View Full Version : How would you handle yourself?

01-08-2011, 03:41 PM
This isn't happening to me, its a what if scenario:

What if in the real world, someone is disrespectful to you. Then you don't react, but are nonreactive towards it. Then it happened continually. Then others might get the impression that he doesn't defend himself. How would you handle a situation like that?

Me personally, I don't ever get disrespectful comments by others. I am a 190 pound muscular guy with little body fat. Physical looks can be intimidating. Though I am a nice person, people are careful. I was the guy in high school that would protect the one getting bullied. But if someone that did disrespect me continually, though they may be unconscious, what do you do? Knock him out? Or let others walk over you? Sometimes the only way to knock some sense into someone is to do just that, unless I am wrong. The only fight I have been in was when I was cornered by a gang member, so I used martial arts. One kick shattered his knee, but it was out of self defense. This guy had no conscience. I was raised and trained to fight with multiple forms of martial arts. I only had to use it once. I don't tell people I am a black belt in real life. For the guys out there. How would you handle a situation like explained above?

Miss Hepburn
01-08-2011, 03:51 PM
It happens to me and did Friday night.

I laugh sometimes.
I laugh and laugh more the next time.

Then, I have a choice - if I can leave the person's presence forever I do that.
Sometimes, I'll say something to disarm them with kindness like (according to the person, of course.) " I'm so sorry you had a bad childhood - your parents must have treated you the way you are treating me. But I'm not your enemy. I'm really not...why don't you take this out on the person that is?"

That has worked alot and I have given this advice before and they came back and said it has worked for them.
A couple times it triggered the person to get teary bec no one had ever acknowledged that -
Yes, they were wounded from someone else.

Just a thought. Depends in the person - but something of that nature.
Bullies are not used to people being actually compassionate towards them.

01-08-2011, 03:55 PM
Moke- For the guys out there. How would you handle a situation like explained above?

Hey! Gals can have this happen to them to. :glasses12:

What if in the real world, someone is disrespectful to you. Then you don't react, but are nonreactive towards it. Then it happened continually. Then others might get the impression that he doesn't defend himself. How would you handle a situation like that?

If one is non reactive, present, yes to what is in the moment, the energy field that is, collapses any attack. A change in vibration occurs, the others would feel a gentleness, maybe ego swears as it leaves. They would not want to mess with such presence. And such presence would effect them in a good way, or it would frighten them away.

01-08-2011, 04:00 PM
What if in the real world, someone is disrespectful to you. Then you don't react, but are nonreactive towards it. Then it happened continually. Then others might get the impression that he doesn't defend himself.

It's a peculiar thing, as hard as I try to imagine this happening to me.......I can't.

01-08-2011, 04:20 PM
What if in the real world, someone is disrespectful to you. Then you don't react, but are nonreactive towards it. Then it happened continually. Then others might get the impression that he doesn't defend himself.

It's a peculiar thing, as hard as I try to imagine this happening to me.......I can't.

What part? Imagining someone being disrespectful to you? Or that you don't react? Or that you are nonreactive towards it? Or that others might think you can't defend yourself?

01-08-2011, 04:46 PM
None of this has happened to me, plus I don't surround myself around those type of people. I think I agree that the nonreactive energy field would stop persistance. Maybe there will be a time where I am in a situation like so. I'll take the nonreactive approach if it ever happened. I was just curious on how you would handle yourself in such a situation. I guess one can be nonreactive or intimidate the attacker for it to stop. This thread could be for the girls too. It's just men seem to have bigger egos than woman. Egos that fight.

01-08-2011, 04:50 PM
Moke- This thread could be for the girls too. It's just men seem to have bigger egos than woman.

Well, ya got me there. :smile:

01-08-2011, 05:23 PM
What part? Imagining someone being disrespectful to you? Or that you don't react? Or that you are nonreactive towards it? Or that others might think you can't defend yourself?

The part of imagining someone disrespecting me in such a way that my reaction or non-reaction would entice them to further pursue me.
I've grown to be a man that people seem to respect even if they don't know me. In fact I attract the opposite, respect and smiles. I also give the same.
It's like those woman you know who you can't imagine someone talking disrespectful (sexually) to. They don't attract that type of treatment naturally.
I'm not saying it can't happen, I just can't imagine a situation, other than them being drunk, or me defending my wife or someone in need where it could happen.

01-08-2011, 06:25 PM
A little bit of alcohol can free you from thought. Too much brings you below thought. I am not a fighter. I was trained like someone in the military is trained for combat. I fear what I am capable of. Imagine doing the same offensive and defenses to break bones and kill a man everyday for 6 years. It becomes so engrained in your natural reactions if someone attacks you. You don't think. Your training kicks in. I had to defend myself once and one kick shattered his knee. I'm afraid if I were to be on the offensive for 10 seconds. It takes only a couple of seconds if someone throws one punch to break an arm, black eye, kicked in stomach and finish with an upper palm strike to the nose. That couple of seconds could kill someone. But I don't have to worry about that because I attract positive people, and won't ever attract a situation like that, unless I'm unconsciously attracting it by speaking of it. Don't know. I'm glad I've not had to use it. Only that one time. I will not speak of my martial arts training anymore. Number 1 in martial arts is to be humble. Discipline.

A peaceful mind.
01-08-2011, 06:51 PM
What would I do if someone is disrespectful toward me.

Show them love and compassion understanding and talk to them and explain to them how I felt about it.

Combining spiritual energy (Chi) and martial arts is weary dangerous this I have learned and by doing so I chose to learn the power of the word.

Words do the work for me these days. Why use a fist when a word can solve the problem much easily.
How do I look like: Well I am not the first person you would chose to fight when one would see me, and people sometimes get confused when I want to talk instead of punching a hole though their body.

But I have learned to pacify people that are hostile towards me, by showing mutual respect, and showing them that when they actually not respect me they don’t respect themselves.

I treat people with the respect I want to be shown. I show them that I love them even if they hate me I show them that I respect them even if they don’t respect me.

Worst case scenario: pacifying my opponent and tell them that they don’t have a chance and then walk away because I know what damage I can do.

01-08-2011, 09:08 PM
LOL MOke, im 6foot 2, 210 pounds. Im a big guy. People always move out of the way for me. they wonder why im in such a rush, only to find me holding the door for em.

People make rash assuptions on people all the time. We are all guilty of it on some level. We always assume old people ( like 80) are slow and incoherent, yet, i got toold to "f" myself and to get the FDS on the road, and flipped off. LOl it was actualy quite funny.

the thing is, we only need to understand that no matter the title, race, or anything, were all just people. We are all capable of the stupidest, most hateful harful thing, just as we are capable of doing the kindest, heartfelt selfless act. You dont have to be jesus to follow his lead, or buddha, or any of the dieties we deem worthy of ourselves.

The best way to react to those things IMO, is smile, and either comment untill youa ctualy get mad ( usualy if its repeated you jsut blow up randomly and make the stuation worse, its happened to me many times). And relly, who the hell cares what ONE person thinks about you. Yes you still should stand up for yourself,but if you dont who are they to judge? Are they any better for not helping and tellin the guy to lay off? No, i dont think so.

Just be you. There will always be people you hate, and but heads with. SOmetimes you get mad, sometimes you ignore, sometimes you pollitley converse with the guy and tell him hes a moron, but its almsot inevitable in the world we live in today.

01-08-2011, 09:51 PM
I guess the theory goes, .... due to the nature of the flow of energy, the more You can diffuse these kinda situations by transmution of negative energy, the lesser the liklehood of the situation arising.

Having said that, You have a right to self defence. :smile:

02-08-2011, 03:53 AM
Hi Moke I miss talking to you. Hope all is well

02-08-2011, 05:55 AM
Hum. . . , considering that these kinds of situations have cropped up over and over again throughout my life, sometimes I'm not sure if I handle them well or poorly. I suppose it's all a matter of how I personally want to look at it. Sometimes I can let it go, because I realize that most people just don't realize their own callousness. Sometimes it gets to me. And sometimes I wish I could go back and do something different.

I do find it rather amusing how people seem to think I can't hear their insults when their only two feet away, sometimes even closer. Just because I don't react, doesn't mean I'm deaf or that I'm too stupid to understand what they just did :wink:

But because this type of situation has actually happened over and over again in my life, I've actually done a lot of thinking about this question. I still have a tendency to not react to things, at least when it comes to the real life stuff. But my way of coping with rudeness has changed many times over the years.

And the funny thing is, I don't seem to notice it happening as much as it use to, since I came to better terms for dealing with it. I suppose my silent yet dignified reaction seems to work the best. I don't have to feel bad about being discriminated against, or feel bad for stooping to that level. After all, it's more about how I deal with it, then how others perceive me.

02-08-2011, 07:06 AM
How would you handle a situation like explained above?

Sometimes you have to use non-verbal communication. Even Buddha had to kick some behind.

02-08-2011, 04:33 PM
I guess the theory goes, .... due to the nature of the flow of energy, the more You can diffuse these kinda situations by transmution of negative energy, the lesser the liklehood of the situation arising.

Having said that, You have a right to self defence. :smile:

Have you ever considered running for office? :tongue1:

02-08-2011, 04:38 PM
The part of imagining someone disrespecting me in such a way that my reaction or non-reaction would entice them to further pursue me.
I've grown to be a man that people seem to respect even if they don't know me. In fact I attract the opposite, respect and smiles. I also give the same.
It's like those woman you know who you can't imagine someone talking disrespectful (sexually) to. They don't attract that type of treatment naturally.
I'm not saying it can't happen, I just can't imagine a situation, other than them being drunk, or me defending my wife or someone in need where it could happen.

Ok. Thanks for answering.

02-08-2011, 04:41 PM
Have you ever considered running for office? :tongue1:

Lol, still too busy running from it. :hug3:

02-08-2011, 04:51 PM
Lol, still too busy running from it. :hug3:

Well, I'd vote for you. I'd even campaign for you. Though I'm sure I'd get the boot. :icon_lol:

and :hug2: ya anyway. :wink:

02-08-2011, 05:00 PM
Well, I'd vote for you. I'd even campaign for you. Though I'm sure I'd get the boot. lol:

and :hug2: ya anyway. :wink:

Couldn't ask for a better campaign manager. :hug2:

.....Month by month contract though. :wink: :D