View Full Version : Las Coplas...a key to self-healing

30-08-2011, 04:26 PM
Hasta que el pueblo las canta,
las coplas, coplas no son,
y cuando las canta el pueblo
ya nadie sabe el autor.

Tal es la gloria, Guillén,
de los que escriben cantares:
oír decir a la gente
que no los ha escrito nadie.

Procura tú que tus coplas
vayan al pueblo a parar,
aunque dejen de ser tuyas
para ser de los demás.

Que, al fundir el corazón
en el alma popular,
lo que se pierde de nombre
se gana de eternidad.

Manuel Machado, de la copla sevillana

I won't translate this here...I will let you go to Google for that. If you are interested in self-healing, it will be well worth the trouble. And if you are not interested enough in healing yourself to take the trouble, then your time would be better spent in watching The Simpsons.

Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Only Humpty can do that.

Miss Hepburn
30-08-2011, 05:49 PM
Well, I've wasted enough time searching and can't find anything significant - Oh how I hate riddles and games that waste my time.
Like I don't have enough to do.

30-08-2011, 05:54 PM
Unless the people sing them,
the songs, songs are not,
and when the sings the people
No one knows the author.

This is the glory, Guillén,
of those who write you songs:
hear from people
that has not written them one.

Seeks to you than your songs
go to the people to stop,
Although no longer yours
to be of others.

That, to melt the heart
in the popular soul
What is lost name
earn from eternity.

Manuel Machado, of the Sevillian copla

30-08-2011, 05:57 PM
Not to trivialize your message, Greybeard
but I like the part about the healing potential in watching the Simpsons.


30-08-2011, 10:34 PM
Homer was my guru.

30-08-2011, 10:36 PM
Honey, all the Simpsons are my gurus and the major and minor characters/players. Especially Krusty the Clown, Groundskeeper Willy, Nelson and Patty & Selma. Did I miss anybudy, lol. I think of them daily, the comic store guy, Agnes...

30-08-2011, 10:39 PM
Unless the people sing them,
the songs, songs are not,
and when the sings the people
No one knows the author.

This is the glory, Guillén,
of those who write you songs:
hear from people
that has not written them one.

Seeks to you than your songs
go to the people to stop,
Although no longer yours
to be of others.

That, to melt the heart
in the popular soul
What is lost name
earn from eternity.

Manuel Machado, of the Sevillian copla

I'm sorry by something seems to have been lost in translation...hey I know...maybe we can snag his ex's number and get her to translate it for us.

30-08-2011, 10:43 PM
I guess not all translator's are created equal. Computer ones go by words only and miss the actual meaning. Give me a translation by a real person over binary any day.

I guess we can't have everything.

30-08-2011, 10:47 PM
Well, Moggy....you went to the trouble...Thank you for all of us from me.

Until the people sing them,
songs are not songs.
And when the people sing them,
No one knows who wrote them.

Such is the glory, Guillen,
of those who write songs:
To hear the people say that
No one wrote them.

Make sure your songs
end up with the people
Even though they are no longer yours,
But become the property of all

So that by blending your heart
In the soul of the people
What you lose in renown
You gain in eternity.

It just loses so much in the translation....true poetry is language-specific.
But there's the idea.
Thanks Moggy.

31-08-2011, 12:57 AM
A fantastically beautiful poem, bless you for sharing.
