View Full Version : Mandrake or Mandragora

30-07-2011, 10:48 PM
is it true that mandrakes scream when uprooted?
i was thinking what if Mandrakes do scream but we cant hear it or normal humans cant
if the supernatural did exist i would be looking to cover it up as much as they can to hide it for the normal people

so what if only people with Magical Abilities or Magical Heritage can hear the scream?

What do you think?

30-07-2011, 11:38 PM
It is very likely that plants have energies that could be perceived if we were attuned to their frequency. There have been scientific studkes that give this some credence.

Don’t look at these abilities to perceive this as magical though. They are innate in everyone, but usually dormant.

We tend to be human-centric, being dismissive of the sentience & life force of living objects that don't have eyes!

02-08-2011, 04:00 AM
is it true that mandrakes scream when uprooted?
i was thinking what if Mandrakes do scream but we cant hear it or normal humans cant
if the supernatural did exist i would be looking to cover it up as much as they can to hide it for the normal people

so what if only people with Magical Abilities or Magical Heritage can hear the scream?

What do you think?
I think the whole mandrake thing is just folklore that evolved from the shape mandrake roots can take. Being rather humany looking at times.

Maybe there's something to it - maybe not. Grow some mandrake and find it out yourself, they're badass plants :}

04-08-2011, 01:31 AM
I've read in some books, how witches used to dig up the root and carve more humanly features onto it, then buried it again to keep growing. Then when it came time to making a potion or a spell for someone that called for mandrake, the witch would pull up the carved root in front of the person wanting the spell, to serve as proof of their magical abilities.