View Full Version : Advice needed

29-09-2011, 04:28 PM
Hi everyone, it's been quite a while since I paid the site a visit. I must appologise.
I'm here today to ask for some advice. I've suffered from stress/anxiety for most of my life. I go through phases of coping then times where I require medication. I have an over active imagination and my worries at times can spiral out of control.
I was introduced to the Law of Attraction a few years ago. I know positive thoughts are POWERFUL. My problem is, trying to keep positive when my nerves and worries run wild.
To be honest, I have the usual worries, money & cars. Nothing in my life should really be causing me to worry as I do.
I do try to be positive and most of the time I'm a cheerful & happy person who can dish out advice telling people "think positive" "things aren't that bad"
I'd like to be able to believe in myself and attract more positivity into my life. Can anyone advise me on some affirmations to help me start off ?
I've been trying this week when I feel panic come over to think "positive is powerful" I also did a 5 min guided meditation which was actually strange. I saw lots of gold colours and a little chinese man who Had a long beard. I think he also massaged me.
Any advice would be most grateful.
Thank you in advance :-) Robin-Red x

29-09-2011, 04:42 PM
Hi Robin-Red. I've never had much luck with LOA thinking, and yet, I recently gave EFT a try, which utilizes affirmations. You should check it out (EFT). I have a feeling it could help you. Btw ~ very unique and amusing meditation experience you had there.

29-09-2011, 04:51 PM
Thank you for your reply. I'll check that out when I have time.
I used a guided meditation a few years back. I used to relax and find myself walking along a pathway. I used to find this high gate. I'd knock and the gate would open. Id walk into this amazing garden filled with the most beautiful flowers. After wandering around I'd find myself in front of this white wooden house. I'd turn around and find a set of stairs. On walking slowly down these stairs I'd meet my spirit guide. I don't think I know someone was there to meet me but I could never visualise anything. It frustrated me ! I think I maybe met him yesterday. X

29-09-2011, 05:03 PM

For me the biggest tool was a journal. Random notes made during the day that one could later go to and look at and sort out. Taking time to let life flow and notin the issues as they come up.

Possitive affirmations and choosing the works with care. We often say I want something but if we really look hard at that do we really NEED it . At times its not recieved as it is not serving our greatet and highest good.

The man in the meditation actually common as many of us have an Asain guide. I have a Buddist Master as one of mine. That spiritual wisdom we fail at times to see in us or take note of. Great knowlege in words and healing they have.

I feel the message is a simple one that quiet state of meditaion and relaxation fo the body and the mind is a good thing and a good place to be.

At bedtime I do a Rainbow Healing or Cleansing and that really helps ground me for sleep.

You simply lay on your back and look up to the celing. Light or dark in the room matters not. Then in the mind paint a rainbow on the ceiling. Line by line and colour by colour. Then pick all or but one colour and take that colour and slowly move it into the top of ones head. From there slowly move it down the head, neck, shoulder ( stopping there to release the days tentions ) down the arms to the finger tips and back up. To the chest and stoping at the heart to balance and open it to taking in healing. Keep going down the rest of the body. Stopping at any point of pain or injury or tentions. At the end moving the energy out though the bottom of both feet. Looping it back up to the head and starting again. This is done three times.

At the end one simply says thank you and a good rest usually follows.


29-09-2011, 09:13 PM
Your Chinese man is probably your protector guide.

Everyone has negative thoughts now and then. Staying IN that negative is the problem. If you can work hard with self-talk and take some time during the panic worries to release them, you will find it works better than trying to switch them.

Remember that worry is living in the future, not the present mind. For LOA to work, you must live in the now and project out what you want back.

Try reading "The Power of Now" Eckhart Tolle to work on your worries.

And "The 7 Spiritual laws to Success" by Deepak Chopra for more LOA advice.

29-09-2011, 10:48 PM

Here is this very simple book

"Love is letting go of Fears" Gerald G. Jampolski

30-09-2011, 09:46 AM
I'd like to be able to believe in myself and attract more positivity into my life. Can anyone advise me on some affirmations to help me start off ?
I've been trying this week when I feel panic come over to think "positive is powerful" I also did a 5 min guided meditation which was actually strange. I saw lots of gold colours and a little chinese man who Had a long beard. I think he also massaged me.
Any advice would be most grateful.
Thank you in advance :-) Robin-Red x

Here's some ideas to get your started....

Every day in every way my health, happiness and prosperity increase.

My imagination is the door to achieving my life goals. I imagine and visualize myself as happy, successful, healthy, and joyous.

Whenever I take a moment to be still, I find the solution I'm seeking.

Every breath I take brings me closer to wealth, health, and inner peace.

Gold is a wonderful soothing color for calming and relaxing the nervous system and the mind. The image of the little Chinese man massaging you could indicate your are being guided by a greater power and though it appears nothing is happening on the surface there are deeper changes taking place within. He may be encouraging you to continue building your inner strength...to look at Traditional Chinese Medicine or even the Tao?

30-09-2011, 03:12 PM
When I first became aware of the power of positivity I delighted in it and was determined to live in it alone. I found, however, that the self is a lot like the body in that it can go into "starvation" mode. When you suddenly decide to cut out sugars or carbs you will find yourself craving foods rich in them. When you consciously decide to project only positive energy you deny yourself balance. After a few weeks of perfect positivity I would experience fits of intense anxiety and aggression. I equate this to my self seeking balance. I'm still deciding how to deal with this. The middle path seams all but required but I strive to live in positivity. So, my advice to you would be to just stick with it. The more positive influence you take in the more positive influence you will create.

30-09-2011, 10:23 PM
Another great book is "I DESERVE LOVE" by Sondra Ray.
She recommends writing affirmations out because more of the senses are involved.
As you write them you see them (SIGHT/SEEING), as you see them you say them (SOUND/HEARING),
you are also touching pen to paper so - (FEELING/TOUCHING/ACTION).
These are 3 good senses that the body & mind use to create change.
She also says to put your name in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person,
this is also important since your conditioning from others came to you in this manner.

1st. I Robin, now choose to love myself more everyday.
2nd. You Robin, now choose to love yourself more everyday.
3rd. She Robin, now chooses to love herself more everyday.

Write this out 20 times every morning for a month or two? Stick with working on just “one” fear at a time. (2 months?).
Most people take on too many affirmations at one time,
these just get watered down too much and the mind/spirit energy is too weak to create change.
Most of our beliefs, thoughts, fears and habits we’re all learnt years ago, BUT they were all learnt one at a time.

01-10-2011, 02:47 AM
Hi everyone, it's been quite a while since I paid the site a visit. I must appologise.
I'm here today to ask for some advice. I've suffered from stress/anxiety for most of my life. I go through phases of coping then times where I require medication. I have an over active imagination and my worries at times can spiral out of control.
I was introduced to the Law of Attraction a few years ago. I know positive thoughts are POWERFUL. My problem is, trying to keep positive when my nerves and worries run wild.
To be honest, I have the usual worries, money & cars. Nothing in my life should really be causing me to worry as I do.
I do try to be positive and most of the time I'm a cheerful & happy person who can dish out advice telling people "think positive" "things aren't that bad"
I'd like to be able to believe in myself and attract more positivity into my life. Can anyone advise me on some affirmations to help me start off ?
I've been trying this week when I feel panic come over to think "positive is powerful" I also did a 5 min guided meditation which was actually strange. I saw lots of gold colours and a little chinese man who Had a long beard. I think he also massaged me.
Any advice would be most grateful.
Thank you in advance :-) Robin-Red x
Use affirmations such as "I am love. I am joy. I am peace."

And also use positive thought replacement. Key to drive a positive manifestation is to give emotion towards your positive thought. Replace each negative thought with two positives. Because your sponsoring thought or should I say your future thought will be based on the last three thoughts you had. Because thoughts come in cycle of 3. So think two positive thoughts. Your third thought is your current reality. After your third thought, your next cycle of thoughts are built on the previous 3 thoughts. Try to give three thoughts in a row postive ones with emotion. That will drive the manifestation faster. Manifestation is the beginning point of spirituality. Really the negative thoughts will stop when you surrender and accept it. Then you will feel peace, and you will manifest more peace in your life. The most wonderful feelings come when you are absent of thought.

01-10-2011, 06:09 PM
...I was introduced to the Law of Attraction a few years ago. I know positive thoughts are POWERFUL. My problem is, trying to keep positive when my nerves and worries run wild.
Robin-Red x

Lots of good advice in this thread. My life has been similar in some ways. For years I accrued a large number of affirmations. Never one much for Power Of Positive Thinking however.

One thought that occurs to me, that I found most helpful - at least to the point that I could handle it - was not to 'try' to think positively before I actually let go of all the negative thoughts and feelings that I was holding onto (especially toward myself). In order to let those go, I very simply sit quiet for ten or twentl minutes (at the beginning it was more like an hour), and use that time to imagine my body, one part at a time, letting go of holding onto any and all worry. Everything. Start with one part of your body then go to another and do the same. And with each part, allow it to let go of anxiety and concern about anything. This needs to be a very consciouse process. When your body becomes more relaxed, allow your mind to let go as well - allow everything that passes through your mind to have no meaning. None. Even those things which you think *should* have meaning. Let it go into into a *beneficent* nothingness. Just presume that it is benificent.

Only when you have let go, in that way, to the resistance to Love, allow your thoughts and feelings to imbibe positivity. For me, the best of that is to allow feelings of self-worth to build up in that empty space. Without the stress of the negativity to drown out the postitive, the turning to positive thoughts - especially about yourself - will have a deeper, more lasting effect.

Good luck :)


06-10-2011, 03:51 PM
Thank you so much for all the kind advice.

Much love Robin-Red x

06-10-2011, 05:24 PM
i think affirmations work. Louise Hay has great affirmations.
For anxiety a very good affirmation is: "i love and approve of myself. i trust in the process of life. I'm safe"

Another great thing to do, which a psychologist told me, is to keep and everyday journal where you write everyday ALL the things you did right throughout the day. Is actually a great start so you become conscious of the things that are good in your life... eventually your heart will catch up with your head...

dragon charms
06-10-2011, 05:48 PM
This is a beautiful thread. Everyone's advise and experience is just awesome! And I found myself agreeing with everyone's advise! lol Plus some more books I must get to read! :)

To add,...there is much in the past but it's history,...we don't focus on our own power in the present moment long enough usually- to create positive change and/or are projecting too much of our fears into the future from the present, maybe even because of the past. Interesting the way our minds work! That's why I think positive affirmations or visualizations can be beneficial.

To help being more in the present moment of Now, there is an affirmation I use, from the book, "Why Walk When You Can Fly" by Isha Judd. It's a part of 4 affirmations that are a process.

"Praise love,...for this moment,....in it's perfection." And the suggestion is to visualize your heart area when using this affirmation. Pausing and allowing whatever thoughts that come, then repeating the affirmation. 5 minutes.

Well, I'm like everyone else, still working on my self too:) Enjoying the journey.

I loved your meditation experiences as well. Mirror's some of my own as was stated before by other's.

Wishing you well Robin :)
Love to all

09-10-2011, 07:54 AM
Hi Robin - Red,

I agree with Lynn. For the past 20 years, I have ben writing in a journal. All I use is a spiral notebook. Sometimes I write 6 pages, sometimes just 1. There are times I write in my journal every day and there are other times, when I am "clear", that I may not write in it for months. It has helped me alot in my journey through life. i wish you the best in your journey and hope we may get to know each other and share our journey's with each otherand many others who we are lucky enough to cross paths with during this life.


09-10-2011, 09:18 AM
EFT is a very useful avenue as it uses positive affirmations that you’re already using.

L ‘Theanine, the calming portion of green tea, is a very useful supplement for stress/anxiety. It is taken as needed. This isn’t the ultimate solution, understanding & getting past what is causing the anxiety is, but taking the edge off of acute anxiety/stress can be enormously helpful in dealing w/ this.
This isn’t medical advice.

I know someone who had a very serious anxiety disorder who used this as one of the neurotransmitter supplements to work through this. A skilled therapist was part of the solution for them.

It may be that instead of trying to neutralize panic w/ positive thoughts or affirmations, delving into it to understand what is causing this panic would be WHY this panic is happening. Often this is because we fear that we can’t handle things (EFT is a very useful avenue as it uses positive affirmations that you’re already using.

L ‘Theanine, the calming portion of green tea, is a very useful supplement for stress/anxiety. It is taken as needed. This isn’t the ultimate solution, understanding & getting past what is causing the anxiety is, but taking the edge off of acute anxiety/stress can be enormously helpful in dealing w/ this.
This isn’t medical advice.

I know someone who had a very serious anxiety disorder who used this as one of the neurotransmitter supplements to work through this. A skilled therapist was part of the solution for them.

It may be that instead of trying to neutralize panic w/ positive thoughts or affirmations, delving into it to understand what is causing this panic would be productive. I don’t mean letting the panic be in charge, but examining why this panic is happening. Often this is because we fear that we can’t handle things. Often w/ anxiety the what ifs get out of control & we unintentionally generate a state of paralysis emotionally w/ replaying these. If this is an issue, KNOW that you will deal w/ whatever you encounter & put the what ifs away.

I wonder if the little Chinese man was massaging you to tell you to relax.). Often w/ anxiety the what ifs get out of control & we unintentionally generate a state of paralysis emotionally w/ replaying these. If this is an issue, KNOW that you will deal w/ whatever you encounter & put the what ifs away.

I wonder if the little Chinese man was massaging you to tell you to relax.

11-10-2011, 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Robin-Red
Hi everyone, it's been quite a while since I paid the site a visit. I must appologise.
I'm here today to ask for some advice. I've suffered from stress/anxiety for most of my life. I go through phases of coping then times where I require medication. I have an over active imagination and my worries at times can spiral out of control.
I was introduced to the Law of Attraction a few years ago. I know positive thoughts are POWERFUL. My problem is, trying to keep positive when my nerves and worries run wild.
To be honest, I have the usual worries, money & cars. Nothing in my life should really be causing me to worry as I do.
I do try to be positive and most of the time I'm a cheerful & happy person who can dish out advice telling people "think positive" "things aren't that bad"
I'd like to be able to believe in myself and attract more positivity into my life. Can anyone advise me on some affirmations to help me start off ?
I've been trying this week when I feel panic come over to think "positive is powerful" I also did a 5 min guided meditation which was actually strange. I saw lots of gold colours and a little chinese man who Had a long beard. I think he also massaged me.
Any advice would be most grateful.
Thank you in advance :-) Robin-Red x

Hello Robin-Red :hug:
The first thing you must do is get at the core of your stress/anxiety, understand why you have it and what caused it to happen. Then try meditating more, and while you are meditating let the negative thoughts come in. It is natural for all of us to have negative thoughts, but the thing is what do you do with them? I have learned that the best thing to do is acknowledge them but don't let them become my major way of thinking. I recognize that they are there but I just push them aside to let the positive thoughts come through. It takes some work to master this but it'll all pay off in the end.
Some affirmations for you to try:
"I am safe."
"I am important and useful."
"There is no reason to worry, everything is okay."

Here are some videos that might make you happy and worry less!
http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o0ExGXfs2o (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o0ExGXfs2o)

Surround yourself with these types of affirmations, videos, music, etc.! You will soon find that you are happier and less stress-free person!

As for your vision, the color gold can symbolize quality, excellence, and positivity. Perhaps the Chinese man was massaging you to get you to relax and you were seeing gold to remind you that you are a worthy person that is capable of positivity!

Blessed be! :bunny:

11-10-2011, 04:33 PM
Please try Chi-Gong.
Sit comfortable and slow your breathing right down.
I drop to three in meditation.
Hope that this helps you.
Grace and light.