View Full Version : Telepathic receiver creating Tulpas

02-03-2012, 06:46 PM
I have finally after three years of confusion understood how my telepathic abilities work. First I target someone uniquely in any manner and extract their entire mental image including their memories, personality traits, and what they are currently thinking about and doing. Then I continue to stream what they are thinking and doing while creating a conscious subconscious or a Tulpa <wikipedia it> that I communicate with without altering their subconscious or communicating directly to them. I keep all conversations internal and just stream what they are doing so they have a better grasp of consciousness. I have before created multiple mental image tulpas and have had "group" collaboration. Remember I get all personality traits so I can not automatically believe anything. If you would lie to someone you knew nothing about chances are your tulpa would, too. So in my conversations I build up a reputation before I attempt to learn any knowledge from them. This is the only possibility of how my telepathy could work as some thing were true and some weren't but none was accessable by tapping into subconscious memories of someone else's head. Maybe this is how yours works, too? I also get professional help about dealing with a voice or three in my head at times when I call for it.

02-03-2012, 08:04 PM
I just felt successful sending messages. I chose to send a tone rather than words. I sent 12345.6hz using an app for the ipod called tonegen and then saved it added in a tone for 20hz and played both turning the 20hz +10hz as i held down the button til i got to 14000hz false alarm

Also if i stay detached from a person sometimes i can get their conscious thought stream... especially if it involves me in some way or is easy to follow logically.

04-03-2012, 08:47 PM
I wish someone could telepathically extract my subconscious even if it hurt, and try to if willing to implant it over the subconscious of a man i know as Associate 2.... hope you can help?