View Full Version : Mongolic Shamanism

18-01-2012, 06:12 PM
In all my previous lifetimes I have focused on the material world. All but one. In that particular lifetime I was yet again born into the Great Mongol Empire, but for once I was not just a warrior but on a spiritual path toward becoming a shaman. I have a handful of recalled memories from this life, where I interacted with falcons - literally becoming one or joining minds with birds at time - and stood naked at the summits of tall mountains. Memories of this life mingle with other more mundane mongol memories which may be from the same life or others, and in some cases I am leaning on memories shared with other soulmates.

What remains of this lifetime's experiences and abilities? I do not know. I DO know that I have visited the spirit world several times on behalf of the plights of others, and that is a distinct ability of shamans.

And this is the background for me now wanting to learn more about mongolic shamanism as it can be utilized beyond the cultural frame where it started. Are there anyone on this forum who consider themselves connected with the mongol spiritual traditions, and have something to share of skills and techniques or anything else? (I am already using Google so there's no use in posting links. Thanks.)

18-01-2012, 06:35 PM
Not sure, but I believe the mongols used horses for everyday life, and in this lifetime, I am so incredibly enamored of horses, it wouldn't seem possible that IF I have past lives (I'm not even sure I believe in them, per se), many of them had to have a strong connection with horses. Just thinking about them makes me just come alive.

18-01-2012, 07:08 PM
I have a recalled memory of riding a horse at sunrise - in the middle of a horde of 10.000 other horsed warriors. So peaceful. And I am so fond of horses myself. They have figured in most of my lives, if not all.

18-01-2012, 07:46 PM
I wish I had memories of past lives ~ especially with horses.

I owned a horse for 3 yrs. in the mid 80's and was the best 3 yrs. of my present life!

When I was a little kid, I used to try and remember everytime I'd go out after dark to wish on a star that some day I'd own my own horse.