View Full Version : The Empath In Me Is Warning Me

23-08-2011, 01:21 AM
I'm a recluse, but had to go to a social event due to obligation recently. After a woman starred at me for an hour she started up conversation with me, taking over my spouses seat. For the remainder of the evening she selectively filled me in on tidbits of her life. I'm not usually good at small talk, but am a good listener so the conversation went on for hours. But when we parted the woman became very clingy, asking for my personal information and if she could send her resume to my spouse. Before I could even get home there was an email waiting for me and a resume in my spouse's inbox. We joked about "making a new friend" but the empath in me is picking up on something treacherous that I can't put my finger on. I hate to be paranoid, but my intuition never fails me. So what to do. My spouse feels like we should invite her and her mate over to our home, but I feel like that would be opening up the door to an infringement we're not prepared for. Anyone else have such empathic/intuitive insights about people they have just met?


23-08-2011, 01:50 AM
Hey blackraven,

If it were me I would be having the same feelings as you...


23-08-2011, 06:30 AM
I also get like that! i can tell immediatley whether i like the person or not or i get this feeling that there is ulterior motives (haha and usually i am never wrong about a person). This person sounds abit obessive!!!

23-08-2011, 06:57 AM
Blackraven I have definitely had that experience! My first thought reading your post was "Disengage! Disengage!" or if you are a fan of Monty Python "Run away! Run away!" People who superglue themselves to you that fast and take advantage of your empathic/listener nature from the get-go will only continue doing so with even further abandon if you let them. The thing I find the hardest in these situations is that they pretty much force you to be rude to them before they'll give up. Run away!

23-08-2011, 11:24 AM
nightowl, Tammy, & SunMist - You are all picking up on the same warning as I am. I was able to do some further research on this person and found out she is not being totally upfront with me. I'm not trying to be judgmental, but lets just say she does come with a lot of baggage and drama that I don't care to have brought into my life at this point in time. I try to keep my life simple and peaceful as much as possible. "Disengage" and "Run away" is right! I think that is good advise.


23-08-2011, 11:28 AM
I'm a recluse, but had to go to a social event due to obligation recently. After a woman starred at me for an hour she started up conversation with me, taking over my spouses seat. For the remainder of the evening she selectively filled me in on tidbits of her life. I'm not usually good at small talk, but am a good listener so the conversation went on for hours. But when we parted the woman became very clingy, asking for my personal information and if she could send her resume to my spouse. Before I could even get home there was an email waiting for me and a resume in my spouse's inbox. We joked about "making a new friend" but the empath in me is picking up on something treacherous that I can't put my finger on. I hate to be paranoid, but my intuition never fails me. So what to do. My spouse feels like we should invite her and her mate over to our home, but I feel like that would be opening up the door to an infringement we're not prepared for. Anyone else have such empathic/intuitive insights about people they have just met?


Go with your gut instincts mate, dont do it!!!! Shut it down before it begins! there is only bad to come of it.

23-08-2011, 11:50 AM
It doesn't take intuition even, to see that someone that would monopolize the whole evening like that is overly aggressive and a user. And what is it about men that they don't see this! (LOL);o<

23-08-2011, 12:01 PM
been there (not the resume) done that......you have that feeling.....don't ignore it, go with it and do what you think is best.

01-09-2011, 04:22 AM
I've learned the hard way to ALWAYS listen to what I call "the little voice" which is how I describe the experience of hearing my intuition.

In this case, The Little Voice is your intuition that's telling you to stand clear of this individual. Believe your intuition! We have it for a reason. It wouldn't be raising the red flag without good cause. Politely decline to be in the company of any person who makes you genuinely uncomfortable, and you won't regret it.

01-09-2011, 05:14 AM
I would suggest to go w/ your gut instincts. If you’re not 100% comfortable w/ this, don’t invite them over. As she sent a resumé to your spouse, she might be just working the job angle. Given that she sent a resumé, there is justification to keep it on a distanced professional level. The response should be the distanced, but polite one that a business might give when receiving an unsolicited resumé. Adding in a personal relationship will likely be giving her encouragement that she might have an in w/ a prospective boss.

01-09-2011, 05:20 AM
If your intuition "never fails.." then go with it as you normally would.


21-09-2011, 05:49 AM
ALWAYS trust your instincts! I know that whenever I ignored mine, it would bite me in the butt.

Yes, I have picked up on things good AND bad. I also noticed people who I didn't even know all that well would divulge very personal details about their lives with me and all I could think was, "Dang. I don't even KNOW you and you are spilling your life story." I guess we give off a "You are safe with me" vibe so people feel more comfortable. Sure, you have people who do have ulterior motives, but sometimes people draw comfort from your presence too.

I notice that I actually have a calming effect on babies and toddlers sometimes even when their own parents can't calm them.