View Full Version : Those things we carry with us. . .

11-07-2011, 01:09 AM
Ever had that feeling of being connected to somewhere else? Some time other than now? You can't explain it, but it's just a deep, familiar feeling.
Then, when you've been able to recall past lives, you get to understand why you have these feelings.
For example, for years I've felt very drawn to and connected with the Asian culture. Long before I watched or liked anime, I just felt a deep, familiar feeling associated with China and (more strongly with) Japan. The physical appearance of the people attract me. The old, traditional outfits, the designs of the buildings, temples, gateways, etc. I just felt this deep, familiar connection with it but never understood why until I recalled my first past life (not first physical life I've ever had, but the first life I've been able to recall about my past). I'd lived there.
After a few years and more past lives bubbling back up to the surface of my consciousness, I'd lived a LOT of lives there.
Same with a few Native American tribes, a few with the Celts, and an extremely few in Africa and the Middle East.

Now, there are smaller bits and pieces that keep attracting me. I've been a fiction story writer since I was little. Certain bits always seemed attractive to me, and I continued to incorporate them into my writings.
Being in a fight, beaten up badly, and being nursed back to health (or being the one to nurse someone back to health after such a situation). Or falling over the edge of a cliff and being injured. Or being up on a spaceship, being among the stars. I could go on and on, but I'll spare us.

I've heard of the saying several times growing up "you write what you know". The thing is, I don't have a shred of Asian blood in me (totally Caucasion). I've lived a quiet "normal" life with my parents and older sisters. No big adventures, no big traumas, nothing really exotic or tropical about any part of it. Pretty mundane and bland.
Yet those little 'story bits' keep staying around in my consciousness, I keep wanting to put my story's characters, at SOME point, through any one or all of those situations.

Now, like I've said, I've been able to recall quite a few of my past lives. I'm not thick enough to say 'oh no, they're not connected in any way to anything'. They are bits, pieces connected with a few of my many past lives. I know that. The thing is, I just don't understand WHY they've stayed with me, why I've carried them on into this life. These aren't heart-breaking sorts of memories, but more like... being vunerable, but then being able to feel safe and cared for.

So, I'm just feeling lost about this. I'm not naieve enough to even halfways think that I'm the only one who's got little 'quirks' about them that are like this. The thing is, why do we have these personal little bits and pieces we're feeling in our current lifetime? What's the reason for doing so?
Just traumas, of one sort or another, that we can't or won't let go of until we deal with them, heal from them, and let go? Are they purposeful anchors left in our subconscious, physical minds to help to help us delve into this area of our lives, to help us remember who we use to be, to understand who we are now, and how to be in the upcoming future? To be able to heal and get better?

I don't know.

If anyone out there has any insight about this, or would like to share similar feelings, please, feel free to do so. (lol it'd help me feel less alone about this topic)

Thanks and Blessings to everyone who takes the time to read this!

11-07-2011, 01:30 AM
Hi Dawn

Interesting, have you ever had regression? where you go under hypnosis to see what your past lives were? There was a UK series presented by Philip Scofield and someone else who studied the past lives of some UK celebreties. They even uncovered evidence to back up what these celebreties were saying and it was really fascinating to watch.

Just recently I vaguely recall a past life in India. I had a pet cobra which was like a dog for me. My husband was always busy and i am under the impression that he was having an affair too. It sounds weird but the snake killed me one day whilst i slept and i am also under the impression that it killed me out of kindness.

Now what i find fascinating is in this life we found a snake in my nan's garden. I am scared of snakes so didn't dare go near it but myself, my mum and my nan ordered my dad to kill it. by the time it was dead, it had a broken jaw. Very obvious. Then a few years later i fainted breaking my jaw. It was almost as if, the killing of the snake is somehow connected to my breaking my jaw.

Maybe i'm stark raving bonkers but i believe my love for my cobra in my past life allowed me to feel empathy for the snake in this life. Recently i had a dream about a cobra too. Can you believe how sweet the cobra was, we used to dance together when my husband was out, and as a child in this life, i met a ghost man who was blind, perhaps he had come across the cobra, because the man was scary to me.

Weird, or perhaps im insane. To add, i have a mole between my eye brows, like the hindu marriage spots and can wiggle my hands like the indian lady in michael jacksons black or white video. I do have family from the middle east and perhaps have ancestors from india i am unaware of.

Anyway im rambling but thank you for bringing this topic up, and sorry im not blessed with any gift which can help you gain insight but i hope someone else reading this thread can.

Bestest wishes


11-07-2011, 01:35 AM
I sensed India with you right away cheeky :) So I would say yes, you probably have past life there.

As for Dawn. I find that what we are drawn to or even repulsed by (areas or cultures) were past lives. I love Asia, Egypt and Scotland.

I dislike 1600 England and water is a huge problem for me.

During regressions I have confirmed Egypt and England 1600s. Drown as a witch in that one and poisoned in Egypt.

Not sure about Asia as of yet, too busy to find out lately lol.

11-07-2011, 01:52 AM
Namaste Cheeky Monkey (lol cute), And nope. Never went to a regressionist. My spiritual path and recalled lives have all come on their own.
O.o Wow about your snake! I never thought about them in such a regard as that before.
That was very kind of your beloved snake to kill you out of kindness. (Better than dying in an explosion or from starvation or from heartbreak.)

O_o Yikes about the breaking jaw correlation.
And I can understand how you feel. I mean, with me, spiders, and snakes, it took a bit of doing and soothing of me in spirit to not be totally scared / freaked out by them. Now I'm okay. I give them respect and keep a nice healthy distance between us.
However, if I see a spider inches away from me, lol you betcha my natural reflexes will kick in and I'll gasp and jump away. However, I know they're not all that different from me. They've crossed my path for one of many reasons. The easiest way for me to deal with them is to put myself in their place. They're lost, in the house and just wanting to get back outside. They're afraid and desperate. The most compassionate thing I can do is what I would want someone to do for me in that position. Not kill me out of fear of me harming them, but to gently usher me back to where I belong.
So I take a stick or a glass cup, as gently as I can scoop them up, then take them outside and a nice, healthy distance AWAY from the house to release them lol

>Maybe i'm stark raving bonkers
~*big hugs*~ Take it from someone who's been there. You're not.
No matter what you may rememeber, no matter what you may feel in your gut, in the depths of your heart away from judgement and the limiting mindset of our 'modern era', you're not nuts. Your normal. This is all a part of you, of your past, of who you were, and a piece of who you are now.
Like, cogs in a bigger machine. These are pieces of you that's helped make you who you are now. (Yes yes I know, there are certain natural, enviromental, and surroundings that play a heavy influence on how we grow and develop, but there's also a very large part of who and what we are because of our past lives. And the latter of that comes, not from the world around us now or how we grew up here, but how we once were.)

If nothing else, take heart. You're only as 'crazy' as the rest of us and that makes us 'normal'! ^_~

Thank you kindly for sharing, Oh Cheeky One!

Aahhh, Medium Laura, Namaste once again! ^_^
O_o Goodness, about the drowning and being poisoned. That had to suck.

lol I'm sure when the time is right, you'll find out about your past in Asia and it'll be interesting.

So, what do you think? Are these bits and pieces we carry with us something more? Undealt with issues? Karmically related?

11-07-2011, 02:18 AM
I'm not sure why we carry them. Some are just residual I think. I have a hard time hearing liquid pour out into a glass , you know that glug glug sound. Probably residual from drinking poisoned wine lol.

Some serve us in ways to protect us, teach us, etc. Some are just garbage that we need to work to release :)

11-07-2011, 02:37 AM
O_o Yeesh with the 'glug glug'. lol I don't think anyone could blame you for that one.

>Some serve us in ways to protect us, teach us, etc. Some are just garbage
>that we need to work to release :)
That makes sense. I guess just a matter of time and 'feeling' helps us figure out which is which, huh?

Thank you kindly for your insight Medium Laura. Much appreciated. ^_^

11-07-2011, 03:32 AM
:) yep! Yw :)

Amethyst Angel
14-07-2011, 11:45 AM
What inspirational stories! I've been drawn to Scotland ever since I went there about 10 years ago, it felt like I was coming home and I didn't want to leave. I also feel drawn to Ireland. On the opposite side of the scale I feel almost hatred for either Japan or China, I feel more Japan. I know hatred is a strong word but I never want to go anywhere near it so I'm wondering if I had a bad life or lives there and I've also had a fear of plantations of all things.
I do feel very drawn to the Tudor era, especially around the time of Katherine of Aragon, and Anne Boleyn and I feel it is to do with the court rather than ordinary folk, like I am today.
It's funny how things just come into your life like this and it's interesting trying to piece them altogether.

Love and Light
Amethyst Angel

15-07-2011, 11:32 AM
I have always been drawn to Sweden . However the Universe forced me to visit Scotland and boom instant past life .

I found myself walking along the beach with my beloved to a quaint harbour . We sat hand in hand looking out to sea . The view was breathe taking and we sat in silence until he said it feels like we have been here forever .

I was suddenly reminded of a meditation which I had with Kyanite . Where I was sitting in a harbour waiting for my beloved to come home from a fishing trip.
I instantly knew that we had been husband and wife in a past life .

A cold shiver ran down my spine as up ahead stood the Castle , now in ruins where I looked after children in the 1800 's .

It was very spooky and freaked me out . :) x

15-07-2011, 07:54 PM
Amethyst Angel, Topaz, thank you very much for sharing.

>It's funny how things just come into your life like this and it's
>interesting trying to piece them altogether.
Ohh, tell me about it!

Amethyst Angel, I don't know why but when you commented about how you had such a hatred for Japan, I got the feeling of being terribly beaten and repeatedly. If that were me, I wouldn't blame you one little bit for feeling that way and wanting to have NOTHING to do with that entire region of the world EVER again.

I think that's why I was only a Druid for one life. (Gabes and I have been talking back and forth for a while now and one evening she commented how she sensed I was a Druid in a past life. At first I was like O_o?! But when I thought about it, I could sense it. Just one life lived as that.) I thrived in the atmosphere and the land was very nice and lush, but it never sat right with me when they'd harm any other life, beit animal or human. I mean, I was raised in that atmosphere and death taken was as equal a part of life as what given life was. For years I ignored that little niggling in my gut and heart and accepted it, but as the decades rolled on, I was somewhere in my 30's I think where I spoke out about it, saying it was wrong, and, short version, was killed because I'd done so.
I think that's why in this lifetime when I've heard 'druid', there's largely been an uncomfortable feeling yet very vaguely familiar feeling about it.
I may not be able to remember any of the lessons I learned in that life about how the land is connected with all things, but I do know in my heart that I learned a great deal about the land itself and felt very at one with it no matter what I did.

Topaz, now that's just totally wild about the beach and castle. I haven't had any moments yet where I've come across something physical from a past life, so lol as freaky and spooky as it was, I hope you know how lucky you are!

Amethyst Angel
15-07-2011, 10:26 PM
Amethyst Angel, Topaz, thank you very much for sharing.

>It's funny how things just come into your life like this and it's
>interesting trying to piece them altogether.
Ohh, tell me about it!

Amethyst Angel, I don't know why but when you commented about how you had such a hatred for Japan, I got the feeling of being terribly beaten and repeatedly. If that were me, I wouldn't blame you one little bit for feeling that way and wanting to have NOTHING to do with that entire region of the world EVER again.

Each time I think of this I can picture a male from the 2nd world war, either Japanese or Chinese, but I feel more strongly Japanese, he's in uniform and I don't think this is me but he's wearing a grey uniform with bits of red on it, and i'm not even sure if this is correct for the Japanese uniform or not. I'm not sure if I'm Japanese or on the side of the allies. At the moment this is all I can pick up on, but I know from experience that it will start to piece together and make sense but it can take years. The only thing I am drawn to about the Japanese is the Geisha but I certainly don't feel I was one.

19-07-2011, 11:45 PM
The reason for the "residue" is that we have some unresolved judgment in those times. Most of us here have made our egoic expression upon Creation and now are returning to Source.
Our egoic expression which we are now in the process of dismantling was entirely built upon dualistic judgments.
Our path back is over the same road we traveled in making our egoic culmination...
The judgments that once defined our world....
are now stepping stones on the road back.
And the judgments we made in those lives, especially upon ourselves....
we buried really deep.
Humans don't like to look in the mirror if what they see there they judge as "negative"...
So they don't look.
But the road back forces us to look.
If you feel a past life memory was just a bunch of mundane stuff....
there is something you are still avoiding.
And you will remember these little tid bits until you face what has been judged... with Love

Laura, we seem to have a lot in common.
I was also in England in the 1600's.
I was also drowned as a witch... and in another life in the same general area of England/Scotland I was forced to kill ... to hang the woman I loved. I also spent a life in Egypt where I was poisoned.
I don't like being in water deeper than a bathtub.... and don't like to even think about England and Scotland.
Very interesting.
My last one was in Tibet and the one before that as an American Indian on the Plains.... and before that ... a short one as the child of early American Settlers.
It's interesting ... I was killed by Indians in the One, in the next one I was an Indian and killed an American Soldier.

You have any of those places and times going on?

Every single judgment we placed through the course of the first turn of our evolution...
has to be reconciled back to it's Truth for us to Travel the road Home.

Of course they don't always come as past life memories....

because they keep reflecting back to us in current life experiences.