View Full Version : The Zeta Reticulans or "Grays" possibly a version of us?

07-07-2011, 03:16 PM
Just wanting to know what your guys thoughts are on the idea of the "Grays" as they are called, being another version of us or possibly another reality of us in the future? This was suggested to me by someone else and I found it quite interesting and something I'd never heard before or thought of and the idea of how humanity can be quite emotionless, cold, slave like and "souless" for lack of a better word and times through the things we do and more like the "Grays" as contactees and abductees have said are like. Could they be a version of us or us in the future I wonder? Possibly coming back through time to collect semen and female eggs and blood samples to help save humanity in the future and try and restore us to the way we are in this present time I wonder (basing off what a lot of abductees stories about how they are trying to create a hybrid race of us)? Anyway, this is only out of interest and would love to know what your guys ideas are as as I said, this was something I never thought of and I believe it has a place in the UFO world because the more ideas and discussions we have going the close we can get to hopefully figuring and answering some of these things out.

Thanks guys for reading :)

07-07-2011, 09:16 PM
That's an interesting thought. I always thought grays were sexless though? Maybe I'm wrong on that.. haha. But yeah... I certainly hope humanity doesn't turn into that.

08-07-2011, 02:04 AM
Yeah it is quite and interesting angle. I do believe they are sexless. According to contactees and abductees, they are sexless due to their race dieing out so to speak and using methods of gene manipulation or cloning in order to carry on their species which could also tie in with us and our conquest of cloning. Just a thought