View Full Version : Working in the night??

16-06-2011, 08:34 AM
I Just read a thread by Wallaby and someone mentioned they were told they did work in the night, which was why they woke tired every morning.

I am exhausted every morning. :icon_frown:

In the winter I put it down to SAD but it's summer now and I am getting lots of light, so why am I still so tired in the morning?

I used to dream a lot, but for the last few years I haven't been aware of dreams much. Does this have any bearing on it?

How do I tell? What can I do?

16-06-2011, 08:48 AM
Doesn't matter...even if you were doing night/sleep work, you should be waking up energised and refreshed, if the work is in the Light.

Maybe you need some iron supplement?

16-06-2011, 08:51 AM
OMG YOU TOO~! I do not dream, and sleep very well 8 hrs a night~ and I am healthy xD

I am exactly the same~! Sleeping well and waking so exhausted!!! So draining, I know. So, I went to Melbourne's Mind Body Spirit expo last Friday, and I got my Archangel picture drawn by a medium-artist - it was Michael too. <3 Anyway, she first asked if I knew I was a lightworker and if I have been waking up tired, which I confirmed, she continued to tell me that apparently (she was channeling Michael btw) I have been healing in my sleep! And because of free will, Michael can not stop me from doing so - nor can my guardian angels and guides. She told me to ask Michael to put a stop to it. SO! That night I ask Michael, not to let me go off healing while I sleep, and the next morning, I woke up refreshed as one should be. I did struggle getting up this morning though, but that could be from the eclipse of the red moon.

So give it a try, tonight ask your angels/guides to stop you from healing in your sleep and let me know how you go tomorrow :)

16-06-2011, 09:19 AM
Ah, yes it was your post AngelOrin that prompted me to ask. I will try and remember to do this and see what happens.

NightSpirit.... I had heard others say that this was leaving people tired. I hadn't thought I was advanced enough to be doing this sort of thing so brushed it off.

I don't know.... just fed up of being so tired in the mornings...

I could of course be that I am just not a morning person and shouldn't be getting up at 6am!!! I'll tell my boss lol!

12-08-2011, 09:45 AM
Suzan Carroll recently blogged about feeling tired upon awakening too. She attributed it to her nonphysical body being very active while she was asleep.

It might depend on what we are doing as to whether we notice being tired.

02-09-2011, 12:52 AM
I Just read a thread by Wallaby and someone mentioned they were told they did work in the night, which was why they woke tired every morning.

I am exhausted every morning. :icon_frown:

In the winter I put it down to SAD but it's summer now and I am getting lots of light, so why am I still so tired in the morning?

I used to dream a lot, but for the last few years I haven't been aware of dreams much. Does this have any bearing on it?

How do I tell? What can I do?
One thing you'll probably want to do is have a physical, complete with a bloodwork. Last year, I was having major issues with fatigue. No matter how many hours I slept, I'd wake up fatigued in the morning. It turned out I had not only an underactive thyroid but also severe anemia (as in, "my doctor seriously considered sending me to the hospital" severe anemia).

Hit this issue from both directions. Follow the spiritual advice in this thread, but also present your symptoms to your doctor, in case the issue is a medical one. I got put on thyroid meds and iron, got the underlying cause of the anemia treated, and I feel like myself again.

02-09-2011, 08:35 AM

Thanks for the info. I had some tests done a few years ago and they found nothing wrong with me... it seems my body is really strong and whenever I feel ill the docs can never find anything wrong... I'm going about something else in a few weeks but I am fully open to them saying "go away, there's nothing wrong with you".. but I will go all the same...

Perfect Storm
02-09-2011, 09:34 AM
I find this especailly true when I have lucid dreams.

The way I se it is that although my body rest, my mind doesnt. its like being awake 24/7.