View Full Version : Does bacteria have souls?

18-11-2011, 06:53 AM
Humans have souls, that is a given.

Do Animals have souls? Most would say yes. Is it the same soul that a human has?

Do Trees have souls? Some would say yes. Is it the same soul that an animal has?

Do Bacteria have souls? I don't know what people would say... bacteria is no less alive than trees or flowers or grass... but do they have souls? Of the same kind as trees?

18-11-2011, 06:57 AM
What is a soul ?

18-11-2011, 08:32 AM
good question

18-11-2011, 09:07 AM
Each level of dimensional awareness has its own level of BEing. For our D, this is an consciousness that we call a spirit/soul. For the bacteria it is more of an a basic BEing, but that which is entirely appropriate to its D.

18-11-2011, 09:11 AM

The short answer is yes. In many philosophies and enlightened consciousness, all things are created out of spiritual consciousness so all things have a soul (which is why for example auras appear in kirilean photography, and the elementals guide their evolution just as we have spiritual guides) - but some are less evolved than others.

And this means that every cell in your physical body has a soul and working together your physical body has a group mind which is the intelligence of your body. I think 99% of most people's problems are related to thinking they are that body - because this human body we have is very reactive, being survival oriented. It has insect brain - a sort of primitive intelligence that takes orders from chemical impulses. But we are the soul that resides in the body (we can go in and out) and we use the higher brain to manage the lower impulses of the physical body mind. We use our chakras to communicate with it through neurotransmittors.

I just think it's fascinating that I am living inside a bunch of bugs! And grateful that they are cooperating with each other to allow me to experience this world in this amazing "vessel" or "space suit" of my physical body!

19-11-2011, 04:44 AM
All things have consciousness. Soul is a name given by the humans. Soul is nothing.