View Full Version : I don't get sad when loved ones pass away

17-02-2012, 11:34 PM
My grandmother passed away a few hours ago. Just like every other death, for some reason I always feel so indifferent towards it. I act a bit mellow but thats only because I feel guilty if I didn't.
I use to believe that perhaps I was blessed (or cursed) by being calm and collected, but sometimes I think I am just apathetic.

My family is crying, yet I'm the only one who dosent feel a thing. I probably get more emotional over people consoling me then the actual death. Can someone tell me why? Or perhaps give me a guess...

17-02-2012, 11:39 PM
Numbness, or delayed reaction.... or lack of empathy.

17-02-2012, 11:44 PM
my son is a natural healer and death does not bother him in the least. he says that it is natural and happens to us all. he accepts it as a natural process.

17-02-2012, 11:55 PM
Hypothesis 1: you didn't have a close relationship with your grandmother, so her death might as well be that of a total stranger?

Hypothesis 2: you realize that death isn't "The End." and therefore there is nothing to be upset about?

18-02-2012, 12:08 AM
I am the same, i was very close to my grandfather when he passed and i wasn't the slightest bit upset. I was almost jealous he got to leave before i did!
I don't think theirs anything wrong with that, just your comfortable with death. I think many people are afraid of death because they think they'll never see them again.

Although, if it was your partner it would be very difficult to deal with, not because they died, but because a large portion of your life has been removed and that would be hard to fill.

18-02-2012, 12:30 AM
I was going to suggest the same as Quintessence, that you didn't have that close of a relationship. And even if you did, and you responded the same, it doesn't mean you're bad or anything of the sort ~ it could just be that how else to say it, but it's normal for you to feel this way possibly because of your age / youth, and you may have it together on this death and dying thing. It's a strength, iow...I was just a little kid when my grandma died and I was simply curious and remember being just tall enough to see her lying in her casket. Wasn't scared ~ just curious.

18-02-2012, 01:29 AM
The knowledge that they are no longer suffering/gone on to a better place? With each passing I find i'm less upset and I know others who feel the same so please don't feel bad, you're not alone.

18-02-2012, 03:59 AM
Just sharing . Sorry in advance perhaps that is not your ultimate desire , or you had accepted SAME & EQUAL for all being .
If is the later ,you must be free of all suffering .

18-02-2012, 05:45 AM
we are all different and react in different ways. Perhaps you are to comfort your family and a type of healer that helps others with their grieving process.

Mr Interesting
18-02-2012, 07:19 AM
I'd say listen for their spirit... could be your the only one aware, but un-aware of the presence afterwards... I always was and have always found death totally underrated... unless it's quick shocking ones which I tend to feel from a mile off.

Guy next door dies a few years back after a long illness and I was meditating when he expired.

Felt him arrive like a freight train of unbridled joy!! I said 'feels good eh! don't worry your people will be here shortly' then they were, they said thanks, and away they all went.

It's a bit tricky having sensitivities you don't know you got... have you?

18-02-2012, 10:55 AM
It's possible you're cut off from your feelings so completely that even death doesn't make you emotional.

Or maybe like the others said you simply accept death isn't the end and they are in a better place.

Native spirit
18-02-2012, 12:26 PM
:hug: I never cry at funerals i never have its not that i dont care,but the knowing that they go to a better place, my family always cry except myself everybody, asks if im ok and i find myself consoling them ,
i dont view death as an end just a continuous of life in a better place.


18-02-2012, 01:47 PM
When mum died I was really upset and then I realised It was me I was feeling sorry for and not my mum. Mum had passed to somewhere she longed to be and it was all about how I was going to miss her, How was I going to cope etc etc. Once I got past all that I was able to let go and be glad that she was where she wanted to be. I also feel her very strongly at times so I know that she is still with me in spirit. It's a huge comfort. Peace and love to you and your family

18-02-2012, 02:53 PM
You're not apathetic. You are you and are coping with things in your way so dont beat yourself up. Dont try to analyse your reactions, just support those who arent coping as well and just go with the flow. Give yourself time and please be kind to yourself, much love to you x

18-02-2012, 04:15 PM
My grandmother passed away a few hours ago. Just like every other death, for some reason I always feel so indifferent towards it. I act a bit mellow but thats only because I feel guilty if I didn't.
I use to believe that perhaps I was blessed (or cursed) by being calm and collected, but sometimes I think I am just apathetic.

My family is crying, yet I'm the only one who dosent feel a thing. I probably get more emotional over people consoling me then the actual death. Can someone tell me why? Or perhaps give me a guess...

Kamal - If we have truly embraced the notion that death is not the absolute end to our soul's existence, then we often find ourselves feeling a sense of transition for the passing of a loved one than a personal loss. On the other hand apathy is the suppression of emotions. Sometimes we suppress emotions because we don't want others to see our vulnerable side or our emotions. Perhaps we have been hurt in the past when we have opened up and shared that aspect of ourself. You said you get emotional over people consoling you. I think you need to ask yourself why that consoling feels uncomfortable. If you can answer that I think it would reveal a lot to you.

I have been calm and collected during the passing of all my grandparents, three now, so much so that while everyone is falling apart I'm asked to write and read a eulogy for each. If I didn't know better I would say people think I am without emotion. However, when my dog was put down I cried hysterically and even 2 years later I cry over her passing.

There are no rules in life as to when or where you "show" emotion in public or in private. Everyone is unique.


18-02-2012, 05:33 PM
It hurts me terribly when the people I love die...I never got used to it at all.

19-02-2012, 10:19 AM
For me, even knowing my loved ones are in a better place doesn't take away the loss and grief at losing their physcial presence here on this plane.

As someone else said, we are all individuals with our own experiences and perceptions.