you may choose that perspective, though.. personally, i find that by allowing the mind to become still and quiet that our awareness expands exponentially proportionate to the more quiet and still the mind becomes..

'You' are the undifferentiated Whole, experiencing itself as 'you' and through your independently functioning perspective, and through the interconnected interactive relationships you experience..

You are the 'wild-card', the free and spontaneous variable that can and often does 'choose' to manifest an experience that is not consistent with the conditioning or the probabilities or the expectations.. as the whole experiences 'itself' through 'you', it would not be experiencing 'itself' if there were limitations on 'your' freedom, "as above so below"..

Be well..

18-03-2012, 01:57 AM

18-03-2012, 06:51 AM

Spiritual Transitions are difficult.

This is because every time you blaze forward, you are essentially trailblazing into new and unknown territory.

This can all be rough on ones psychology.

I think I understand your sentiments to some degree.

I went through a scary phase that I called "disassociation",

I think it is natural expecially for dmt.

I did feel very imbalanced and the 3rd person thing was an uncomfortble perspective.

I allowed myself to feel the discomfort.

I knew that the imbalance would tend again to balance.

And I knew that when I returned to a balanced state, I would be more whole than I was previously.


Work is Catabolic and Anabolic.

In order to grow you must break your established system.

In the wake of such an even there is often a limbo period.

Soon it will be time for you to grow again spiritually.

You are in the process of that now.

Is there anything in specific you are working on?

18-03-2012, 06:56 AM

I ask myself that same Question "Who Am I!?"

But now the question fills me with excitement.

18-03-2012, 12:43 PM
xebiche- Thanks for your reply it really struck me!
although i don't find the "disassociation" side of it intimidating. My awakening was forced by these type of experience's so i feel quite at home their ;)

Curious to why you mentioned DMT, do you think this chemical is released during spiritual experiences?
That is what i believe, but am yet to come across any evidence.

I do believe im in this limbo period, i have experienced a massive break lately and am yet to see any progress in spirituality! so hopefully its just around the corner!

19-03-2012, 02:51 AM
Ah yes... the limbo periods. These are times when the previous changes are getting integrated at deep levels, while on the surface it seems like nothing is happening.

The thing to do is keep on with your practice... and be simply present with whatever is going on Now.


20-03-2012, 01:20 AM

Ah yes...

Be well..