View Full Version : Questions of Truth

Forest Wood
02-02-2012, 01:21 PM
I stumbled across a variety of thoughtful questions and quotes, none of which were credited, but carry great value with the intention of aiding the mind. It’s possible that these thoughts and quotes have already been shared as they're fairly simple, but some things are well worth sharing more than once.

If I were to make a recommendation, I would suggest playing music with the ability to tug on your emotions as you work your way through the following list, which I have tried to arrange to be as effective as possible. Perhaps there is something here that will speak to you in a profound way.

I would like to begin by asking you why you are ‘you’, and ‘when’ if not today? There is often a lot of waiting, but is failing really worse than never actually trying? If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like, and like so many things we don’t do? When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you have done?

To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken? Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things? Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?

Have you been the kind of friend you would like as a friend? What is stopping you from being a better person? Do all of your painful memories really matter anymore? If you had the option to choose your memories, sacrificing the ability to make new ones, are you sure that’s what you’d want?

In five years, will you remember what you did yesterday? Will you remember the day before that? Will you remember last week or even the last month? Decisions are being made right now, but are you the one making them, or are others making them for you? Are you even alive or are you just living? Think about the course of your life - do you feel like you’ve lived this day a hundred times before?

If we learn from our mistakes, why are we so afraid to make mistakes? If we haven’t achieved ‘it’ yet, what do we have to lose? When is it time to stop calculating the risks and rewards, and to just go ahead with what we know is right?

Would you live life differently if you knew people wouldn’t judge you? Regardless of what people think they know, is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first? Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity? Has everything been as obvious as people assume it should be? When was the last time you marched into the darkness with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in? When was the last time you stepped outside of the barrier that surrounds your predictable world?

How do you become brave without bravery? When will you finally be good enough for you?

Mystique Enigma
05-02-2012, 06:41 AM
.............................. :)