View Full Version : What crystals are you working with at the mo?

09-03-2007, 10:38 PM
I love the way that you get drawn to different crystals at different times, working with their individual energies :)

I've never got a piece of Chiastolite too far away but at the moment am drawn to Hemmimorphite, Green Kyanite and Snow Quartz.

Hemmimorphite has an amazingly calm energy to it, I get the feeling of sitting on a snow capped mountain with it, just breathing in the fresh air and admiring the view.

Green Kyanite is a realy grounding stone and very Earthy - my pixies like it when we play with that one.

Snow Quartz is a new one thats just creeped in recently - reckon there is soe self healing coming up soon!!

Which ones are you drawn to or are working with at the moment?

09-03-2007, 11:05 PM
Hello Whisperer,

I like the idea of this post:)

At the moment I always sleep with my pink kunzite under my pillow-it's very soothing and relaxing and weird as it may seem I feel "incomplete" if I don't put it under my pillow.

I normally take my citrine with me when I go out-it makes me happy and cheerful and it loves going out with me-it always smiles and cheers when I pick it up to put it in my pocket.

I also somtimes take my amethyst with me when I go out-it calms me and keeps my feet on the ground-it gives me wisdom and knowledge-if that makes sense.

Sometimes I take my green jade egg with me when I go outside-it shows me universal love and is very soothing-I love holding it in my hands.

I also wear my watermelon tourmaline around my neck when I go out-it helps a lot to keep negativity away.

I keep my rose quartz and one of my two clear quartz crystals on my bed at all times.

The other clear quartz when I look at it-or inside it takes me other places-and perhaps dimensions-I really am in another mystical place when I look into it or hold it-it's very spiritual for me:)

My kyanite is like a sword but from another world-it's amazing looking at its blue body-it's like some hidden mountainous landscape-I can get lost looking at it. It reminds me of being at a mountain top and accompnishment...

09-03-2007, 11:07 PM
Thank you for sharing :smile:

I absolutely love the energy of Kunzite - Pure love all the way :D

Ascended Master
10-03-2007, 04:30 AM
Which ones are you drawn to or are working with at the moment?

Tibetan Quartz.... WHACK!! lol :D

12-03-2007, 12:53 AM
Hey guys,

Maybe you can help me here.

I purchased a clear quartz crystal a few weeks back and this one has another tiny quartz crystal attached to the bottom of it-I call it the crystals baby crystal:)
This tiny crystal is horizontally attached and is about 2 cms long with about 1cm width.
I looked at the crystal bible to determine it's shape and the closest I got was cathedral but as I said the second crystal is tiny and lies horizontally at the base and yet all the pictures of cathedral quartz I've seen have both crystals verticle...

Is it a cathedral in that case?

I can try to take a picture of it and attach it here if you need clarification!

Please help me here.


Lots of love,

S xxxx

12-03-2007, 03:19 PM
Hi S,

It could be a bridge quartz if the smaller quartz is in the larger one, or it could be a cross quartz, a cathedral quartz like you say is where the quartzs are vertically attached.

If you could pop up a photo it would make it a lot easier!

Kind blessings

12-03-2007, 09:11 PM
Ok then here is an image of my crystal:


As you can see the "baby" crystal is vertical and at the base:)

Take care and lots of love,

S xxxx

12-03-2007, 11:54 PM
wow that's different! not seen one like that before

13-03-2007, 01:03 PM
Hi S,

Firstly, what a stunning piece you have there! Some real energy booting off of it and some travelling to the stars to be done!

From the picture I would say it was a bridge quartz.

Have awesome fun with him!!


13-03-2007, 02:44 PM
Thanks whisperer,

It's a really special and beautiful crystal and everytime I look into it I see angelic forms and I even see mountainous civilisations-it's a bit cloudy and it looks very mystical to me...

I'd like to tell you what happened when I used it:

Yesterday I lay in bed and placed it over my third eye chakra and went off into a meditative state I did cleanse my body with white light and also surrounded my body with white light as a shield and also asked AA Micheal to put his blue light around my white shield for protection-I was relaxed and calm and was trying to astrally project-well it started off as a meditation and I suddenly wanted to try to ap as I've never ap'd before anyhow I felt as if I was floating in the air-I don't know if this was ap as I read that it takes time to leave your body, anyhow suddenly I noticed in my minds eye that I went to two different places:

1) Of a block of inner-city flats that were half collapsed-it was if an earthquake had hit the area but had stopped before the entire flats collapsed into rubble. It was daylight and the sky was blue.

2) A really dark mansion at night-it was pitch black and I was outside this house and was flying into it-inside it was also almost pitch black but I didn't want to go into this mansion and so I said "no I'm not interested in going in there-I want to move out" and as I said this I came out of the mansion.

Basically as I didn't know what was going on I came out of this experience and became aware of being in my body. After I did this I started to feel little electric shocks in my hands and the soles of my feet and it felt like something was pulling the top of my head-it was as if something got hold of a cord that came out of my head and was pulling it...this also happened during the time I was visiting those buildings.

Sorry guys I guess maybe this is meant to be in meditation but I put it here as I used my crystal during meditation.

Could you please tell me what happened there? How did I see these buildings and why the feelings afterwards?
Surely that wasn't astral projection was it?

Thanks for reading this guys,

Lots of love,

S xxxx

13-03-2007, 02:59 PM
Hi LJ,

It does not really sound like astral travel; at least not my experience of it. However, it does sound like you were having some very powerful visions. I have these from time to time too. Was it like a movie screen in your mind's eye, perhaps lightly shaded in purple?

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that clear quartz is a highly spiritual crystal and the fact that you felt something pulling at the top of your head, which is where the crown chakra is located, could actually be guidance that you should work with your clear quartz over your crown chakra; to improve the energy flow there.

Indeed, clear quartz resonates highly with the Crown Chakra.

Should you be asking why you had the exact visions that you had, I do not know. I would say that they are either visions of other places in the world today or the future or they could be past life visions.

Apparently, to see visions of your past lives, a person should place a unakite crystal on their third eye chakra to induce those. When I work with the unakite crystal, no matter where I place it, I have visions, although of course, whether they are of past lives, I cannot confirm.

I hope this helps, LJ.

13-03-2007, 06:48 PM
Ok thanks Kundalini.

It does make sense as I was not too sure if whether if was ap and I thought that perhaps it could be some form of remote viewing. It was a bit like a movie screen but there was no purple the colours were normal but perhaps a tiny bit shadowy.

So out of curiosity what are these visoions part of? Is it some form of remote viewing or do this just sometimes happen during meditation? I just wanted to know in case it happens again and what to do if it does..

I am now getting back into meditation it seems and thankk goodness for that...

thanks again K.

Take care and lots of love,

S xxxx

13-03-2007, 07:32 PM
Hi S

Quartz is a great conductor for the Universal Energy and it makes sure we are properly grounded and 'cleared out' so the energy that you were feeling in your crown, feet and hands was most probably the Quartz doing its work, nothing to worry about.

The visions could mean many things. It could be that you've forseen an Earthquake or it could be a spiritual message about you clearing yourself ready to 'fight another day'. The Mansion could reprsent a part of you that isn't ready to heal - but perhaps in time you will.


13-03-2007, 09:16 PM
Hi LJ,

Whisperer has made a really good interpretation there - in fact, I have heard recently that when a person works with white light ie. images this colour in their aura, then this will actually start a process whereby a person will be actually emptying their aura and so there is a period of time, where a person will experience a possible feeling of emptiness until the new energies arrive in the aura. I do not know whether this is true or not but I thought it was interesting to mention here. So, basically, perhaps these images or visions were visions of inner thoughtforms, either literal or metaphorical and they have now been released from your aura. It's a possible interpretation...

LJ, visions can be remote viewing but it all depends in what context they are taken perhaps...all I can say is that you are highly clairvoyant to have these visions.

Again, it could also be upto individual interpretation with regards to visions and astral projection. All I can say is, is that the way you described your experience above does not sound like astral travel to me. Then again, you may experience it differently. I can only add that what you did describe sounds more like clairvoyance.

The only other thing is, is that I think that once you do astral travel, you will know 100% that you did. I have an astral travel technique that works 100% LJ, so if you want me to send it to you, please let me know.


13-03-2007, 10:05 PM
Hi Kundalini,

If that offer is open, I'd be really interested in hearing about the technique? I'd love to try AT.

Really interesting about releasing things into the aura to heal, I hadn't thought of it in that way but it makes perfect sense!

Kind blessings,

13-03-2007, 10:35 PM
Oh wow thanks angelicious and kundalini,

What you said about inner thought forms really does tie up with my life-the block of flats and the dark mansion describe how I've been feeling internally very very well...

Kundalini: I'd also love to hear about your method of AT so please do tell:)))

14-03-2007, 02:58 AM
Hi Whisperer and LJ,

The offer is open and I will PM you both with the method of astral travel! It does work although it may require a little patience. It works for me so I see no reason why it would not work for you.

LJ, it's interesting to hear that the visions you had could be a metaphorical depiction of your innermost feelings. In fact, I have just had a thought! You say that you felt a tugging around your Crown Chakra area. Now as far as I know, negative energies are released from the auric field via both the Root and the Crown chakra, so maybe this confirms that this was a healing process? Perhaps you actually felt the energies being released through your Crown chakra? What do you think LJ? Personally, I think you should go with your intuition with this one...whatever sounds right to you is probably the truth of it.


14-03-2007, 09:32 PM
Hello Kundalini,

Well I wouldn't be surprised if it was a healing process for I feel very calm peaceful at the moment and maybe this sounds weird but I can "smell" the future in the sense that I can literally smell that change. My room is more calm and peaceful than it has ever been before...

I do feel as if something has been released from me-as it did feel as if something was pulling at my head and so perhaps pulling the negativity out.

15-03-2007, 01:25 AM
Hi LJ,

I just want to say that during my crystal healing sessions recently I too have experienced this tugging sensation at my Crown Chakra. Intuitively, I do feel it is a release of energies at the Crown Chakra or maybe even energy flowing into the Crown Chakra itself. Remarkably, this sensation is usually more pronounced when I am working with a clear quartz crystal, even if I am working with it somewhere other than my Crown Chakra.


15-03-2007, 08:05 AM
Just to chime in, i have been worked with clear quartz in my closed circle on tuesday night and i also experienced loads of energy from it - i could feel a tightness around my throat at the time, and knew the tightness was energy trying to be released but getting stopped at my throat chakra.

Ive not long had the crystal but its certainly one of the most powerful i have when working with it.:smile:

17-03-2007, 08:09 PM
Hey does anyone know crystals that can help you with developing inner power and any crystals that can help with emotional disconnection?. Also I can usually feel the energy fairly strongly in crytals but now with some of my crystals I can barely feel it at all. The crystals have all be cleansed and re charged and still nothing so does this mean I need to move on with different crystals now or not? Thanks to anyone who can help!


18-03-2007, 02:18 PM
Hi Alana,

Inner power is mainly associated with the Solar Plexus Chakras, both at the front and the back of the body. The corresponding colour is Yellow and the related element is Fire. Therefore, to develop inner power, crystals such as Yellow Jasper, Citrine/Citrine Quartz, Yellow Calcite and Tiger's Eye or Tiger Iron (think 'Eye Of The Tiger') will be most helpful with that.

Perhaps the best crystal for treating emotional disconnection is Rose Quartz used at the front and back Heart Chakras. Known as the stone of love and a pink colour, it opens a person up to a loving energy but should be used with caution as due to it's power of releasing, it can bring strong and perhaps often painful memories back up to the conscious mind to be released safely.

It is possible that you are feeling no energy flow from your crystals now because you no longer need them but another possibility is because your energy field has become so used to these energies, that you do not feel them as strongly anymore. It may well be though that you need to move on to different crystals and as you have expressed an interest in developing the qualities you mentioned, it may be helpful to obtain some of the crystals that I have mentioned. Of course though, always go with your own intuition for that will be your best guide. I hope that helps Alana, K.

18-03-2007, 05:01 PM
Crystals are fascinating, I agree! I've been drawn to them since I was a wee one. Now, I've come to see that I am a Crystal, my hubbie an Indigo, and my son a Rainbow - although, that's just our way of understanding these things beyond material expression, I suppose :) By my bedpost, I have a gorgeous himalayan salt lamp, it immerses the room in lava-like warmth. Rose quartz sits beneath Riven's crib - what an amazing clearing and loving energy. A citrine pendant found its way by my neck and near my heart, just two weeks before his birth. I find it to be like a drink of fresh water-honey, and wear it to boost my renewing confidence, and to embrace love, light and the truths of my Scorpio nature. On my altar, I have a collection of crystals and a chakra wand that I use as called for healing or grounding during readings and Reiki treatments.

Keep on crystallizing!

18-03-2007, 05:02 PM
Hi there,

I'd agree with Kundalini about the Rose Quartz - it is a strong crystal, I like to call it the 'steamroller of love' because it eminates such strong light that sometimes it can feel quite harsh. For more gentle emotional release I'd suggest Ametrine, Rhodochrosite, Mangano Calcite or if you really want to push the boat out Simthsonite (lavendar/pink).

Inner Power wise I would also suggesr Chrysocolla, Sunstone or Yellow Tourmaline.

We tend to go through stages of working with crystals - I personally believe if you don't get any feelings from them and they are fully charged and cleansed then its a stone that you don't need at the present time - its not to say in the future that will be the case, it just means their present work with you is done and they get a rest! :D

Kind blessings, Whisp

18-03-2007, 05:07 PM
I find that the crystals call to you, as you are meant to find them and them you. When looking for one to enhance your inner power, nothing works best than your own connection to the stone. From my personal practices, I'd advice wearing such a crystal by your neck, to encourage your heart chakra to be open to love and light, and for your throat chakra to speak the Truths you carry within. Amethyst is wonderful for opening your third eye, aiding the spirit journey into clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience and clairaudience. And even just going for a nature walk, in a deep, cathedral forest or by natural water, you may find a large stone or cute pebble calling you. If you do, greet it, pick it up, and use it as your called to do!

Good luck and have fun!

18-03-2007, 07:15 PM
Hey thanks for the great answers:) I was using a rose quartz pendulum for a while because it seemed to call to me but not anymore...citrine has never seemed to work for me either:(...I do feel drawn to tigers eye though:) the only ones I can feel the energy in are snowflake obsidian, dolomite, peakcock ore and fools gold. Can anyone suggest what this might mean?. I'm wondering if I should be working on something else instead!Many thanks


18-03-2007, 08:31 PM
Hi Alana,

It sounds like you may have voiced the answer you're looking for. Perhaps, you're seeking to expand your tools beyond the crystal realms. Other tools I enjoy are natural twigs for rune-reading and wand energy, feathers for enlightenment and uplifting one's vibrational energy, seashells for cleansing and purification, and incense and candles for manifestation, spirit journeys and meditation. I also work with oracle, tarot, faery and power animal cards and love my quartz and chakra wand. Don't know if this gives you any ideas?

Good luck on the continuous journey!

19-03-2007, 07:26 PM
Wow i hadn't even considered half of those things!. I think they are lovely ideas. Thankyou very much for your suggestions:)


19-03-2007, 10:19 PM
You're welcome Alana! I'd love to hear where this journey takes you. Perhaps, you'll grow your tool sets in a way which has never been done before! Or, perhaps you'll find an inner power and strength, the ultimate tools, that you never knew you had. Let me know how it goes and if you expand your spirit kit, so to speak! hehe I find it so fun to do!

