View Full Version : Goddess Energies & Consciousness

11-12-2006, 12:24 AM
Over the past week I've been seeing and feeling more higher energies raining down on us all and also seeing the so-called "synchronicities" because of it. To me synchronicities are what it's like existing at higher or faster levels of consciousness. Some call this an aspect of 5D or the 5th dimension and I agree; it's not a mysterious synchronicity but just more and more of us all functioning at this higher level where we're far more connected to each other in these ways and becoming more conscious of it!

What I want to get going here on this thread may sound at first like I'm jumping all over the place, talking about seemingly disconnected weird subjects. Some of them will no doubt be things that many of you don't even believe in and that's fine by me. I'm not selling anything....only offering what I sense and what small bits I can see and remember. Then its just up to you to see if any of it resonates at any level for you now and if not.....that's also fine. Ok now that the disclaimers have been said, here we go into what could be a wonderful adventure into more of ourselves.

For thousands of years now the Goddess or Matriarchal consciousness and energies have been banned from the whole planet by the ruling Patriarchy. No right or wrong IMO just super long periods of learnings for all of humanity within polarity. First we had Matriarchial planetary awareness and this was represented by Mu or Lemuria. Then the beginning separation into the Atlantian group out of the Lemurian and earth had a strong start to polarity here in humanity.

With time the Matriarchy gave way to Patriarchial rule as the polarity pendulum swung from one extreme to the other. But now humanity has reached that stage where we balance out and integrate our own and all the polarity from both sides we've lived through during these ancient past ages or phases of creativity, learning and growth here in physicality. Now we've reached the beginning of the Age of Aquarius/Leo where we get to move beyond polarity and integrate both of our brain hemisphere's (Aquarius) and incorporate our higher Hearts (Leo) and become creative cosmic humans instead of polarized seperated earth humans.

Here's a list of some of the things on the Goddess side of this polarity that's been blasting it's way back into our consciousness lately. Please add to this list anything that you'd like. Here's where it may sounds like I'm bouncing all over the place and being very disconnected but these things are all one and the same energy, energy that's been banned on earth for thousands of years but is rapidly resurfacing in each of us. Be glad, be very glad :wink: that our 2 brain hemisphere's are currently rejoining again creating whole brained beings. Now there's a great end to polarity!

*Mu or Lemuria - as the Motherland and the primary manifestation of Goddess consciousness on Earth.

*Wanderers - People who've come to 3D physicality (Earth) and incarnated to help jump start the return of the Goddess consciousness or whole brained consciousness and the Ascension process from other Star systems, other dimensions.

*Indigos - People who've been incarnating carrying what I feel is the "New Root Race" energies/consciousness etc.

*Egypt - from around 12,600 BC when some ETs or higher dimensional Beings from other Star systems downstepped their energy bodies enough to enter this physical realm and build a couple things and how that time is directly connected to us here now.

*Star Beings or Light Beings - and the parts They've played here.

*Our DNA - evolving now which is incorporating so much like our Stellar heritage and more.

*Native Cultures - across the planet like all of the American Indians, the Island cultures, the Aboriginal peoples (Pounamu and rose and anyone else please share about them) the Dogon, many of the African peoples who've always kept their original Goddess consciousness and knowledge that they and their ancestors all came from different Star systems.

There's more and I sure hope you will add whatever interests you about the return and current integration of our ancient other halves!

11-12-2006, 07:20 AM
fabulous Lapis :hug2:

interesting you mentioned the Dogon people. i saw a documentary when i was about 12 about them and how they believed in "star people". i was obsessed with aliens at this age and was so fascinated by this culture. i looked them up the other day. synchronicity!

i think Imageimaginer is a great person to ask about the maori culture of new zealand as he is maori. kia ora Image! my feelings about the culture is that it is quite patriarchal...but the maori spirituality is very...feminine. but there is the duel nature between masculine and feminine throughout. the maori view of creation started with Ranginui (the Sky father) and Papatuanuku (Earth mother).

11-12-2006, 11:11 AM
Talking of this dual nature, I'm going to complicate things a little here, and just say that during the era of Patriarchal rule which is coming to an end, there has still been Goddess worship going on. All the people involved in covert control of us, the members of secret societies who control the governments etc...worship(ed) negative feminine energy, which I believe to be the most distructive force around! :wink: That's what's given them the power over us for all this time, used in conjunction with the masculine energy.

What we are looking towards here, is the return of the positive feminine energies which have been suppressed on this planet for far too long.

I've only just come to this conclusion recently, so feel free to add or clarify anything that I might have missed. :smile:

17-12-2006, 06:51 AM
Yes Lapis, it is possible that a goddess consciousness did exist early in our main culture. And by the main culture I mean the Lemurian culture.

All of the Polynesian, South American, North American and Australasian native peoples are the descendents of Lemuria. The proof is in our languages and how they are very similar to the Lemurian language. It is possible that there was an upheavel in Lemuria which had something to do with the matriarchy.There is some information written about this in the third book of "Converations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch in Chapter 2. It explains how the patriarchy took over. Since Lemuria and even to this day has the patriarchy reigned supreme. Those that went against the matriarchy spread out accross the world forming new patriarchal communites.

Rose is right in saying that my culture is Patriarchal. But the goddess consciousness exists in the women of my cultural history who have done some amazing things. We also have oral traditions of goddesses, and they are seen as women of great power.

I'm not too sure though that we were Star people but it is possible.

18-12-2006, 01:39 AM
Hi Jaycee,

I totally agree that the dark negative feminine energy is where lays our innate power. Our intuition and self knowing lives here, hence why so much light and love (the positive masculine) is pushed on us when really we also need to be acknowledging our dark to ourselves. The powers that be know this well, that if we acknowledge our dark creative primal forces then we will have the power to know oursleves and lo and behold say no to the brainwashing of big business that runs the world. I urge everyone to acknowledge the shadows created by every sunbeam and take personal responsibiltiy for acknowledging our hurts and pains and then use the positive masculine energies on a level footing with your primal instincts. This is what is meant to be "holy", to be whole.

Enjoyed the chat, I'm sure I'll be back for more on this subject ;> thanks xx

18-12-2006, 10:28 PM
Good stuff Jaycee and I agree. Those that have, have run the planetary show for so long, kept some sort of connection with the dark side of the Goddess. The dark side of the opposite polarity is easier to see I think. But this is typical of those sorts.....out of one side of their mouths they hammer humanity with how dangerous, evil, negative and scary certain 'knowledge' is, while the whole time they've been using it themselves to herd the masses! I remember some line from Marciniak's Pleiades that went something like this:

"It's light that forgot....!"

19-12-2006, 12:49 AM
Exactly, Lapis. Just realize that the dark side of the Goddess isn't an evil thing. It is pain, yes, but with purpose. There is a reason why Man has ruled the world, a purpose to the suffering...and light at the end of the tunnel.
The dark exists to prove the light, so that the Goddess can check her work, so to speak. But concentrating on the dark only makes things darker. It is good to acknowledge the shadows, but only so that we can bring them into the light.

19-12-2006, 12:49 PM
The dark exists to prove the light, so that the Goddess can check her work, so to speak. But concentrating on the dark only makes things darker. It is good to acknowledge the shadows, but only so that we can bring them into the light.

Here, here! :thumbsup:

Now if only I could get certain people from another forum I post on to understand this, life would be so much easier, lol! :rolleyes:

19-12-2006, 11:18 PM
Taking this positive/negative/male/female/light/dark polarity thing another step.....I've been talking for a couple years about this right/left brain consciousness and how it is a manifestation of our decent or involution into physicality and polarity. And, how I believe this was first manifested on Earth through Lemurian and later, Atlantian consciousness.

I read just last week (when I find it again I'll post it here) a channeled article by Steve Rother that was talking about how currently our 2 brain hemisphere's are becoming one! He was saying that the "veil" or separation between our 2 brain hemisphere's is disappearing, due to the many DNA activations, and this is exactly what I've been sensing is happening to us now! This ancient split in our very brains is currently being made One again. Brain Unity!!!! or Whole Brained beings! :icon_eek: This one alone is amazing.....and we can't even imagin what this will change nearly overnight.

I also feel that the "Indigo's" are showing many of the signs of this 'whole brain' or integrated consciousness already, although probably a bit ruff around the edges so far! :wink:

I for one can't wait for all of us to get beyond polarity and return to a greater state of integration or Unity consciousness as its being called.