View Full Version : calculations of challenge number in numerology

17-08-2011, 12:06 AM
At the request of Saxon, a member, I created this thread.

In numerology by using subtraction on a person's date of birth we can learn what challenges he faces in life.

Take for example a person born 1 June 1975 or 1/6/1975

First challenge= day subtracted from the month.
In this case: 1-6 = 5th challenge.....so for the person born 1 June his first challenge is 5

In the case of a person born 2nd February, the first challenge is 0.
What is the 0 challenge?.....that's one question I am unclear off.

Next what If the person is born 1st February
Here the first challenge is a minus figure .....-1

What is the situation when we have this type of challenge?
1= independence and ego, leader, individual, assertion etc.
In the case of a minus figure is the chances of being an orphan higher?
Is the chances of a physical disabilities higher?

17-08-2011, 08:06 PM
A 0 challenge is usually interpreted as all challenges. Whether it means simultaneously or one, or a combination of several, that may turn into another throughout the cycle isn't easy to tell for sure. But the upshot is it's likely to be the most stressful/demanding period for the person, usually meant to prepare them for a special purpose.

Challenges are always positive. Take the absolute value if the calculation yields a negative one.

17-08-2011, 08:07 PM
Hah, I'm a little confused. =)

17-08-2011, 08:10 PM
regarding my reply?

17-08-2011, 08:11 PM
The numerology in general... challenge numbers... don't let me interrupt, though! =)

17-08-2011, 08:31 PM
The math can be tedious and distracting at first. If you're interested in taking a peek at numerology, you may want to use a calculator to spare yourself the hassle.

What numerouno described is one of the 2 main cycles in a chart. They're called Pinnacles and Challenges. They run in sync and divide our life into 4 parts.

For example, someone born on 05/11/1973 gets

Pinnacles#1 (0 - 27) : 7
Pinnacles#2 (28 - 36 ) : 4
Pinnacles#3 (37 - 45) : 11
Pinnacles#4 (46 - ...) : 7

Challenges #1 (0 - 27) : 3
Challenges #2 (28 - 36 ) : 0
Challenges #3 (37 - 45) : 3
Challenges #4 (46 - ...) : 3

Pinnacles and Challenges are both about lessons we're supposed to work on. The latter is supposed to be more intense and have more of a healing purpose.

If you have any question or comment, just create a thread and shoot away.

17-08-2011, 11:39 PM
Then maybe 9 should be taken has the same as 0, if we are unsure of the path it will take. Since 9 is as the other end of the spectrum from 0. Thanks for your reply.

Btw, have you tried the tarot meanings along with a numerical chart as the cards are numbered, for example the 16th card the "towe" and number 16 Seem Identical. Both sciences I believe are branches from the same tree.