View Full Version : My personal practices of Being

24-06-2011, 06:39 PM
My feelings are my truth. If one of my thoughts makes me feel good. I know it is a thought of my highest truth. If not, I simply observe. Noticing all you are is great. Awareness and consciousness expanded. observing thoughts, Remembering Who I Am. My highest thoughts I relive, then stay present. Fully present. That thought of my highest truth, will turn into experience.
Loving all emotions positive and negative. I choose to love all I feel, so I don't feel the negative. If I feel negative I love it. Therefore it turns into love. I choose to feel good, no matter what the circumstances are
When I am unconsciously thinking I find peace by bringing my attention inside my body.
If ever felt down, To know that I will be stronger and learn more once past this down period. They always pass. Doing that I find peace during the midst.
Knowing my daily patterns.
Meditating by feeling Inner Body. You meditate enough, you will remember how you felt meditating with just a second of being in your body. Instantly your mood changes.
When ever I wouldn't know what to do. I pray. Asking for help. I believe I will be, therefore I find peace in doing so.
I listen for the harmony in every noise I hear. Truly seeing the beauty in it all.
There will be a point where meditation is no longer needed. For that you feel bliss all the time. You are feeling your best. You are always in the Now. i just got Dajhavo?
Practicing all of this has brought me in a state of bliss. Everyone can feel heaven on earth. For some it happens as a spiritual awakening, for some many years of practice. Life is a whole lot different when you see it all in the eyes of love and beauty. Noticing the beauty of things you never looked at twice in the past.

24-06-2011, 07:22 PM
thanks for sharing.