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18-12-2006, 06:33 AM
thought for the day

hi all!please feel free to post ur own thought for the day[TFTD] as well...i am going to post a few by sri sathya sai baba here whenever possible.

as written today in prashanti nilayam,abode of bhagwan sri sathya sai baba.

Speak the truth, speak pleasantly and do not speak unpalatable truth. These three correspond to moral, righteous, and spiritual values respectively. Man's life is the combination of these three values. Adhere to truth and righteousness. Truth is unchanging. Trikala Badhyam Sathyam (that which is unchanging in the past, present and future) alone is truth. It is said that the evil effects of Kali Age cannot shake the one whose heart is filled with compassion, whose speech is suffused with truth and whose body is used for serving others.

as written on nov 30th,2006

The reflection of the sun shining in the sky can be seen in the oceans, rivers, lakes and wells. Though the reflections are many, there is only one sun. The Divine is present in man like the unseen thread which holds a garland of gems together. The entire cosmos is permeated by the Divine and is the visible manifestation of the Divine. Nothing in the world, no object, no human being, no creature can be found wherein God is not present. There is only one God and he is 'Sath-Chith-Ananda' (Being-Awareness-Bliss).

for more TFTD,visit the website link i have given in spiritual forums,in the links section.thanking u,neeti.

18-12-2006, 11:42 AM
The moment you willingly give everything you have is the moment you will willingly be given everything there is. - Me (whatever that is)

19-12-2006, 12:35 AM
"What good will it be for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?" - Matthew 16:26

"The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your mind" - Dr Wayne W Dyer.

"The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot" - Mark Twain

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams" - Eleanor Roosevelt

19-12-2006, 11:21 AM
TFTD as written today in prashanti nilayam[abode of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba] 19th dec 2006:

Wherever you may be, in whatever country, do not give room for religious differences. Adhere to your faith and your traditions. When differences between religions are given up, love will develop in you. When love grows, you can have a direct vision of God. Without love, mere verbal prayers are of no avail. Realise that love is present in everyone. It is the unifier, the motivator and the bringer of joy to all. Therefore, cultivate love. Love is the form of the Divine and God can be realised only through love.

19-12-2006, 11:26 AM
Amen to that neetikamath. .

22-12-2006, 09:58 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam today 22nd dec 2006:

Tell me your company and I shall tell you what you are. When you associate yourself with ephemeral things, the results also are bound to be so. You should develop friendship with Divinity, which alone is true and eternal. Divinity is very much present in you. The external world is subject to change. The world is nothing but a combination of matter. Everything in this world is transitory. Nothing is permanent. The unseen Atmic principle alone is true and eternal.

TFTD as written on nov 19th 2006:

Motherhood is the most precious gift of God. Mothers are the makers of a nation's fortune, for they shape the sinews of its soul. These sinews are toughened by two lessons - fear of sin and fondness of virtue. As the mother, so the sweetness of culture. As the mother, so the progress of the nation. If mothers take care of their families, they will be protecting the nation. Mothers should foster in their children, love for truth, righteousness and narrate inspirational stories of great men and women.

22-12-2006, 10:29 AM
Hey Neetikamath,

I really love these quotes. I have a question for you, I googled Sai Baba last week and it brought me to a Sai Baba website which said he died in 1918. I had assumed he was still alive from what people write about him though, whats the truth of the matter?

23-12-2006, 06:56 AM
hey dreamer!
actually,there are two sai babas...the present baba is bhagawan sri sathya sai baba who is a reincarnation of the previous one, sri shirdi sai baba.shirdi baba lived until 1918 and 8 years later,sri sathya sai baba was born.they are full incarnations of god...plz see the website link i have given in the links section of spiritual forums.sri sathya sai baba is now 81 years old,his life has been a constant outpouring of pure love towards all beings and of selfless service,there has never been an avatar like him in the history of mankind.he is krishna and all gods in one.he lives in puttaparti ,south india,which is his birthplace.millions of ppl of all religions converge on this place and i live here too...anywayz,u will get all the info in the website...merry christmas!neeti.

23-12-2006, 07:01 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on nov 1st 2006:

Character is the true ornament of man. The loss of this ornament is the source of all his suffering and misery. Man does not realize the purpose for which he has been created by God. God’s creation is pregnant with profound truths, mysteries and ideals. But man has forgotten these ideals. He is unable to appreciate the significance of his legacy. Of all the powers in the world, human power is the greatest. Man assigns value to everything in this world, but he is unable to recognize his own value.

16th February 2006
The root cause of all difficulties experienced by man is forgetfulness of his spiritual reality and identification with his body. The body is only the vesture of the Indwelling Spirit. By immersing himself in body-consciousness, man develops egoism and possessiveness, which in turn give rise to many other vices. He forgets his inherent divinity and fails to use the senses and organs he is endowed with. Your senses are God-given gifts. They should be used only for sacred purposes and should not be misused. Entertain only sacred thoughts and engage yourselves only in sacred deeds. Thereby, you will be sanctifying your lives. There is only one royal road to realizing God. It is the path of Divine love. You have come from the Divine and your destiny is to merge in the Divine. - BABA

23-12-2006, 11:36 AM
Oh I really like the last one!

27-12-2006, 08:23 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Nov. 27th, 2006
Love God and you see God in every creature. Another way is to start with those around you, and then widen the circle of love till it envelops all creation. Let the mind dwell ever on God; let it see everything as Divine. That is what is described as one-pointedness. When the mind is so fixed, it will give up its tendency to search for faults and foibles in others; it will not run after the foul and the frivolous and it will not accumulate the trivial and the transient. The body is like the container of the torch, the senses, the bulb and the mind is the battery. But if you use your intellect as the switch, then, the mind will not be turned towards the undesirable. It will be used only to help the individual's progress towards his/her Divine destiny.

Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – July 2nd, 2006
God is love incarnate. This love shines equally in every human being. The fragrance of a flower remains the same whether it is held in the right hand or the left. Likewise God has no distinctions such as the favoured and the excluded. But narrow-minded persons cannot easily grasp the Divine's equal-mindedness. Everyone apprehends God's powers and attributes according to his own limited conceptions and experiences. Different people, depending on their own likes and dislikes, attribute the differences existing in their own minds to the Divine. God does not make distinctions such as the good and the bad, the likeable and the unwanted, the wicked and the virtuous. The sandalwood tree imparts its fragrance even to the axe that fells it. Likewise, God is ever prepared to love, foster and protect everyone equally.

Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – July 4th, 2006
Whatever talents a person may possess, they must be dedicated to the service of humanity, indeed of all living beings. Therein lies life's fulfillment. All men are kin, moulded out of the same five elements, with the same divine essence residing in everyone. Service to your fellowmen will help your divinity to blossom, for service to man is service to God. God resides in the heart of every man and every living being, in every stone and stump. Let every act be a flower to be offered at the feet of God, free from the creeping worms of envy and egoism and full of the fragrance of love and sacrifice.

Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – July 21st, 2006
Do not serve for the sake of rewards, attracting attention, or earning gratitude, or from a sense of pride at your own superiority in skill, wealth, status or authority. Serve because you are urged by love. When you succeed, ascribe the success to the Grace of God, who inspired you as the Love principle within you. When you fail, ascribe the failure to your own inadequacy, insincerity or ignorance. Examine the springs of action, disinfect them from all traces of ego. Do not blame the recipient of the Seva (service), or your collaborators and co-workers, or God.

28-12-2006, 06:21 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – June 2nd, 2006

The river strives, yearns and struggles to merge with the sea from which it has come. It has that consummation ever in its consciousness. It attempts to make itself pure and pellucid so that it may be welcomed by its source. It overcomes every obstacle of terrain in order to journey successfully towards its goal. Man too must utilize all the physical, mental, intellectual and moral endowments that God has granted him so that he may journey to the goal of Self-Realization.


Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – June 3rd, 2006

Love is inherent in man, but like a seed that has to be nourished by water, love in man has to be fostered by dedicated service. Love is a sacred quality. Love is like nectar. A man who has tasted the sweetness of Divine Love will not desire anything else in the world. Life must be a constant manifestation of love. Nowadays, love is expressed in a constricted, selfish manner. It needs to be expressed in the form of service to society. Thereby love becomes a reciprocal, ever-widening experience.


28-12-2006, 06:27 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – June 4th, 2006

Birth as a human being is a rare and unique opportunity. For, man is endowed with a discriminating intelligence, the power to reason out the best among alternative courses of action. The tongue that does not chant the name of God, the hand that knows no charity, the years of life that know no peace of mind, talents that do not find fulfillment, a life that has not garnered wisdom, a temple where there is no atmosphere of reverence, speech that does not communicate knowledge - all these are of no worth.


31-12-2006, 09:23 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam 31st dec 2006:
God's grace is the greatest wealth. To consider the amassing of money, gold or other material objects as the ultimate goal of life is not right. The goal of life instead, should be the acquisition of the divine wealth of God's grace. Try to win His grace by reforming your habits, reducing your desires and refining your nature. One step makes the next one easier; that is the unique quality of the spiritual path. With each step, your strength and confidence increases and you feel the Lord's grace all the more.

31-12-2006, 11:49 PM
Thoughts become a prison, love your prison and the walls come tumbling down it will soon become paradise - how could it not be so? Mind becomes soul when loved.

03-01-2007, 07:01 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Dec. 29th, 2006
There is a creator behind this enchanting cosmos. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. He is worshipped as God using many names and in many forms by various people. Unity, brotherhood and devotion are essential for every human being. To promote these sacred qualities in mankind, some great souls sought to establish different religions. Religion is not a restrictive concept. Religion is intended to develop the human personality and indicate the basic guidelines for right living. Religion brings out the humanness in man and enables him to live in harmony with his fellowmen. It provides the link between the individual and the Divine. It demonstrates the unity that underlies the diversity in creation.

03-01-2007, 10:21 AM
Thanks to all who have posted here, this feels good like food for my soul :hug2:

Here is my thought for the day:

I must be careful how I judge the next man, because out of my own mouth will come my judgement.

Judge not and you shall not be judged.

Love to all

04-01-2007, 08:18 AM
hi cweiters,
howz u?thank u and everyone so much for your encouraging remarks,im so glad many of u liked these posts and also posted wonderful TFTDs here too...god bless and may we all reach the goal of liberation asap!thanking you,neeti.

04-01-2007, 08:24 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on February 8, 2005

To realize God, it is not necessary to have wealth, gold, luxuries and comforts; nor is scholarship a requisite. All that is needed is pure devotion. Without purity of thought, word and deed, it is impossible to experience the Divine. God cannot be realized through ostentation and self-conceit. The basic requisite is the shedding of selfishness and possessiveness so that one can engage oneself in actions in a disinterested spirit. Any person is entitled to embark on this quest irrespective of age, caste or gender.-sai baba

Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – May 1st, 2006
The essence of all religions, the message of all scriptures and the destiny of all mankind is the same. But because of selfishness, narrow-mindedness and self-interest, religion is used as a pretext for promoting differences and conflicts. Morality, integrity, righteousness, charity, truth, forbearance and non-violence are basic tenets of all religions. But over the years, men have forgotten these truths and have fostered divisive tendencies in the place of unity. As a result, respect for human values has vanished. It is essential to recognise the Divine unity that suffuses all the apparent diversity in human existence.

04-01-2007, 05:42 PM
"Motherhood is the most precious gift of God."

I will attest to that!! Only been at it a few weeks but it's the best thing ever.


05-01-2007, 05:30 AM
hi papoose!
waw,that's so lovely to know!thank u so much...sri sai baba has also a lot of guidelines for women and mothers.

for the family he says,
When there is understanding and harmony in the family, peace will spread to the community, and from there to the nation and the world. Unity confers joy and peace.

baba always emphasises on the greatness of women and has a lot more to say.im unable to find more guidelines on the web.i shall let u know once i find them.please visit the website given in the links section where a lot more is given on women and mothers and family..thank u!neeti.

05-01-2007, 05:36 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on sept 9,2005

Man has made tremendous progress in science and technology. But, in the field of spirituality, he is still unable to rid himself of narrow cynicism, limited outlook, and the demonic hold of selfishness, pride, envy and other evil traits. When we examine the basic cause for this state of affairs, we discover that it is the consequence of egoism that has struck deep roots in the heart of man. It has reduced man to the status of a puppet. It pollutes his thoughts, words and deeds. It directs him to gather and hoard material riches. It does not allow the Atma (Self) to shine forth. When the veil of egoism is set aside, the Atma is revealed, Jnana (wisdom) dawns and Ananda (Bliss) results.- SAI BABA.

06-01-2007, 07:54 AM
TFTD as written on 18th January 2006
Without God, there is no universe. To ask for physical proof of the existence of bliss or love or the fragrance of a flower is impracticable. To deny the reality of love on the ground that it has no recognizable form is meaningless. Love may have no form, but the mother who exhibits love has a form. All beings are manifestations of the Cosmic Divine. The forms are different, but the spirit that animates them all is One, like the current that illumines bulbs of different colours and wattage. Cultivate this feeling of oneness and do not be critical of any faith or religion. Dedicate your lives to the service of your fellow beings. Thereby, you will be redeeming your lives.

06-01-2007, 06:12 PM
Hey neetikamath,

you talk about Sai Baba as though he were seperate from you. If this is so do you foresee a time when you will allow yourself to become an incarnation of God yourself, as Sai Babas teachings suggest we already are? Just wondered, something i have wondered about.

06-01-2007, 10:28 PM
Here's my thought for the day.

"Don't just look at the world but feel it with your eyes." -imageimaginer

08-01-2007, 05:29 AM
hi dreamer!
since god alone exists,as often declared by lord krishna and baba,i do not think god is seperate from me either.but thinking is one thing,experiencing this eternal truth is another.after undertaking several spiritual practices without respite,one gets to this stage of 'god-realisation',when union with god is experienced.i am only trying to get to that highest stage as most of us are.
we are already incarnations of god,but we do not have all the sixteen qualities that mark an 'avatar' or 'full incarnation' like krishna or baba from the rest of the humans.we share only a few qualities with them and we all have 'karma' birth,while god who incarnates for the sake of mankind out of his own will and compassion,is not bound in any way.so we have to face the consequences of karma,life after life.thats basically the difference between us and the avatars.
plz read the books written by baba himself,or written by his devotees.thats the most important thing-according to me.all doubts regarding spiritual matters can get resolved and it is my personal experience that god guides me through these books, day after day.what can i say about my experiences?well god is beyond everything,beyond all explanation,beyond our mind.then the most one can do is experience the bliss of getting closer to god,and the sweetness of that experience cannot be explained.thank u!neeti.

08-01-2007, 05:32 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – July 24th, 2006
God is said to be a stealer of hearts! The whole world is God's. All of you belong to Him, though you may not know it. Therefore, He can take anything from anyone. He is the Master of the ether, wind, fire, water and earth; He can change the sky into the earth and the earth into the sky. He can also take hold of the hearts of people and fill them with Love. Once people taste the sweetness of His Love, they will not desire anything else. That is why He is called Chiththa Chora (stealer of hearts). Pray to Him, "O God! Enter my heart too and fill it with Love, so that I may love all your children, in all lands. Never covet what belongs to others. Do not talk about others but, if you must, talk only of the good in them.

08-01-2007, 12:46 PM
hi dreamer!
since god alone exists,as often declared by lord krishna and baba,i do not think god is seperate from me either.but thinking is one thing,experiencing this eternal truth is another.after undertaking several spiritual practices without respite,one gets to this stage of 'god-realisation',when union with god is experienced.i am only trying to get to that highest stage as most of us are.
we are already incarnations of god,but we do not have all the sixteen qualities that mark an 'avatar' or 'full incarnation' like krishna or baba from the rest of the humans.we share only a few qualities with them and we all have 'karma' birth,while god who incarnates for the sake of mankind out of his own will and compassion,is not bound in any way.so we have to face the consequences of karma,life after life.thats basically the difference between us and the avatars.
plz read the books written by baba himself,or written by his devotees.thats the most important thing-according to me.all doubts regarding spiritual matters can get resolved and it is my personal experience that god guides me through these books, day after day.what can i say about my experiences?well god is beyond everything,beyond all explanation,beyond our mind.then the most one can do is experience the bliss of getting closer to god,and the sweetness of that experience cannot be explained.thank u!neeti.

Hey neetikamath,

thanks for the reply, i was interested to hear your thoughts. If you know you are God, and you know God can do anything and is everything maybe the quickest way to experience God is to imagine what it must be like to be God? You are the world around you, your thoughts created it, this is a dream and you are the dreamer and you are the dream, play with this idea if you want to experience real joy and peace, a joy and peace that can only come from knowing you are in control of yourself and that yourself is everything.

I love the quotes you have been posting keep them coming and i wish you every happiness in the coming year.

09-01-2007, 04:34 AM
hi dreamer,
thanx a lot,i am really touched.one of baba's teachings also goes like that,exactly as you have put it.this goes beyond just positive thinking and we are supposed to remind ourselves and always declare that we are god,not just this finite body...i do this myself often,i always remind myself i am god too,and i see v good results.sometimes i go deep into this kind of meditation and really feel something and know that i am not the body.yes,its just a dream as baba often says,a creation of our mind.we are gods who believe we are bound and must be liberated.our mind always sees diversity while spiritual vision sees unity.i am also practising spiritual vision and seeing good results.thank u so much for your wise words...i do feel real joy and peace ,thanx to spirituality and my guru ,baba.i wish u the best in the coming year too,filled with god's blessings..thank u!neeti.

09-01-2007, 04:39 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam today 9th january 2006:
Love is light. It illumines your path and helps you reach the goal. Your journey of life will be safe and secure when you carry the light of love with you. Love is God. Live in love. Truly speaking, you are the very embodiments of love. Let the stream of love flow from one heart to another. Consider love as your life. This is your foremost duty. You may search anywhere in the world, you cannot find anything greater than love. You can conquer the whole world with the weapon of love. There is nothing that you cannot achieve with the power of love. Love is the supreme power. True human value lies in sharing and experiencing the supreme love. The power of love is unmatched. When you fill your heart with love, all people will become your brothers and sisters. You will not have enemies at all! SAI BABA

11-01-2007, 04:31 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 11th March 2006

Man today is like a horseman riding two horses at the same time. He aspires for the Divine, yet at the same time he yearns for worldly pleasures too. He forgets that the creation is contained within the creator. Forgetting this truth, he goes after the phenomenal world, regarding it as different from the Divine. Instead of following the easy path of chanting God's name, man involves himself in multifarious troubles and wastes his precious life. Man is verily God. He is allowing his inherent divinity to be submerged by worldly desires. He should utilise the pure and sacred thoughts that arise in him to turn away from the transient attractions of the world and to set him on the path towards the Divine.

11-01-2007, 01:34 PM
hi dreamer,
thanx a lot,i am really touched.one of baba's teachings also goes like that,exactly as you have put it.this goes beyond just positive thinking and we are supposed to remind ourselves and always declare that we are god,not just this finite body...i do this myself often,i always remind myself i am god too,and i see v good results.sometimes i go deep into this kind of meditation and really feel something and know that i am not the body.yes,its just a dream as baba often says,a creation of our mind.we are gods who believe we are bound and must be liberated.our mind always sees diversity while spiritual vision sees unity.i am also practising spiritual vision and seeing good results.thank u so much for your wise words...i do feel real joy and peace ,thanx to spirituality and my guru ,baba.i wish u the best in the coming year too,filled with god's blessings..thank u!neeti.

Hey Neetikamath,

Its even better than this!! I tried for a while to see myself as God, but it was not quite right, after all if you are god everything is perfect right? Then I remembered, God is everything, so I started seeing myself as everything, like everything is a part/aspect of me or at least my soul. The wars inside my head become the wars being fought in the world, the lies i tell myself are the lies being told in the world, the sadness i feel is the sadness in the world, the joy i feel is the joy i feel in the world. Seeing myself as God was too egoistic, seeing myself as everything allows me to be compassionate to everything AND to experience that same compassion as if it were being given to me. The results are mind blowing and i'm still getting to grips with it but i wanted to share with you cos its too good to keep to just this aspect of myself One calls dreamer. I am the One, you are the One, everything is the One.

By the way I love the quotes you post each day, thankyou.

12-01-2007, 05:41 AM
hey dreamer!
thats really awesome!it must have been a truly amazing experience and u must be intensely spiritual and tuned in to get such a mindboggling experience.i wish i could do the same with such ease as u have done.really,its not that easy!u r at a very high level of conciousness.the problem with me is that i go too deep sometimes,go up to the higher levels and then fall down and become a bit worldly!lol i get so angry with myself and i feel i am so stupid,but everytime i start scolding myself for being a fool,i get baba's voice inside me saying not to revile myself bcoz that amounts to reviling the divinity within me.
i really feel v disappointed with myself coz i cant maintain and stay in the spiritual experiences for long.how i long to have the kind of experience that u have had!yes,it must be an experience of being one with krishna,with everything,a feeling of ecstatic bliss.to remain in that bliss is most important,says baba.thanx a zillion for ur encouraging replies!thanking u,neeti.

12-01-2007, 05:47 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam today,12th jan 2007:

It is always preferable to approach God for the fulfillment of one's wants, rather than cringe before men, who themselves are mere mortals. In His own silent way, God will transform the mind and turn it towards 'spiritual endeavour' and ensure a successful spiritual journey. He will not allow His children to lose their way and suffer in the wilderness of the material world. When you approach God and seek his help and guidance, you have taken the first step to save yourself. You are then led to accept His will as your own. Thus, you achieve Peace.

12-01-2007, 06:32 AM
hey dreamer!
thats really awesome!it must have been a truly amazing experience and u must be intensely spiritual and tuned in to get such a mindboggling experience.i wish i could do the same with such ease as u have done.really,its not that easy!u r at a very high level of conciousness.the problem with me is that i go too deep sometimes,go up to the higher levels and then fall down and become a bit worldly!lol i get so angry with myself and i feel i am so stupid,but everytime i start scolding myself for being a fool,i get baba's voice inside me saying not to revile myself bcoz that amounts to reviling the divinity within me.
i really feel v disappointed with myself coz i cant maintain and stay in the spiritual experiences for long.how i long to have the kind of experience that u have had!yes,it must be an experience of being one with krishna,with everything,a feeling of ecstatic bliss.to remain in that bliss is most important,says baba.thanx a zillion for ur encouraging replies!thanking u,neeti.

Hey Neeti,

maybe God is too grand a word, if we are One then is there a place for such grandious terms? When you sleep at night you are the dreamer and the dream, do you get disapointed with yourself for not being spiritual enough in your dreams? This too is a dream, you are the dreamer so what dream do you fancy? The way you feel sets the tone for the dream you experience, the tone attracts ideas which resonate from the infinite mind which manifest for you to enjoy (or not) in "reality". All you need to do is ask with all your heart to know the whole truth and it cannot help but reveal itself - as it is doing so now!! You are the creator, you get what you ask for - how could it not be so?

14-01-2007, 04:41 AM
hey dreamer!

v true!thank u very much.well,getting disappointed with myself is just a small one compared to the long list of faults i have in me!:smile: lol...its just that im v sentimental when it comes to my spirituality and god.lol i just get so disappointed genuinely at heart...anywayz,take care...neeti.

TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 21st dec 2006:

The goal of self-realisation depends upon the foundation of self-confidence. You must, therefore, first develop confidence in yourself. Without having confidence in yourself, if all the time you are talking of some power being with someone else, when are you going to acquire any power and confidence in yourself? You should consider self-confidence as the most important asset in life. Without self-confidence, you can never attain bliss. You are God yourself; God is the eternal resident of your heart. - SAI BABA

14-01-2007, 08:32 AM
Hey neeti, you are perfect!! it is only your thinking you are imperfect that stops you seeing the perfection. Did you know you and I share One mind, the mind of God, the perfect mind? As Sai Baba says you are God yourself, once you see this what is there to worry about? See yourself as everything, i am you. Confidence comes from seeing that the thoughts in your head are made manifest in the world around you, you create your dream.

15-01-2007, 07:22 AM
hey dreamer,

thank you for ur inspiring words!they give me peace...what u say is so true,it is the thoughts in our mind that makes all the difference.nowadays,everyone's mind is kind of polluted with unnecessary things.all the negativity,like worrying which sometimes is a deep-rooted habit,and all the other negative traits arising from ego-like anger,jealousy,pride,attachment to things and ppl,hatred,etc.these arise from ignorance of the fact that ppl are themselves god.they have to be replaced by slow and steady practice with positive feelings like contentment with what god has given us,pure love towards all and all other good traits.then we can have the vision of our inner and outer divinity.in spite of myself,my ego comes up all the time,that is the biggest problem.i am practising love towards everyone with their divinity in mind,irrespective of the good or bad they may have done.but it struck me last might how little i have done in this respect.thank you!neeti.

15-01-2007, 07:23 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – May 23rd, 2006

Liberation is just the awareness of Truth, the falling off of the scales of delusion from the eye; it is not the preserve of a few expert spiritual aspirants. Like the river losing its form, its name and its taste in the sea, liberation dissolves the name and form, aptitudes and attitudes. You are no more a separate individual. The rain drop has merged in the sea, from where the drop arose. Of course there was no bondage, at any time, and no prison; there was only a fixation in the mind that one was bound, that one was in prison, that one was limited and finite!

22-01-2007, 06:34 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – May 2nd, 2006

Peace cannot be found in the external world but within oneself. One should realize that the whole universe is pervaded by the Divine. Today the world is filled with strife. It is not possible to make a distinction between a human being and a demon. Man, who evolved from the animal, instead of proceeding towards Divinity, is regressing to animality. Man's primary duty is to uphold the human values of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. However, man today is enveloped in attachment and hatred. The moment he casts them off, he will realize his divinity.

22-01-2007, 06:55 AM
Hi neetikamath,

Just wanted to say thanks for continuing to post these insightful messages!


22-01-2007, 11:09 AM
hey dreamer,

thank you for ur inspiring words!they give me peace...what u say is so true,it is the thoughts in our mind that makes all the difference.nowadays,everyone's mind is kind of polluted with unnecessary things.all the negativity,like worrying which sometimes is a deep-rooted habit,and all the other negative traits arising from ego-like anger,jealousy,pride,attachment to things and ppl,hatred,etc.these arise from ignorance of the fact that ppl are themselves god.they have to be replaced by slow and steady practice with positive feelings like contentment with what god has given us,pure love towards all and all other good traits.then we can have the vision of our inner and outer divinity.in spite of myself,my ego comes up all the time,that is the biggest problem.i am practising love towards everyone with their divinity in mind,irrespective of the good or bad they may have done.but it struck me last might how little i have done in this respect.thank you!neeti.

Hey neeti,

mind is not polluted it is just not trusted and appreciated, everything comes from mind. Trust your mind. For example, i read my son a story every night, he's reached the stage where he wants to know whats going to happen next and sometimes he gets me to change parts of the story he doesn't like, so instead of listening to me and enjoying the story he keeps stopping me asking whats going to happen next and interfering with the storyline which spoils the flow of the story. Think of your mind as being the narrator of your story, you are the little girl listening - do you enjoy the story or do you interupt and want to change things and see whats going to happen next? Enjoying is trusting the storyteller, which makes the storyteller want to narrate a better story for you.

22-01-2007, 11:33 AM
LOL, that's class, that is, dreamer...


26-01-2007, 10:08 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on April 26, 2005

Believe that God resides in all beings; speak such words as would spread goodness, truth and beauty; perform such acts as would promote the happiness and prosperity of all; pray that the entire world enjoys peace. Expand yourselves; do not contract into your own tiny individuality. Expand into universal love, unshaken equanimity, and ever active virtue. That is the path which will bring out the Divinity in you to the fullest.-SAI BABA

26-01-2007, 01:32 PM
Wise words.

Thanks for posting this message neetikamath, it is very much appreciated.


29-01-2007, 09:39 AM
hey kundalini!

thank u so much,i am very happy that u like these TFTDs as much as i do.please post some of ur own,whenever u like.im very inspired by these messages that are written every single day for so many years now in prashanti nilayam and wished to share them with everyone.with gods grace,many of u like the messages,i am so glad..thank u ,thank god for making me his humble instrument.i am happy bcoz i can serve god in this small way!thank u!neeti.

29-01-2007, 09:41 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 24 May 2003:

Life on earth is, as on the ocean, ever restless, with the waves of joy and grief, and of loss and gain, the swirling currents of desires and the whirlpools of passion, greed and hate. To cross the ocean, the only reliable raft is a heart filled with the Love of God and man. Man is born for a high destiny, as the inheritor of a rich heritage. He should not fritter away his days in low pursuits and vulgar vanities. His destiny is to know the Truth, live in it and for it. The Truth alone can make man free and happy. If he is not prompted by this high purpose, life is a waste and a mere tossing on the waves, for the sea of life is never calm.-SAI BABA

03-02-2007, 09:23 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Nov. 1st, 2006
Character is the true ornament of man. The loss of this ornament is the source of all his suffering and misery. Man does not realize the purpose for which he has been created by God. God’s creation is pregnant with profound truths, mysteries and ideals. But man has forgotten these ideals. He is unable to appreciate the significance of his legacy. Of all the powers in the world, human power is the greatest. Man assigns value to everything in this world, but he is unable to recognize his own value.

05-02-2007, 11:53 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Sept. 1st, 2006
Focus your mind on one goal and do not allow it to waver. You have to hold on to it till the very end. There is only one Divinity. Stick to any one form of God of your choice and hold firm to it. If you keep transplanting a sapling from one place to another frequently, how can it grow into a healthy tree? You have to plant it in one place and water it regularly until it grows into a strong tree. This is true devotion. If you keep changing your spiritual guides frequently, your devotion gets adulterated. Do not resort to such a course. Choose any one, and trust that God is in all.

05-02-2007, 02:06 PM
Hi Neet

Truly inspirational & oh so true.

Love & Light Moonflower x

06-02-2007, 07:53 AM
thanx soo much,moonflower,glad u found the message inspiring!god bless and wish u all success.love,neeti.

06-02-2007, 07:54 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Sept. 24th, 2006
If you want peace to reign in the world, then you should first develop peace in yourself. Where is peace? It emanates from our heart. The heart is the source of peace, truth, righteousness and love. You are ignoring the heart and are searching for peace in the external world. Only when you fill your heart with love will there be peace in the world. Whatever work you do, do it with love. The world is in turmoil today as man lacks pure love. Peace will reign supreme in this world only when man develops pure love.

07-02-2007, 05:47 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam,today 7th feb 2007:
It is essential to cleanse the mind through regular spiritual exercises and thereby tune your will to the infinite will of God, so that it becomes merged in His glory. Scholarship or skill, however deep and varied, have no cleansing power. They only add the impurities of pride and competition. Learned men are not necessarily good, nor are the men who possess power over the forces of nature.truth, righteousness,peaceand love are the hallmarks of a purified heart, where God is enshrined and is manifest.

11-02-2007, 03:47 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam today,11th feb 2007:
The Lord's grace is conferred on each devotee according to the level of his spiritual consciousness. The ocean is vast and boundless. But, the amount of water you can carry from it is determined by the size of the vessel you carry to its shore. If the vessel is small, you cannot fill it beyond its limited capacity. Likewise, if your heart is constricted, divine grace will be equally limited. Broaden your heart by getting rid of narrow differences, and thus recognise the truth that the Divine dwells in everybody.

11-02-2007, 06:53 AM
Hi neetikamath,

As always, these are excellent messages and I appreciate that you take the time to post them here; they are most insightful and inspiring!


12-02-2007, 04:15 AM
thank u kundalini!i love posting in this website myself!its really a great place and i love all of u guyz.ur like family.today's my b'day too,and im very happy i did something good by posting these messages for everybody all these days.thank u very much!loadz oflove,neeti.

12-02-2007, 04:16 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 14th February 2006:
Love should be free from feelings of expectation of any return or reward. Love which arises out of a desire for something in return is not true love. One should cultivate utterly selfless and unconditional love, this is the bounden duty of every man. You should not pray to God seeking any favours. The reason for this is that no one knows what immensely precious, divine and magnificent treasures lie in the treasure-house of Divine Grace waiting to be conferred on man. Hence, man should not seek from God, nor desire, nor pray for some petty trifles. More precious and desirable than anything else is God's love. If you wish to ask for anything from God, pray to Him thus - "Oh Lord! Let me have you and you alone." Once you have secured the Lord, you can get anything you wish for. - BABA

12-02-2007, 03:01 PM
Hey Neeti, wheres your other thread? LOL have been searching around for it but you only appear to have done this one today - made me laugh, thought i'd share with you - i was really disappointed lol. Shows how much I love these posts.

12-02-2007, 04:20 PM
Thank you neetikamath, please don't stop, affimations are good reinforcement imo.

When there is understanding and harmony in the family, peace will spread to the community, and from there to the nation and the world. Unity confers joy and peace.

A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. :angel9:

Love to all

12-02-2007, 04:35 PM
Hi neetikamath,

First, Happy Birthday! Secondly, I really enjoy reading these posts!

CW, that's a great quote!


12-02-2007, 07:35 PM
Hey Neeti, is it your birthday!! Many, many happy returns you lovely person, may your highest dream come true.

18-02-2007, 11:28 AM
hey dreamer and kundalini,thanx sooo much for ur warm bday wishes,made me really happy!actually,i was out of town,travelling for a week and didnt find enough time to reply or even browse thru this site...sorry!love u guyz,take care,and thank u for making my bday even more special!loads of luv,nutz.

18-02-2007, 11:55 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on feb 13th,2006:

Most people today have no idea of what is devotion and what is spiritual discipline. Different forms of worship, pilgrimages, meditation and the like, are equated with devotion. These are not the indices of devotion. They can at best confer some mental satisfaction. As long as you think God is somewhere outside you, you cannot qualify for the Divine Grace. The true mark of devotion is to recognise that God is within you, around you and everywhere. You must develop faith that you are yourself a manifestation of God.

24-02-2007, 07:37 AM
[COLOR=darkred]Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam

24-02-2007, 11:45 AM
As always, thanks for these quotes! They are always insightful and I enjoy reading them, thanks neetikamath! Kundalini.

27-02-2007, 04:11 AM
ur welcome kundalini!

[COLOR=navy]Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam

28-02-2007, 09:44 PM
Hey Neeti :hug:

How very wise & very true. Materialism has a lot to answer to.

Namaste Moonflower x

01-03-2007, 12:38 PM
Quote: Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.

Author: Roger Lewin

01-03-2007, 12:40 PM
No religion that higher than truth... :)

01-03-2007, 05:52 PM
If you always do what you've always done
You'll always get what you've always got


01-03-2007, 06:39 PM
Thank you MountainWalker, because of this many of us lack originality.

Too often we give children answers to remember rather than problems to solve.

Love to all

01-03-2007, 10:29 PM
Lovely Neeti xx.

03-03-2007, 06:16 AM
thanx all!

TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 10th January 2006 :
The one effective way to conquer all sources of physical and mental disease and debility is awareness of one's Self Reality. That will bring about an upsurge of Love and Light, for, when one recognises that one is the Self, one cognises the same Self in all. He shares the joy and grief of all and partakes of the strength and weakness of all. He sees God in everyone. Every act will be a pure, sincere and sacred offering to God. When one yearns for the happiness and prosperity of all mankind, one is blessed with the wisdom and strength to mark out the way and lead men towards it.

06-03-2007, 03:35 PM
While it may be more acceptable to put your game face on, its your true colors that will be appreciated the most.

Love to all

06-03-2007, 03:36 PM
Dance as if noone is watching...

16-03-2007, 05:33 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Feb. 26th, 2007
True spirituality lies in destroying one’s bestial nature and rising to the level of the divine. But instead of ascending to divinity, man is degenerating to animal nature. He has forgotten the principles of spirituality. He celebrates festivals by merely partaking of sweets and wastes his time in pomposity. One should ponder over the inner significance of each festival and celebrate it in a meaningful manner. Man should have total faith that he is not just a human being but there is God within. Only then will the animal nature in him be subdued. As man has forgotten his true nature, he has become bestial. You may belong to any country, religion, race, caste or gender, but you should firmly hold on to humanness.

16-03-2007, 12:48 PM
Hey Neeti, how are you?

18-03-2007, 04:39 AM
hey dreamer!
im gud,howz u?whats up wid u these dayz?nice pic!i wasnt in town for a while,so i did not update the thread...anywayz,u take care,gud luck!neeti.

18-03-2007, 04:53 AM
[COLOR=navy]Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam

18-03-2007, 07:50 AM
'' - - - Our important mission in every life is Spiritual Evolution--- ''

18-03-2007, 05:03 PM
The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts deeds and words return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy. (Florence Scovel Shinn)

22-03-2007, 04:17 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam march 21st 2007:

One can attain divinity only when one has steady faith. First of all, one should have faith in oneself. Develop self-confidence, which will lead to self-satisfaction. When you have self-satisfaction, you will be prepared for self-sacrifice. Only through self-sacrifice, can one attain self-realisation. Self-realisation means to realise that you are everything. Self-confidence is the foundation, self-satisfaction is the wall, self-sacrifice is the roof and self-realisation is life. No one can live in a building without roof. The roof cannot be laid without walls and walls cannot be raised without a foundation. So, self-confidence, self-satisfaction, and self-sacrifice are very essential for self-realisation. Today man has lost self-confidence. If one loses self-confidence, one loses everything. Only through self-confidence can one have the vision of the latent divine effulgence.

TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 22nd march 2007:

God has many invaluable things in His stores. You ask Him for paltry and insignificant things because you do not know what precious gifts He can bestow upon you. There is no dearth of anything in His store. Therefore, you should not ask God for anything in specific. When the time is ripe, He will give you what is best for you. God knows and acts appropriately, based on the right time, place and situation. That is why you find sometimes that He Himself comes and gives you things unasked. It is therefore very difficult to understand God. An ignoramus, who fails to understand this principle, often misinterprets it.

22-03-2007, 04:27 AM
Bernice Pruitt: My dad says that childhood is the happiest time of my life. But, I think he's wrong. I think my mom's right. She says that...

[Bernice's voice fades as Birdee takes over]

Birdee Pruitt: [laughing] Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome. That's what momma always says. She says that beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will, too...

27-03-2007, 04:01 AM
Thought for the day as written at Prasanthi Nilayam – Jan 6th, 2007
All names and forms are based on your feelings. God has no differences whatsoever. No one can comprehend the nature of Divinity. Actually, the principle of love that exists in all beings is the principle of Divinity. Love has no specific form. Divinity transcends name and form. In fact, all names and forms belong to the same God. He responds to the prayers of devotees in whatever form they worship Him. Hence, each one considers the form he worships to be superior to the other forms. It is a sign of ignorance to consider one form superior to the other. What is important is that your prayers should not be confined to mere words. They should be translated into action. It is easy to speak but not so easy to practise. True prayer is that which is translated into action.

28-03-2007, 01:18 AM
Thank you so much neetikamath. Please keep doing what you're doing I love it!

Love to all

28-03-2007, 06:13 AM
hey cweiters!
thank u very much for ur message...im glad u like these TFTD posts!take care,neeti.

TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam today march 28th 2007:

God has no distinctions or differences. No one can stipulate do's and don’ts for Him. He can do anything, as He is in everything and is everything. He has no master above Him. If man wants to visualise God, he will see Him only in the form of a human being who is far superior to him in all respects. It is also said,(God is in the form of man). All the sacred texts have described God as having human form. It does not mean that God is confined to a human form. All forms are His. No one can say that God has a particular form. He is present everywhere.

28-03-2007, 10:51 AM
All thought, good and bad, is creative. Think on or worry about something long enough and you create it - or make a bad situation worse. The key to real emotional independence lies in knowing that at every moment in every instance you are creating your own reality from the thoughts you entertain. The more you acknowledge this truth the more power and freedom you will experience. And instead of blaming others or society for the things that go wrong in your life you now realise you are creating your own reality and therefore have the power to change it any time by any degree.

08-04-2007, 01:10 PM
The Power of Love not the Love of Power will bring Peace to this Earth

12-04-2007, 06:20 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 10th april 2007:

Absolute purity or perfection is not beyond man's capacity. It is possible for him to be perfect. But to attain the zenith of truth, beauty and goodness, man has to struggle hard. He should develop deep understanding, follow hard discipline and put in ceaseless effort. Man should regard himself as a representative of divinity and not just a 'man'. It is his duty to cultivate such qualities that reflect the divine within him. He should develop these divine qualities and spread them in society. This is the best and the only suitable remedy for many of our contemporary problems.

TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 11th april 2007:

Have the Name of God on your tongue, in your breath, ever. That will invoke His Form as the inner core of everything. That will provide you with His company, and contact with His boundless energy and bliss. That is the (good association) which gives you maximum benefit. Converse with God who is in you; derive courage and consolation from Him. He is the Guru who is most concerned with your progress.

12-04-2007, 06:38 PM
Know who your friends are, and cherish them while you have them.

(I learned the above the hard way recently)

18-04-2007, 03:55 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 15th april 2007:

The educated man must be able to distinguish between the momentary and the momentous, the effervescent and the lasting. He must not run after glitter and glamour but seek instead the good and golden. He must know how to keep the body in good trim, the senses under strict control, the mind well within check, the intellect sharp and clear, unhampered by prejudices and hatred, and the feelings untouched by egoism.

18-04-2007, 04:50 AM
Ah, they're great words, thanks for posting them neetikamath!


25-04-2007, 04:49 AM
thanx kundalini!

TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 24th april 2007:

There is no need to retire into a forest or a cave to know your inner Truth and to conquer your lower nature. In fact, while living in isolation, one has no chance to exercise restraint on one's anger and other weaknesses and so the victory achieved there may not be long lasting or genuine. Win the battle of life; be in the world but yet be away from its shackles. That is the victory which you have to achieve.

TFTD as written today in prashanti nilayam on 25th april 2007:

Seek the Light always; be full of confidence and zest. Do not yield to despair, for it can never yield results. It only worsens the problem, for it darkens the intellect and plunges you into doubt. You must take up the path of (spiritual endeavour) very enthusiastically. Half-hearted, halting steps will not yield fruit. It is like cleaning a slushy area by a stream of water. If the current of the stream is slow, the slush cannot be cleared. The stream must flow full and fast, driving everything before it, so that the slush is removed without leaving a trace.

25-04-2007, 06:53 PM
Hey Neeti, how are you?

26-04-2007, 04:33 AM
hey dreamer!
im gud,howz u?today baba left to a cooler hillstation,everyone here is feeling miserable,including me!hey,when are u comin to india,especially puttaparthi?!!howz ur family?hoping that u decide to see puttaparthi and baba soon.while blogging on an indian site,i had written a short travelogue about puttaparthi.i will post it here for u n other ppl who want to come here but dont know much about this place.take care,neeti.


dear ppl,hi! puttaparthi is the abode of bhagawan sri sathya sai baba,where u can find the ashram "prashanti nilayam" or 'abode of highest peace'.it is a pilgrimage centre situated in andhra pradesh growing from a tiny hamlet into a lovely town surrounded by beautiful hills.it attracts millions of people from all parts of the world throughout the year.

it is a holy place,where u can see buildings with the most marvellous architecture,mostly temple type architecture both inside and outside the ashram.baba gives darshan[divine audience] daily morning and evening for more than 50 years now.what compassion!he is 'divine love walking on two feet'...
u can find accomodation inside as well as outside for reasonable rates.places to see inside the ashram are the 4 beautiful temples dedicated to lord ganesha,subramanya, goddess gayatri and goddess lakshmi.the magnificent darshan hall which can seat 20,000 people,is open daily.there is another hall[which seats 15,000 ppl] open only on festive occasions.then there is the wonderful library,book stall,radio station[not open to visitors],several parks and lawns where refreshments are sold.there is a shopping complex,open to men and women at different times of the day.also a quaint little bakery.there are 3 canteens-the north indian,south indian,western.people are expected to wear sober and not too attractive clothes,women cover themselves with shawls.
outside the ahsram,there are two huge spiritual museums which have displays of baba and all major religions of the world.then comes baba's pet elephant 'sai gita'.also a 'kalpavriksha' or wish fulfilling tree ,a fantastic indoor stadium and outdoor stadium at international standards.a sacred meditation tree for those who are into meditating...several schools ,college and university...also a nice international airport,situated about 3 kms from the ashram,a superspeciality hospital which provides the biggest operations absolutely free of cost to all!this is located roughly 5 km away.on the whole,it is mind blowing!STAY FOR ATLEAST 3 DAYS!!!bye 4 now,neeti.

26-04-2007, 04:52 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 23rd april 2007:

If the eye does not help you to visualize God in everything you see, it is far better to be blind. If your ears drag you towards filthy cacophony, it is far better to be deaf. The senses should not be encouraged to plunge you into sensual muck. They must serve your real interests and sublimate your appetites. They must help you to dwell on God. All our thoughts are influenced by what we see, hear or smell. We must try to control the sense organs, especially the ears and the eyes.

01-05-2007, 05:03 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on 30th april 2007:

All religions teach one basic discipline, the removal of egoism and giving up petty desires. Every religion teaches man to fill his being with the glory of God and evict the pettiness of conceit. It trains him in methods of detachment and discrimination, so that he may aim high and attain liberation. Believe that all hearts are motivated by the One and only God; all faiths glorify the One God; all Names in all languages and all Forms that man can conceive of, denote the same Divine Principle that is best worshipped through pure Love. Cultivate (the attitude of oneness) towards men of all creeds in all lands.

10-05-2007, 05:31 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam on may 9th 2007:

Man is going all over the world in search of peace as he is not aware that it is present within himself. He is like a foolish person who searches for his spectacles, while wearing them all the time right over his nose. What is the reason for all the troubles, anxieties and unrest that man is facing today? The reason is that he has forgotten his true Self and is identifying himself with something that he is not. Every man aspires for peace. Is it not a sign of one’s ignorance to look for peace elsewhere when one is himself the embodiment of peace? You are yourself the embodiment of peace. (Every human form is the very personification of peace). (All names are equally auspicious).

15-05-2007, 11:13 AM
TFTD as written in prashanti nilayam today 15th may 2007:

Giving up narrow ideas and feelings, people should show compassion towards their fellow-beings. Compassion is the hallmark of devotion. No one can hope to please God without showing compassion towards his fellow-men. A loving heart is the temple of God. God cannot dwell in a heart without compassion. There is nothing greater in the world than the feeling of universal love. They alone are good who see the unity in the apparent diversity. Men have to realize that they are sparks of the Divine. They have to develop sacred thoughts and lead ideal lives. They must seek to promote the welfare of society.