View Full Version : Indigo people & nervous system diseases?

17-09-2011, 10:33 PM
Every time I read up on indigos I felt like finally someone understood me and why I am the way I am, except for the fact that they supposedly have highly efficient nervous systems - and I have epilepsy. This seems like the antithesis of an efficient nervous system! haha...but I was wondering if this has anything to do with all the "higher vibrations" and "electrical charges" I keep reading about and my body having trouble processing them?...What's going on here? Thanks for any opinions :)

18-09-2011, 03:06 AM
First of all - just because you don't fit the category to a "T" doesn't mean you aren't an indigo. Only you really know what you are - if you feel like an indigo, then you're an indigo. You know better than any book what feels right to you. *smile*

I have a soul friend who has had unexplainable seizures for most of his life - and he would fit in to the "indigo" description except for the "highly efficient nervous system".

Some ideas we bounced back and forth were - what is your diet like? He found cutting out caffeine, artificial preservatives and eating a fairly balanced and home prepared diet helped with his ability to process the energies before his system discharged them by seizing.

Exercise is also an area you may want to examine - are you getting enough and getting the right kind for your body. Biofeedback exercises are also helpful. Maybe your system is "highly efficient" and right now you are unable to utilize it to its potential?

Being very aware of emotional stressors and processing them before a build up occurs can also help. He found some of his seizures were directly related to intense emotions.

Do you have any grounding meditations that you already do? If not, you may want to look in to some - free floating energy needs a ground to dissipate, meditation can provide that.

Those are areas that you can look in to - that are within your ability to change. Now, I don't know where you live but urban areas are very difficult for "sensitive" folks - lots of random ambient energy both from all the people closely together and the juice that keeps cities running. If so, you may also want to look in to shielding meditation exercises....

It's difficult to say how you might work with this without having an idea of your situation. But - I always thought his nervous system was light years ahead of most folks - it just required a little more attention than others.

Be well....

19-09-2011, 12:14 AM
This is a good thread, but what does Biofeedback have to do with indigo. i thought it was for anxiety.

19-09-2011, 12:23 AM
The thread isn't about indigos in general, its about indigos with sensitive nervous systems that are prone to seizures.

Biofeedback is the conscious guidance of usually unconscious bodily processes; heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, etc. My friend who had seizures used it to consciously put himself in a state of relaxation when tense and to eliminate migraine headaches; both were precursors to seizures.

Plus, becoming conscious of unconscious body processes of any sort gives a person a leg to stand on and a sense of some sort of control; which for people whose body may suddenly turn on them and leave them coming to on a floor with strangers standing around is reassuring.