View Full Version : Help With Anxiety

17-07-2011, 12:37 AM
I'm 19 Years old with anxiety that is almost to much to bear. Any advice on how to calm this down?:confused:

not human
17-07-2011, 01:57 AM
What does the anxiety stem from?

17-07-2011, 11:58 AM

There are many things you can do to decrease anxiety.

Bach Flower Remedies would be a good place to start...
To make sure you are getting plenty of vitamin B, omega 3 with a balanced diet...
Homoeopathy offers Aconite as well as more suited medicine...
The minerals Magnesium and Calcium help the nerves...
Frankincense and Neroli are "two of the most important aromatherapy oils for anxiety".

Hope this helps.

18-07-2011, 10:58 PM
Also a very very balanced diet that is full of organic vegies and fruits........as well as whole grains.....
also excercise like yoga or anything you like.

22-07-2011, 04:29 AM
This won't be popular...but if it's super bad with panic attacks...klonipin is great for the short term.

24-07-2011, 07:16 PM
This won't be popular...but if it's super bad with panic attacks...klonipin is great for the short term.

Klonipin was prescribed for me, and you are right, it calms anxiety and reduces panic attacks, BUT........! It is EXTREMELY addictive, not in the sense that you need more and more to achieve the same results, but because when you try to get OFF it, you go through horrible withdrawal, the symptoms of which often mimic a panic attack! It is ineffective unless and until it builds up on your system and you sustain the levels in of the drug in your bloodstream by taking it daily and at approximately the same time. There is some controversy over whether it is meant for long term use. My Dr. started me with xanax, but it is more of a short term medication, while Klonipin is considered by many in the medical field to be beneficial with long term use. Some medical conditions and disorders (for example Huntingtons Disease) incorporate large doses of klonipin as part of a drug coctail that is given to patients for years.

When I determined my panic attacks were sufficiently under control and I was ready to get off the klonipin (the difficult period of my life that had brought on severe P.T.S.D., which is what brought the panic attacks on in the first place, had passed and I had worked through many of the ensuing emotional issues with an excellent therapist over a year's time), I had medical doctors tell me it would be impossible to get off it entirely! That the most I could hope for was to reduce my doseage down to perhaps as low as a quarter mg. per day (my prescribed dose had been 1mg. per day), but I would never be able to wean myself off it altogether.

I flat out refused to accept that and initiated my own program of weaning myself off the drug. I would lower the dose slightly and remain on that lower dose until I was reasonably comfortable before stepping it down yet again. Everytime I stepped it down, I was assailed with nausea, rapid heartbeat, intense nervousness and jitteriness (it would even wake me from a sound sleep!) and horrible dred, doom, and anxiety. It was a very, very difficult withdrawal, and I endured it every time I lowered the dose. It took me almost a full year to get completely off it, and then I had the withdrawal on and off for a full six months after. In fact, I STILL get it every now and then, and I've been off the drug for almost a year! I recently met a doctor who personally weaned himself off it in much the same way I did who says withdrawal symptoms plagued him for well over two years after he was no longer taking the drug!

Klonipin is a powerful drug. I would advise people to think long and hard before taking this drug, and to ask your doctor (or a homeopath or other holistic practitioner!) for alternatives in terms of treatment. It helped me through a difficult time, but the hell I went through getting free of it was not worth it. I would never take it again!

24-07-2011, 08:26 PM
There are excellent neurotransmitter supplements that help w/ anxiety. Check out L’ Theanine, the calming portion of green tea. It is available in a tablet.

I know someone w/ extreme anxiety that used this, PharmaGABA (increases alpha levels), SAM-E (general balance), & 5-HTP (increases seratonin) to get off Paxil. After a year he was able to transit off of the supplements.

EFT is VERY useful. It requires no medication or supplements & is a easily learned energy medicine technique.


24-07-2011, 08:42 PM
LightFilledHeart...Yes, yes, yes...klonipin was extremely horrible to withdrawal from. As you said, it is very physically addicting though not mentally. It took me three months to straighten out because I used to take it every day as it was prescribed. I would only suggest it for extreme anxiety/panic attacks and only on a as needed basis. I am so glad I don't take it anymore and now I have no anxiety at all because I am off all meds. It's true that some of us just can't do meds without too many bad side effects that contribute to worse problems. I was dxed. with bipolar for years by many different Drs. After years of horrendous side effects with meds I got off of all of them and now I am completely healthy with no anxiety or depression. I don't advocate people to go off meds but I feel for me, meds caused mood problems and weight gain and a lot of other ickiness. Had I not been sick and desperate long ago I never would have gone on them but I didn't know how awful they can be. I always thought meds were good for a person but I am leery of head meds.

24-07-2011, 11:03 PM
I'm on klonopin too and am trying to wean off very slowly. However it has helped me to b more functional as before I had severe anxiety and would try every natural remedy in the book to no avail. For me it helps. I wish I couldn't have to take it but at this point I have no choice. Blahhhhh

27-07-2011, 04:25 AM
I went through hypnosis. Find a good hypnotist in your area. Try to find one that has a more clinical approach as opposed to some New Age type of stuff. I was so bad at a point that I could not even sit in a car,plane, any vehicle or cross the street without freaking out. Going through hypnosis was the best thing I could do. Did not want to be drugged up or blow money on some therapy that would take tons of time and effort...I figured, try it before anything, if it does not work, it was not a huge financial loss liKe other types of therapy would be. It worked! Not 100 percent better, but I am 75 percent better

02-08-2011, 09:10 PM
Kava Kava and Valerian Root mixed together.

02-08-2011, 09:13 PM
I agree with Distortedsoundz. Hypnotherapy to find the root! :)

09-08-2011, 02:11 PM
Kava Kava mixed with Valerian Root. Or dee a psychiatrist and get prescribed to a Benzodiazepine. I would only say benzos if your anxiety is severe.

09-08-2011, 02:27 PM
I'm on klonopin too and am trying to wean off very slowly. However it has helped me to b more functional as before I had severe anxiety and would try every natural remedy in the book to no avail. For me it helps. I wish I couldn't have to take it but at this point I have no choice. Blahhhhh
Yeah for me, the only real anxiety relief comes with a benzodiazepine such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, and I wouldnt say Valium. That stuff is weak. I take Xanax Extended Release. The potent anxiety reliever. Those natural remedies
Don't work for me. Or you could drink a beer or two. Just one or two. That would help. Xanax and alcohol work on the same GABA receptors in the brain. Anything that works on the GABA receptors will help the most. Unfortonately the only natural remedy that works on the GABA receptors is weak and doesn't activate the neurotransmitters like benzodiazepines or beer.

09-08-2011, 02:37 PM
Yeah for me, the only real anxiety relief comes with a benzodiazepine such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, and I wouldnt say Valium. That stuff is weak. I take Xanax Extended Release. The potent anxiety reliever. Those natural remedies
Don't work for me. Or you could drink a beer or two. Just one or two. That would help. Xanax and alcohol work on the same GABA receptors in the brain. Anything that works on the GABA receptors will help the most. Unfortonately the only natural remedy that works on the GABA receptors is weak and doesn't activate the neurotransmitters like benzodiazepines or beer.

09-08-2011, 03:58 PM
When I had severe anxiety anything that made me feel foggy made it worse. Alcohol especially. I never took medication for it simply used self talk and had a buddy system. My friend knew my episodes and would help me talk myself down to a normal level. I found that most of my anxiety was hormonal.

09-08-2011, 05:05 PM
Ask your doc about lorazepam...I think others have mentioned it by another name starts with A, can't recall, but it was given me for anxiety and help sleep, and amazed that it removed what I thought was a permanent scar on my leg, it was huge pink area and it disappeared overnight after about a week on lorazepam. I even asked my doc can that medicine do that, and he said yes! I was so happy. In the meantime, while you're on something to get you started relaxing, learn more about deep breathing/meditation, and a little wine or beer, can't hurt, unless you prefer not to drink alcoholic beverages. Good luck!

09-08-2011, 05:25 PM
There is a really effective drug free treatment that is being ever increasingly embraced by our Naional Health Service called Mindfullness based cognitive therapy (MBCT).

MBCT prioritizes learning how to pay attention or concentrate with purpose, in each moment and most importantly, without judgment. Through mindfulness. This could be by simply concentrating on your breathing, or studying a simple object.

The object is to remove your worry , by giving yourself something else , something less harmful to focus your mind on.

16-08-2011, 06:48 AM
I know someone w/ extreme anxiety that used this, PharmaGABA (increases alpha levels), SAM-E (general balance), & 5-HTP (increases seratonin) to get off Paxil. After a year he was able to transit off of the supplements.

SAM-e raises norepinephrine, as well as, dopamine and serotonin. Therefore, SAM-e can increase anxiety. Some people use GABA instead of benzodiazepine drugs. Benzodiazepine drugs work on GABA receptors.

You could also try kava or valerian root. Valerian root is interesting - in most people, it calms them down and may make them tired, however,in a small percentage of people it makes them feel energized. A lot of people have luck with kava. But, be aware that kava has a reverse tolerance effect - meaning that the longer you take it, the less you need. Most people don't feel the effects of kava, until it's built up in their system. But, once it's built up, kava is great for anxiety.

Magnesium is also excellent for anxiety and a deficiency can cause anxiety. The liquid form - Magnesium Chloride works really well.

25-08-2011, 01:28 AM
My boyfriend has very bad anxiety for any kind of medical problem that pops up. He has tried many traditional and nontraditional things and not much has helped. This is the third time this has popped up and won"t go away. He also has other conditions with his thyroid, ibs, and other problems. Trying to get off ativan now and has some withdrawl. I wish I could help him more. I can only do so much, especially when he lives a couple states away.

25-08-2011, 03:57 PM
My boyfriend has very bad anxiety for any kind of medical problem that pops up. He has tried many traditional and nontraditional things and not much has helped. This is the third time this has popped up and won"t go away. He also has other conditions with his thyroid, ibs, and other problems. Trying to get off ativan now and has some withdrawl. I wish I could help him more. I can only do so much, especially when he lives a couple states away.

Has he ever had food allergy testing, or done an elimination diet? For example, many people with IBS and anxiety find a lot of relief from going gluten free.

26-08-2011, 03:56 AM
He is already restricted in his foods. He can not have oil, butter, lots of sugar, dairy. He eats really healthy on top of this. I could never eat the same foods he does, but he has been dealing with the food thing for about 10 years now. He basically eats gluten free for the most part. Whole wheat everything and fat free and sugar free.

27-08-2011, 09:02 AM
I got severe anxiety around 6 years ago, and it's now under control. There are many methods that can help, and this is what worked for me.

Firstly understand that it's baby steps...I was so impatient and wanted it gone there and then which didn't help with the anxiety.
It used to kick in, and I would instinctively start panicking. DONT RUN FROM IT.
Focus on the feeling, and breathe slow and deep.acknowledge that you are feeling it, and tell yourself that it will be okay.
Avoid processed foods. A lot contain preservatives that I now know kick in nausea, panicky feelings, headaches, and increase my anxiety. Eat as clean as possible.
Avoid late nights. I'm an avid night owl and would go to sleep well past midnight for a few nights in row, and by the end of the week I would be feel mentally unstable.
Don't avoid situations, but take small steps in facing your fears.
This is a bit extreme but I had major claustrophobia and fear of not being able to escape if in a crowd. I decided to do the mosh pit at a P!nk concert. I was having hot and cold sweats, major nausea and total exhaustion...and she hadn't even come on yet! Lol
By the second time she came back (I've done four mosh pits of hers) I was in a place where the fear was conquered much more than before and I could enjoy it.
If you've done something that would normally give you anxiety, give yourself a pat on the back and praise yourself for doing well! Well done for getting through it!
Say no when you need to. Spend time pampering yourself and taking time out to focus on yourself.
Look for natural remedies...like they've stated here, Bach flower does take the edge of it.
Meditating on a regular basis as well as spiritual cleansing helps too.

But most of all keep breathing and KNOW it will get better! I've been there and this will be you before you know it! x

27-08-2011, 09:04 AM
Has he ever had food allergy testing, or done an elimination diet? For example, many people with IBS and anxiety find a lot of relief from going gluten free.

I did a detox and felt fabulous after going off dairy and any white refined foods (white sugar, flour, white rice) my anxiety was at nil during this. And yes, I have IBS too