View Full Version : A Mortal Head Wound that Healed...

13-08-2011, 07:29 AM
When I was four years old, it was Halloween when I was watching a cartoon on T.V. called The Devil and Danny Mouse, or something like that. On top of the television was a statue of a monk my grandmother kept there. It never moved, but on that night something unseen knocked it down and it struck me on the head. I was bleeding, and it would not stop. I was rushed into the car and taken to the hospital, and on the way I stopped breathing and my mother thought I was dead. When I came to, I was on my way home and my grandmother was explaining to me that I had been dead and suddenly came back. But the real mystery is that my bloody wound had healed as if it had never happened. The doctors checked my skull and brain, and there had been no damage at all. Everyone said it was a miracle. A mortal wound that healed of its' own accord! Never before or since has something like that happened to me, and there was definitely something supernatural about the whole affair.