View Full Version : Saddam Hussien

01-01-2007, 09:55 PM

what are your thoughts on saddam's hanging? is it right 'a life for a life'?

what are your thoughts?

best wishes

developing1:hug3: :hug3:

01-01-2007, 10:43 PM
I think in many cases the deaths and/or executions of certain world figures like this has a very symbolic message behind it. Don't you find it interesting or at least curious how within a day or two sodamninsane's execution, president Ford passed away??? Now I'm no fan of american presidenst by any stretch of the imagination but I think Ford was a decent man. To me this extreme polarity of energies/consciousness is being shown to the rest of us with the exit of both of these prominent male leaders so close together right now.

01-01-2007, 11:09 PM
At first glance this question seems to be fairly simple for us to answer; most will be for or against. Under those terms I say; punishing a killer by killing him is the ultimate hypocrisy. But then, it isn’t quite fair to say “one life for another”, as Saddam was responsible for taking many lives; under those terms, kill the ******* and end his abomination of slaughter.
Now, that aside, here is the trickier perspective. Did Saddam come into power unchallenged on the world stage, with his motives, mental state, goals, personality, morality unnoticed? Who gave him weapons grade chemicals? Who gave him funding? Who were his allies until he outlived his usefulness? Or, was his slaughtering of innocents useful in a covert type of way? Was he just as “useful” as an enemy as he was as an “allie”? Monster or not, is he the ONLY guilty part here, or are there others? When one begins to explore history as it is currently written, one finds out disturbing truths. Go beyond that, read between the lines (or lies) and an even more disturbing truth arises. Saddam a “scapegoat”? Mabey, mabey not. Saddam the only guilty party on a world stage playing field? Definitely not! The workings of nations, intelligence communities, buisness/industry, so-called world leaders, etc. are more complicated than the “news” would have us think. All of ‘this’ is a massive chess game. Saddam- ONE player, ONE piece. As for his criminal acts, all that I know for sure, is that FOX, CNN, NEWSWEEK, etc. have REPORTED these crimes. Did they actually take place? How could I say for certain? Do I trust CNN and fox? NOT A BIT!! Hmmm…..
(sorry; political rant. may return with something a bit more spiritual)

01-01-2007, 11:19 PM
Blair2be has some good points though, if saddam can be executed for genocide then suerly the political and economic leaders that also carry out genocide but call it sanctions against the ruler of the day. I hope people here understand what I am talking about, the billions of starving people that economic leaders have stolen land froim to feed us the westerners, the billions affected by the trade in oil or medicinesm these are thew ones that genocide has truly been carried out against and if a leader that was a pawn as pointewd out by blair2be can be executed for his part then surelky others should be as well, even those in organisations we would not expect, such as the UN or Nestle, ExxonMobile and many others.

The question I have is that a few years ago we were told that saddam had many fakes running around (people m,ade up to be copy's) just because it saqys on the news that he was killed how are we supposed to believe it, there is many possibilities and one that should not be shunned with the awakening that is current today is the one that it was one of these copy's that was hung, or maybe no one at all and it was just made to look it may have been so.

01-01-2007, 11:20 PM
hiya people,

in my opinion Saddam being hung was too quick of a death. It would be more befitting for him to have a more barbaric punishment to make some sort of retribution for those poor people who suffered under his hand. However, like Hitler there may be a reason for the way he treated people due to past influences. After watching the execution video i noticed a dark aura come out of his body after he died. Perhaps he was influenced towards his evil acts. What puzzles me is why he wasnt killed when he was found, he was wanted dead or alive pretty much worldwide. I believe that recording his execution might have been wrong and seems to have casued more problems (watch the video and whats been going on and you will see). In some respects if Saddam commited his evil acts and was let to do it for so long then shouldnt society have tried to help the situation sooner rather than all this chaos caused.

To me Saddam has been hung to keep the public happy. Its something to keep society in favour of the rulers who "help" society. Who is wrong and who is right? Can we even answer that.

love and blessings to all

02-01-2007, 12:03 AM
Is this the real Saddam that was hung or will we feel he was resurected from the dead, when the real Saddam Hussien appear later? I personally question the authenticity of his DNA.

Love to all

02-01-2007, 12:41 AM
somewhere on the internet (i forget where) photos of saddam (pre mid east war 2) his teeth were perfectly straight, lacking underbite or overbight. post capture, saddams teeth are wretched, with prominent underbite. this underbite was referenced as quite impossible to suddenly appear over the course of a couple of years. this is a "condition" that would have to be present throughout a lifetime. hmmm, any dentists out there?

(i googled around; the teeth pre capture vs post capture are quite and completly opposite...! some facial structure as well)

and true, the public does always need SOMEONE to blame; some person at fault, when identified and caught we all feel safer.

02-01-2007, 12:45 AM
It is my belief that no one has the right to take a life except God. I hated the man and all the horrific things he did but killing him only brings down the vibrations of the person/s who killed him. It did nothing to him because whether he died now or 50 years from now, he would have faced God's judgement in the other side. Now, the executioner will also have to face judgement.

The only time a person has a right to kill is when they are in immediate danger of being killed themselves or others and only if there is no other way out, no other method of defence.

02-01-2007, 02:01 AM
Robert Fisk: A dictator created then destroyed by America


02-01-2007, 07:32 AM
Here are some points for everyones' consideration:

(1) As I understand it, Saddam's dealing with people suspected of / caught in treasonable activities against him, are a bit like the "atrocities" perpetrated by the Japanese during the 2nd world war... they were the accepted behaviour in their culture, and seemed appropriate to them at the time. People like that who are in power know that they will lose it and be walked all over if they are not implacable with those who oppose them. And that's what their opposers of their culture understand. Force; and the understanding that if they are caught, they're gone.

Of course, those of us who base our behaviour on love and compassion find those ways of behaviour painful and abhorrent; but this obviously is an understanding different from Saddam & Co., as they are evidently of a quite different consciousness. But we have to realise this, to be quite fair, and realise that for all their hatred and abhorrent behaviour they are still humans, brothers, and are likely to have done "the best they knew how in the circumstances they were in". Therefore, perhaps we can put aside our hatred and be compassionate towards them; hatred does no good for anyone concerned. Showing hatred can only muddy the aura and generate more darkness for the world.

To my mind, education of these people is needed... but unless they are prepared to accept it, it may be "water off a duck's back"... They certainly should be left in no doubt that their behaviour and view is not accepted by the rest of the world - although again, who are we to judge and enforce our judgement on those of another sovereign culture? Of course, if they mess with us, we have to defend our sovereignty...

(2) As noted by Blair2be, there are many other complications behind the simple surface facts of the case; we need to be aware of these too, if we would judge (which is a perilous thing to do, anyway!). I believe the whole world situation is a mirror for the Human Collective to contemplate and elucidate each to themselves; and then take the messages on board and implement them in their own lives. WE, each, are the only ones who can change (ourselves); and in changing, contribute to the changing of the world for the better - towards more loving, unified, compassionate behaviour towards one another.

Is it not so?


02-01-2007, 03:17 PM
While I do take into consideration the atrocities that Saddam Hussein commited I cannot explain why I found it tragic and upsetting to hear of his execution...
I discovered that he'd been executed on the online edition of The Guardian-and for some reason as soon as I saw the words executed I felt immense sadness...

I find filming the execution of somebody-despite his/her history or background appauling-no matter what anybody says it is in my opinion horrible and creul to film an execution like some soap opera for the world to see...it deeply disgusted me and I am so glad that I don't have access to television at home...

Execution is an act of violence-and violence never solved, and never will slove any of the world's problems.

What about certain leaders of the west who have commited crimes themselves? They condemned Milosevic and Karadic but lets not forget how Bosnian Muslims suffered and how it took time to help the Muslims out why did it take time to decide to help the Bosnian Muslims out?

And now look at Iraq...they overthrew Hussain but what about the many innocent civilians of Iraq that died or are suffering?
How can you justify the bombing of a country that was the seat of one of the most amazing civilisations many thousands of years ago and killing many innocent people?

It's all very well certain western governments wanting democracy to take over the world but the only difference between certain western governments and those "backward" or so called "uncivilised" non-western nations is that certain western governments commit many crimes-a lot far more worse than what Hussain did but commit them in a more subtle way...

What is a civilisation?
Is civilisation having money, education and being a part of the rich west?
Who decides what a civilised society is? Why?
Is it better to be "civilised" and use manipulation and deception and lies to cover for your crimes or to be considered uncivilised-whatever that is?

Are we truly as free as we think we are in the west?

Sorry to ramble on people:rolleyes:

02-01-2007, 04:07 PM

We have no right to take the life of another.. except in actual self-defense or in defense of the defenseless.. once captured, Saddam poses no actual threat, then it becomes revenge and murder of a defenseless human.. we, as a nation, cannot torture and kill people then expect others to believe we are some righteous savior.. the man deserved to live out his life in total isolation from civilization. By using death as a social tool (execution), we condone its use by others for the same reasons (social tools), unfortunately other cultures perspectives of "social tools" differs from ours.. their "social tool of death" might be Jihads..

It is the height of hyprocisy to focus so narrowly on one particular geographic region (mid east), while so many atrocities are occurring around the world.. and, many of those atrocities are much worse that the mid-east.. could there have been an ulterior motive? Hmmmm....

"it is wrong to kill", so.. we will kill you for killing... what's wrong with this picture?

Be well....

02-01-2007, 06:26 PM
This execution took place on the muslim holy day of Eid - a celebration of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to 'God'. It is meant to be a time of forgiveness and peace for the muslims - so why choose that particular date for execution??? Something to think about there....

I personally don't think it was the real Saddam that was executed anyway. As has already been mentioned on this thread, he was known for having many lookalikes - and my gut reaction tells me that one of these was used for this very public affair. I had the same strong gut reaction when they showed 'Saddam' being captured in the first place.

It just shows us how primitive the majority of us humans are that such a thing could still be carried out and broadcast around the world, without a large-scale, worldwide condemnation of it. Sad. Very sad.

02-01-2007, 08:09 PM
This execution took place on the muslim holy day of Eid - a celebration of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son to 'God'. It is meant to be a time of forgiveness and peace for the muslims - so why choose that particular date for execution??? Something to think about there....

I personally don't think it was the real Saddam that was executed anyway. As has already been mentioned on this thread, he was known for having many lookalikes - and my gut reaction tells me that one of these was used for this very public affair. I had the same strong gut reaction when they showed 'Saddam' being captured in the first place.

It just shows us how primitive the majority of us humans are that such a thing could still be carried out and broadcast around the world, without a large-scale, worldwide condemnation of it. Sad. Very sad.

That's madness to say it was a double, must've been a very commited double to die

best wishes

developing1:hug3: :hug3: :hug3:

02-01-2007, 09:12 PM
Developing1 - I doubt whether there would have ben any choice in the matter! :wink:

This article may interest you: http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CRG312B.html

06-01-2007, 09:23 PM
I was reading through Solstice Blessings: 2006 World Mirror in Review (http://www.ascendpress.org/articles/earth-motherIII/SolsticeBlessings06.htm) today and thought this excerpt should be included in this thread due to its reference to Saddam Huissan.


Ascending humans have anchored True Spiritual Law as a global thought-form. This was accomplished over a year ago, and the shift is beginning to be seen within the human dream in present time. The new Democratic leaders in the US have spoken to the need to begin investigations over the legitimacy of the Iraq Invasion. British leaders have stated that the Invasion of Iraq was perhaps the worst international policy that they agreed unto. This has put the Prime Minister and President of the US in a very unpopular light as the primary leadership that drove their nations to invade.

[COLOR=#6600ff][FONT=Arial]From an ascension perspective the karma between Innana and Merduk was settled in the dance and this is a good thing. Both the Prime Minister of England and the President of the US hold Innana inheritance, and were settling their karma with Merduk who is represented as the inheritance of Saddam Huissaine. Saddam