View Full Version : Shields & Filters

09-08-2011, 01:31 PM
I have some pretty basic questions about these two, if no one minds my asking. (And please don't recommend books for me to buy or read. Don't have the money to buy any, and typically don't read books anyway.)

I get it that shields are used for defense / protection.
I get it that filters are used just for that, to filter out what isn't wanted and only allow in what is wanted.
I also understand that it's up to the individual to find / choose / create / manifest a shield and filter that's right for them. What's right for one isn't right for everyone.

1 - Is it really as simple as imagining a shield or filter around yourself (and it's specific purpose) so one is created around you?
1a - (If you're a 'seeing' person (you know there are the 3 categories - clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience), how much do you have to focus / imagine / intent for it to be 'seen' in spirit and to work? Or the moment you imagine it / see it in your mind's eye, it is present?)

2 - Is there a specific number of shields a person can have? Is 1 too few? Is 3 too many?

3 - With a filter, I've heard it's not okay to set the filter to filter out everything. (So no one else's thoughts / feelings / energy can affect you.) Why is this bad? If someone doesn't want to be affected by or feel anyone or anything else's energy, wouldn't this help them?
And if someone wants to set a filter to be like this, does this make having a shield useless?

4 - Is it possible for a person to have a combination of cleansing / grounding energy at the center, then layer on a shield and a filter over that energy center? (Kind of like a piece of candy with layers to it?) Or do shields and filters exist at different levels of reality? Or can a shield have filtering properties?
Or do the shields and filters need to be dropped in order for cleansing / grounding energy to be introduced? Or can this be done simply by thinking about the cleansing / grounding energy being present?

5 - How often do shields need to be refreshed? Restrengthened?
Do filters need to be cleaned off like filters we have here for machines? Every once in a while taken out from the machine, shaken off, cleaned off, then put back into place?

6 - What things affect the efficency of a shield and filter?

7 - Does a person need to create a new shield / filter before, during, or after being out and about around people?

8 - Does a person (who created the shield / filter around themself) need to have a strong attitude to have an effective shield and / or filter around themself? Or is all that's needed is the intent of it's effectiveness when the shield / filter is created?

hm... I think that does it for my questions. I'm sure that if I have any more, I'll think of them later and ask.

Thanks for your time and taking the time to reply!

09-08-2011, 02:38 PM
I have some pretty basic questions about these two, if no one minds my asking. (And please don't recommend books for me to buy or read. Don't have the money to buy any, and typically don't read books anyway.)

I get it that shields are used for defense / protection.
I get it that filters are used just for that, to filter out what isn't wanted and only allow in what is wanted.
I also understand that it's up to the individual to find / choose / create / manifest a shield and filter that's right for them. What's right for one isn't right for everyone.

This is called your Interface. A Shield carries all the programming about how you want to be treated and what you will do if you are not treated that way. You extend the energy of your shield out into the universe so that anyone that approaches you will have to content with your shield first.

A Filter is something that restricts what you express into the world. The filter carries all your internal program that makes sure the character of your external interactions reflect the character you desire. Usually you need to be looking at what doesn't make it past your filter and why that is living inside you or why you're choosing to repress its expression. Ideally you never experience having to filter yourself because it is a bit chaffing.

Your shield mitigates how the world comes to you, your filter mitigates how you go out to the world. You can add any programming you desire to either the shield or the filter, but you need to know why and with what intent you are creating the programming. Intent is the key here, who do you want to consciously become and why? You should always be challenging your answers to the last question to see if your answer is coming from a place of integrity or lack of integrity. And there needs to be consequences for anyone that violates your shield. That can be from cutting the person out of your life until they learn not to violate it, confronting them, turning them over to the authorities if it is a civil law violation, energetically putting up a wall, reinforcing the shield energetically, standing in your power and just looking at the energy or source, or even learning how to engage in energetic combat to identify weak spots in their energy system to temporarily dis-empower them until they respect the shield. (You are as psychically and energetically powerful as any other entity out there.)

1 - Is it really as simple as imagining a shield or filter around yourself (and it's specific purpose) so one is created around you?
1a - (If you're a 'seeing' person (you know there are the 3 categories - clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience), how much do you have to focus / imagine / intent for it to be 'seen' in spirit and to work? Or the moment you imagine it / see it in your mind's eye, it is present?)

I can only speak for myself. My shield works only because I have put energy behind it and establish real-world and energetic consequences for the violations. When an energy comes to interact with you, it psychically can sense what your intents and consequences are, or if it is ignorant and unobservant, you can tell it and then place the entity outside your shield to see if they respect the shield and if not, a heavier consequence is invoked.

1a) I label myself with none of those concepts, so I cannot answer.

2 - Is there a specific number of shields a person can have? Is 1 too few? Is 3 too many?

See my explanation above, you have one and only one shield, you determine its programming and what rules you want to add, same with filter. You program your shield and filter by cultivating, demonstrating, defending, expressing, aligning with and energetically fueling your consciously chosen intents.

3 - With a filter, I've heard it's not okay to set the filter to filter out everything. (So no one else's thoughts / feelings / energy can affect you.) Why is this bad? If someone doesn't want to be affected by or feel anyone or anything else's energy, wouldn't this help them?
And if someone wants to set a filter to be like this, does this make having a shield useless?

Ah I see we're using different definitions for Filter. I see this filter you're describing as part of your shield, what you choose to consciously experience from others. You do it to your comfort level. I prefer energetic transparency because it encodes all the other information. I don't need to know what someone is thinking if I can examine the energy and tension going through them. I experience that mostly through sympathetic resonance in my own psyche. In order to have a clear resonance, I have to empty myself of any kind of disturbing or interfering thought or agenda. Learning to become the silent observer in order to intuit powerful and appropriate response.

4 - Is it possible for a person to have a combination of cleansing / grounding energy at the center, then layer on a shield and a filter over that energy center? (Kind of like a piece of candy with layers to it?) Or do shields and filters exist at different levels of reality? Or can a shield have filtering properties?
Or do the shields and filters need to be dropped in order for cleansing / grounding energy to be introduced? Or can this be done simply by thinking about the cleansing / grounding energy being present?

You're making me dizzy with all the options and configurations. Conceive of it as you wish, just make sure that your conceptions are clear and speak powerfully to you. Generally you're going to have these core components

1) Something that mitigates how the world presents itself and interacts with you. (this includes consequences to violations)
2) Something which mitigates how you interact and present yourself to the world. This is your highest understanding of acting in Integrity.
3) An Internal process of purifying yourself so that you no longer have to feel like you are out of alignment with 2.
4) Generating Power to fuel 1-3.

5 - How often do shields need to be refreshed? Restrengthened?
Do filters need to be cleaned off like filters we have here for machines? Every once in a while taken out from the machine, shaken off, cleaned off, then put back into place?

Like with any other unconscious habituated activity, you practice it until it becomes effortless and part of your automatic programming. Constant vigilance until it is automatic. As you begin to develop and grow your understanding, you will be reprogramming your shield and filter. It helps to do this re-evaluation with each experience and example of interaction you contemplate. In fact the re-programming is almost automatic from simply seeing the truth of a new understanding. For myself, I want to get to a point where I willingly and enthusiastically am able to share my vulnerability because I know how to defend and protect myself should anyone try to violate my innocence.

6 - What things affect the efficency of a shield and filter?

Your ability to stand in non-reaction until the dust settles so that you can see the situation more clearly in order to respond with higher integrity and appropriate (for you) action. This is standing in your Power. There are times where something in you will reach through you and you will be compelled to act, taken over by your innate spiritual intelligence.

7 - Does a person need to create a new shield / filter before, during, or after being out and about around people?

You will need to recenter and find your power again if you find you have been knocked off center and are imbalanced. You will need to re-evaluate any rules which are not serving your Highest Purpose. You will also need to purify your energy system to return to purest internal tonality and resonance, shed the noise of the world.

8 - Does a person (who created the shield / filter around themself) need to have a strong attitude to have an effective shield and / or filter around themself? Or is all that's needed is the intent of it's effectiveness when the shield / filter is created?

You must be willing to follow through with the consequences. A law which is not enforced is not a law, just a weak suggestion. When you realize that some violations will provoke you to kill in response, you are finding your power. Power comes from having the capacity to kill but finding creative ways to not have to. Power comes from learning how to facilitate Transmutation and Transformation both within yourself and within another. Intent must be backed by Action, or else it is just wishful and fanciful thinking.

hm... I think that does it for my questions. I'm sure that if I have any more, I'll think of them later and ask.

Thanks for your time and taking the time to reply!


-The Guardian

09-08-2011, 04:04 PM
Its as easy as thinking it, then believing it to the core of your soul.

Forget the 'rules' and believe you are protected.

Blocking or shielding is as much thought as the abilities you use.

09-08-2011, 04:21 PM
I don't think it needs to be that complicated :)
As for myself - I find that I have to shield myself fairly well when I am going into certain situations - like large crowds, busy city, shopping malls, etc. Otherwise I get overwhelmed and exhausted by the energies around me. There are many times when I've been out and about, and a friend or family member will see me, and call out to me, or beep their car horn at me if they're driving by, and I won't even notice/hear them! Once I've shielded heavily enough, I sort of get "tunnel vision" and not a lot will register...
I simply take a few minutes to ground myself, then envision either a clear "energy shield" or a mirror surrounding me. The energy shield is kind of like a bubble - also doubles as a filter - to only allow a small percentage of energies around me to come into me. If I envision a mirror around me, that is more of a heavy-duty shield - it is literally to reflect any negativity/harmful energies from coming through to me at all! It depends on where I'm going and how I'm feeling that day.
I do notice that when I haven't shielded, and there is a lot of negativity around me, I will feel it much more, and it does affect me. One night at work this happened, and by the time the person who was giving off the "bad vibes" left, I literally felt like I wanted to take a shower and burn sage to clear the air!!
Any shield/filter you envision around yourself is as weak/strong/effective as you make it in your mind.

09-08-2011, 05:43 PM
Words of wisdom. "Go with the flow.". When one goes with the flow they are in acceptance, nonresistance, and nonreactive. Which are three steps into your true nature.