View Full Version : Listening to your heart

02-03-2012, 11:03 AM

I'm realising more and more that I'm aware when I make a decision I shouldn't do. Its that feeling that says 'no' but I over ride it, and do it anyway.

I can pin point several things in my life over the last few years where I knew something was wrong. Its not just 'self fulfilling prophecy' either. When travelling last year, my instinct was cancel a day trip, don't go. I went we got robbed by bandits. I took a job last year, which I never felt excited about. It was wrong, I knew it. Its a really good company, everyone is lovely, I'm doing well - but its not right.

But I'm not so aware of when I listen and things go well. Apart from moments when I just impulsively do something, or even feel driven to do something.

Is listening to your heart, impulsiveness? is it an inner voice, is it just a feeling?

I meditate daily, but think this is something I need to work on. How do you learn to fine tune this? Experiences would be very welcome :)

silent whisper
02-03-2012, 01:11 PM
I guess all those experiences we journey through like you own reveal the importance of listening to your intuition. When I truly listen to my heart and connect to something, I usually find if that decision feels right, the universe will reveal links to that heart choice that show me that they are supporting my decision. I see those sychonristic links of confirmation that reveal I am on track...and spirit is supporting me in my heart choice. I dont see any heart choice as wrong. Because no matter what choices we make or follow with our heart, we always grow through that space if we choose too, even when it may not turn out right...It was right for us at that time.

02-03-2012, 02:44 PM
Same as above...it seems right, feels right in the heart.

02-03-2012, 05:43 PM
how do you learn whats from the heart and what's in the head?

I can usually tell when I shouldn't make a certain decision, but I can't tell when I should.

amy green
02-03-2012, 05:59 PM
Edited - clearer version below!

amy green
02-03-2012, 06:31 PM
how do you learn whats from the heart and what's in the head?

I can usually tell when I shouldn't make a certain decision, but I can't tell when I should.

I find getting the intuitive "go-ahead" is usually more subtle (less obvious) than the message of when the decision is obviously a wrong one, so I understand your situation. Essentially it may require more fine tuning/sensitivity to "get" the message, which may not come at once. The process involves suspending thinking and opening up to your intuition. If you're in doubt about a decision, this in itself, is a bit of a give-away!

If it's just that you're undecided/split two ways, there's a little exercise you can do. Mentally mark a coin with one decision being heads, the other being on tails, then tell yourself that you have to do whatever the flipped coin says. Flip the coin then note how you feel. That's the purpose of the exercise and the intuitive indication i.e. obviously you don't just act on what the coin says - it's to put you in touch with your intuition.

Mr Interesting
02-03-2012, 08:38 PM
Like Amy says it's subtle and kinda needs the space to come through.

Imagine if there you were in a room full of children and most of them were loud but there were one or two quiet ones that spoke in whispers... it's learning to be aware of those quiet children who don't want to disturb anything...

But it's also about self importance and it's lack. Takin' oneself seriously isn't conducive to the quiet but if you can see yourself just at play and willing to make mistakes it helps in allowing the joy to bubble up.

Be that lighthearted and joyful person and the difference between heartspeak and ego speak is quite profoundly different.