View Full Version : Healing my husband...HELP

22-08-2011, 03:07 PM
I'm begging for ideas. My husband has a lot of self doubt, stress, and anxiety. I am very empathic, and since we are so close physically and emotionally, I pick up on him. Well he's been having lots of stomach issues from the anxiety. While he's at work, I'll get nausea heartburn, etc. I know they are his, because as soon as I pick up my Iolite, it all goes away.

I would like to help him energetically, but how do I overcome the sensations to send him some of my own?

How can I help him overcome the anxiety in the first place? My psychology degree isn't helping right now. I've tried all those techniques. He doesn't have the patience to meditate. He gets frustrated that he can not clear his mind, then I have to deal with frustration as well.

Any thoughts? Please?

22-08-2011, 03:23 PM
...pm for ya buddy.


22-08-2011, 04:30 PM
You need to teach him the tools to get out of the cycle himself. Healing is a band-aid, he has to attack the emotional issues to make them disappear.

For you, you need to shield and do it often. Work with him to help find the answers to his issues, removing his stress will remove yours :)

22-08-2011, 04:40 PM
Good point. I'll revise my question. How do I help him identify the source and heal his past?

I believe much of this is caused by past emotional pain. Especially the doubt.

22-08-2011, 04:43 PM
Hmm you may be too close to drudge up those memories with him. He may feel stupid, vulnerable or silly going into his past with you. I would suggest regression therapy with a licensed hypnotherapist. It would help him get through the past pain/trauma.

22-08-2011, 10:02 PM
I'm begging for ideas. My husband has a lot of self doubt, stress, and anxiety. I am very empathic, and since we are so close physically and emotionally, I pick up on him. Well he's been having lots of stomach issues from the anxiety. While he's at work, I'll get nausea heartburn, etc. I know they are his, because as soon as I pick up my Iolite, it all goes away.

I would like to help him energetically, but how do I overcome the sensations to send him some of my own?

How can I help him overcome the anxiety in the first place? My psychology degree isn't helping right now. I've tried all those techniques. He doesn't have the patience to meditate. He gets frustrated that he can not clear his mind, then I have to deal with frustration as well.

Any thoughts? Please?


As a mate at times we are TOO close to another for them to want to open to us. I know that well with mine. I have to really DIG at times to get to what is the issue. Too 30 yer's with him I have learned how to do that one without bringin in more stress.

Men are a stubborn breed at times when it comes to emotions and matters surrounding the heart. At times talking to someone they DO NOT know helps the most. NOW I too know well HOW hard that one can be.

Stomach isses are not good and really one should see a medical Dr. if there are issues of heartburn ect that are continual that can at times mean something more is up than just stress issues. Men too are not the best and being checked up. At times simple changes to one's diet is all that is needed and more exercise.


26-08-2011, 04:41 AM
Good point. I'll revise my question. How do I help him identify the source and heal his past?

I believe much of this is caused by past emotional pain. Especially the doubt.

I'd just be there as a friend and not have such expectations on him to be all good. Isn't he good enough as it is anyway?

26-08-2011, 07:04 AM
Your husband needs to change the subconscious programming that is running in his mind.The first step is to write down everything that he wants in life to occur and the second is a list of what you don't want.
Contact me if you want help.I have helped thousands with getting out of stuck.
Best wishes