View Full Version : Attracting your life partner

21-11-2011, 08:01 PM
I have been using affirmations to attract a life partner/soulmate into my life for quite a while now, starting with: "I now attract the best possible person into my life", continuing with: "I am being loved", until using: "I am love"...

And still, I am single... :icon_frown:

Careful, I have several good friends (even one I am a little bit infatuated with, but I know he isn't attracted to me sexually, so no way he is going to be my soulmate), and there even is a man that loves me beyond boundaries, but he lives far away in the other part of the world, so no way we are ever going to be together.

What is going wrong? Am I going to meet my man, and if, when? :confused:

21-11-2011, 08:52 PM
how do you know for sure the one you like isn't attracted to you? and why because the other man lives far away will you never be together?

you sound a bit negative towards those situations which might be hindering you? and closing you off to other opportunities? I'm no expert mind! :)

21-11-2011, 08:58 PM
I think guavablossom may have a point there, kiran. At the same time people make assumptions based on who knows what, that frame of mind may be closing off other opportunities that may be waiting in the wings, and not just the situations you're familiar with. It's not easy striking a balanced frame of mind ~ I suffer a lot of anxieties about lots of stuff, myself. {{{hugz}}}

21-11-2011, 11:42 PM
My thoughts are that your affirmations need a little tweaking. They should be more along the lines of inviting potential partners into your life, like minded people who are as caring and as generous as you are. Also your intentions should be pure. In other words, you really know the type of person you seek, and you are open and inviting to anyone who may fit the profile. Being specific can help. Don’t hum and haw, and don’t keep changing your mind. And finally trust your own instincts and intuition.

22-11-2011, 12:43 AM
I am going to quote this sig of yours, Kiran.

"Awakened to the meaning of my heart
That to feel love and oneness is to live
And this the magic of our golden change,
Is all the truth I know or seek, O sage."

He is not speaking of love and oneness from only one person, and the sage he speaks with lives within. Love for one is love for all, and love has many different forms. So you have a love that is a friend, you have a love you think loves you beyond all boundaries (although that seems not true since you feel bound by distance) Love is a blend of all things I think.

22-11-2011, 06:40 PM
Thank you all for your answers.

guavablossom, I know for sure that guy I am attracted to isn't into me. He told me so in an intense talk where I put out my feelings towards him. But we still share a great friendship, and often hug ande give each other brotherly and sisterly love. As for the man that I know adores me, we were already together when I was 17 and he has been loving me ever since. But he is living in India and has his roots and businesses there and no way am I going to pull him out of there. The same way I am not going to live in India. He once said that he wants to come here to live here, but that's very, VERY difficult. So I don't think we are supposed to be.

Silvergirl, did you mean to say I am too anxious to find somebody?

Maiya, I will try to be more specific, and inviting... thank you for your answer.

Mayflow, I'm with you in all that you say. Love is all.

23-11-2011, 11:47 AM
You’re very welcome.

Best wishes.

23-11-2011, 12:01 PM
Maybe there are still some lessons you need to learn alone before meeting your life partner

23-11-2011, 05:57 PM
Ronin, what lessons are there that cannot be learned having a partner?

23-11-2011, 06:07 PM
Silvergirl, did you mean to say I am too anxious to find somebody?

Well, not straight-out that way. I think when we're suffering high anxiety or various degrees of it, we oftentimes aren't 'ourselves'~~~the person you're interested in won't see some of our better qualities, perhaps.

23-11-2011, 06:47 PM
Kiran, there is always the possibility that you are trying too hard. Put your request out to the Universe, have faith and believe it will happen... and let the Universe bring it to you. I know, so easy for one to say and to give advice ..... not always that easy to do.

Not something you might want to hear at the moment .. but there is always the possibility that the time is not right for you to meet/ find your life partner/ soulmate at this moment in time ? We don't always know the reasons for why things happen or don't happen as we want them to, but there is always some reason...

maybe the Universe is still searching for just the right person for you ? :smile:

Best wishes to you

Dream Angel xx

PS ~ have you read the book " Write it Down, Make it Happen " ? by Henriette Klauser , excellent book. She gives several examples of how people have written down what it is they want to happen, be very specific and voila ! it happens ! Just an idea.