View Full Version : depersonalization

07-01-2012, 10:48 PM
I feel very often that I am not 'me' but not in a scary way but more like I am in a state of indifference. Probably because all my life I have felt a little bit depersonalized so I got used to it but lately I started to experience that feeling more often.

I read on different mostly medical forums about depersonalization and most of the people who felt that way had panic attacks.But someone had posted a very interesting comment that the people who have panic attacks can become enlightened only if they overcome the fear but unfortunately the society make us think they are sick people which makes their problems even worse.
Do you think depersonalization is a sickness or it is just a different state of consciousness which can be used for discovering the self?

07-01-2012, 11:10 PM
Hi mjmj1,
I'm sorry I really don't know anything about depersonalization, but wanted to welcome you to the forum : )

07-01-2012, 11:56 PM
Hi mjmj1

Depersonalization also occurs to enlightened persons but it is followed by acquisition of deep wisdom. Enlightened persons know reality and everything about the structure of our mind. They know the difference between real and unreal. If you have acquired wisdom to differentiate between real and unreal then you seem to be on the right path. If you can see mind as a dream then you are on the right path. If you see your true identity as consciousness then you are on the right path. If you are aware of all that is happening in your mind and body then you are on the right path.