View Full Version : Peace Is The Way

31-01-2007, 07:01 PM
In his Peace Is The Way, Deepak Chopra states that religion has failed its mission. He gives the following ways religion is going to need to correct its faults and become a beacon of peace, as once intended.

Religion must place the responsibility for violence squarely where it belongs, in the mind of every person.

It must stop judging others outside the faith as sinners condemned by God.

It must stop defending war in any way.

It must stop claiming to be the one and only path to God.

It must give up its arrogance and claim to authority.

It must renounce its covert greed and desire for greed.

It must discover how to return love to its true place of primacy.

I agree completely with Deepak Chopra. It all the above would happen, the world would be a much better, and more peaceful place for us all. We would also be able to live with more trust, and with much less fear and hatred. Your thoughts on this?


31-01-2007, 07:24 PM
Hi John,

I agree fully with Deepak Chopra's sentiments on this matter. Most insightful.

I have not read 'Peace Is The Way' but I shall now look out for it. I have read another book by Deepak Chopra called 'SynchroDestiny' which whilst complicated was quite an insightful work.


31-01-2007, 08:09 PM
Hey K, Peace Is The Way is an excellent book, which also details a healing process that works for both current as well as past life issues. I'm not quite finished, but couldn't recommend it more. This is the first of Chopra's books I've read, but won't be the last. He's my new favorite, along with Brian L Weiss.


31-01-2007, 08:16 PM
Brian L Weiss? What books does he write?


31-01-2007, 08:24 PM
The only one of his I'm read so far is Many Lives, Many Masters. He's a psychiatrist, and one of his patients uncovered multiple past lives during hypnotic regression. In spite of not being a believer in reincarnation, he was slowly converted to belief, and it transformed both his life, and that of his patient. The patient's current life problems vanished within months of beginning treatment.


31-01-2007, 11:06 PM
Ah, sounds like a good read. I shall look out for his books.


31-01-2007, 11:41 PM
"....religion has failed its mission."

I think they all do fairly quickly. I feel that until people actually reach a certain level energetically that is some of what 'religions' (original Teachers) try to express and point out, this problem will simply continue. IOWs we've got to be this ourselves and not need some external set of spiritual teachings and/or rules etc. to try and follow externally. That was the first step for humanity, but we've reached the next evolutionary phase where we now become/live/be higher beings. I believe humanity now stands on this exact precipice where they actually begin individually being the 'second coming' themselves.

02-02-2007, 02:52 AM
I love your signature, Lapis! How true!