View Full Version : Please help with some insight

04-03-2012, 07:05 PM
Hi this is my first post here. I discovered this site while looking for info on channeling. My friend recently wet through a nervous breakdown and had to be administered into a psychiatric ward. She insists that she is channeling information that is quite negative. I know a bit about metaphysical situations, but my friend discovered schizophrenia runs in the family. I want to help her anyway i can. I tell her not to trust certain entities especially with negative orientations, but I'm hoping to gain more insights on channeling negative
energies. any reply would be helpful thanks.

the information that she tells me is quite personal. certain things she tells me hit very intimate parts of my self,things I've never told anybody. its as if she can read the secretive parts of my ego. Also she sees demonic entities and on occasion strange noises will be heard while hanging out, that she claims she knows what or who they are. She may have certain abilities i don't understand. She claims that while some people use their intuition, she uses channeled info she claims is god.other than these things she won't speak of other channeled info is. Thanks for reading

04-03-2012, 07:07 PM
It would be helpful to hear what the channeled information is.

04-03-2012, 10:53 PM
Blessings upon your journey with your friend! Please tread lightly and remain connected to your spirit---some don't believe in protection, I do. Protect your spirit. There is another woman who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia on here. She has tried and practices many modern and spiritual healing practices and may be able to give some insight on how to help your friend. You could probably do a search on here for Schizophrenia, MH Diagnosis, etc.

04-03-2012, 10:55 PM
Her username is "spiritualized" and the thread she posted was entitled: Healing from Schizophrenia/Psychosis/Severe MH issues? under the Healing category.

04-03-2012, 11:15 PM
Her username is "spiritualized" and the thread she posted was entitled: under the Healing category.

Thank you so much. This online community is a very beautiful place, with great people willing to help like yourself. I appreciate this so much, because in situations like my friends, loving and caring support will no doubt bring neccesary salvation and change. Again Thank you for taking the time to help.

sunny shine
05-03-2012, 06:30 AM
Yes, this is exactly what I feel today after reading another post on medium ship. It is great to be here! Thank you all for your honest and caring contributions.

06-03-2012, 05:20 AM
Thank you so much. This online community is a very beautiful place, with great people willing to help like yourself. I appreciate this so much, because in situations like my friends, loving and caring support will no doubt bring neccesary salvation and change. Again Thank you for taking the time to help.

You're welcome! I agree with you and sunny shine.

I, too have received from this community! So, when I have the opportunity to pay it forward and share, I take it! No problem!

24-03-2012, 03:41 AM
While I am sure you will find much assurance and guidance for your friend in the Healing section, I wanted to share a bit of what I know in this area that may be of some assistance.

In some cases, schizophrenia is a result of a trauma either experienced in this life (or in a past one) that cause a the defense mechanism to kick in of splitting that person's personality into pieces to compartmentalize the trauma so that the person doesn't have to consciously address or deal with it directly. In some situations I believe it is a "bloodline karma" and thus why it seems to run in family lines. Children that suffer even mild abuse or trauma in life learn to "leave their bodies" at a very young age so they don't have to experience abuse.

Ironically, the ability to channel is the ability to compartmentalize and "set aside" your personal awareness so you then create a space for spiritual guides or angels to speak to you, or through you. I am sensing that when a person's spirit temporarily "leaves their body" through either a nervous breakdown, trauma, or even accident because that experience is negative in nature, the energies that are more apt to step forward are those that more naturally go along with the negative emotions of that person at that time.

There also are shadow aspects of the personality that are manifested as a defense mechanism during trauma. She may see as a separate person or entity but it is an actual part of themselves that is just "personifying" the painful emotions or feelings that the person is having a hard time facing or dealing with.

I have always counselled my clients that they need to reintegrate the disconnected or fragmented aspects of themselves so they can regain balance. This can be done as simply as getting back to a basic and simple routine of basic breathing, regular movement/exercise such as walking, and just observing and releasing the energies as they arise. Yes there may be dramatic demons that want to play games with her...or it may be just a very traumatized and fragmented aspect of her self. Either way the remedy is the same...compassion, love, and not getting caught up in the drama or game that the negative energy is wanting to pull her into. Think...breathe, balance, and keep moving... Eventually the drama will be tired of feeding on her and will move onto the next easier victim.

I wish your friend the best in what must be a very difficult and challenging time. I know you will find the support, compassion, and guidance you need to assist you and her during this painful experience.

29-04-2012, 11:18 PM
Having been through psychosis myself I may have gathered some insight with my own challenges that could be of assistance. I had some very negative aspects talking to me that were released into my conscious mind. They were eventually purged with love and are now with me as one. They are very sorry for being mean to me.

I don't presume to know what your friend talks to but I believe TammyDodd has said what I would like to say already. "Either way the remedy is the same...compassion, love, and not getting caught up in the drama or game that the negative energy is wanting to pull her into." Things may seem evil or bad but sometimes it helps to stop and think what they must have went through to become that way. Show genuine love and compassion to them because they don't know what they are doing. If they were aware of how much they truly loved your friend they would be very remorseful. Be grateful for the challenges they present for it is an opportunity to learn how to love unconditionally.

I hope your friend recovers to a point where her mental problems become a positive aspect of her life and that peace followers her wherever she goes.

Also keep yourself balanced -- I understand it is difficult for the friends and family of those afflicted.

06-05-2012, 08:50 AM
Things may seem evil or bad but sometimes it helps to stop and think what they must have went through to become that way. Show genuine love and compassion to them because they don't know what they are doing. If they were aware of how much they truly loved your friend they would be very remorseful. Be grateful for the challenges they present for it is an opportunity to learn how to love unconditionally.

Please disregard this information. I believe it may be misguided.