View Full Version : Beating imagination out of us...

John A. Manley
26-11-2006, 06:32 PM
I was listening to an interview with a colleague in my industry. A very spiritual man who seen a lot of success.

A lot of success.

You know what he said was one of the main reasons people don't live to their full potential?

"They have imagination beat out of them from an early age."

He then went on to do this comparison of how most schools are set up like factories. Everybody's lining up for everything.

There is the wrong mentality out there that you have to conform... no that's not the word. Conforming, to a degree is fine and important for society to function.

I think it's not conform... but IMPRESS. You have to impress others with who you are.

There is more emphasis put on impressing others than just being joyful yourself.

Some of the most "impressive" people are the most miserable.

I guess you have to impress yourself first.

26-11-2006, 08:44 PM
Hi John A. Manley.

First, welcome to the forums. I have had a look at your site and find it's ideals most admirable and of great interest.

It is an interesting viewpoint you have put forth here. An agreeable one too. Having said that though, IMO, lack of imagination is not the only factor in stopping people from reaching their full potential. Still, I am betting you already knew that!

I believe you are correct in your assessment that many people try to impress 'out there', rather than focusing their energies 'in here', so to speak. Perhaps that is now changing though to a degree...


26-11-2006, 09:47 PM
Welcome to SF John A. Manley.

I've felt all my life that 'church n' state' has done a grand job of doing this to most of humanity for the last couple thousand years. They and others have kept humanity far far away from their right brains where lots of powerful abilities wait to be used....like imagination and feeling and preceiving outside the current belief-box of reality. In so many ways humanity has been carefully mind controlled by the few to keep them easily herded and this is still going on today. Just watch TV or read a newspaper or look at the schools curriculum's to see what the 'reality' being sold to us currently is.

I believe that our imaginations is where we literally create and experiment with different things mentally and emotionally first. Our imaginations are our territory to learn how to intend, create, and then manifest things into physicality. Makes sense that the 'few' have done such a great job at convincing the masses to believe that that whole part of our brains is a very unsafe place and we shouldn't go there or trust it. It can even lead us into "evil" if we're not really careful!

But thankfully this is currently changing as more humanity wakes up and takes more responsibility for their brains/hearts/abilities to create reality etc. Its about time IMO! :wink:

28-11-2006, 07:13 AM
Namaste John , your obsevation of the situation is a concept spoken about in the buddah teachings and how some times the holographic nature of reality is clearly a teaching tool for all humanity


I was listening to an interview with a colleague in my industry. A very spiritual man who seen a lot of success.

A lot of success.

You know what he said was one of the main reasons people don't live to their full potential?

"They have imagination beat out of them from an early age."

He then went on to do this comparison of how most schools are set up like factories. Everybody's lining up for everything.

There is the wrong mentality out there that you have to conform... no that's not the word. Conforming, to a degree is fine and important for society to function.

I think it's not conform... but IMPRESS. You have to impress others with who you are.

There is more emphasis put on impressing others than just being joyful yourself.

Some of the most "impressive" people are the most miserable.

I guess you have to impress yourself first.

28-11-2006, 06:36 PM
I was listening to an interview with a colleague in my industry. A very spiritual man who seen a lot of success.

A lot of success.

You know what he said was one of the main reasons people don't live to their full potential?

"They have imagination beat out of them from an early age."

He then went on to do this comparison of how most schools are set up like factories. Everybody's lining up for everything.

There is the wrong mentality out there that you have to conform... no that's not the word. Conforming, to a degree is fine and important for society to function.

I think it's not conform... but IMPRESS. You have to impress others with who you are.

There is more emphasis put on impressing others than just being joyful yourself.

Some of the most "impressive" people are the most miserable.

I guess you have to impress yourself first.

Hello John,

I understand where you are coming from-it makes complete sense.

For many years I have been battling out within myself that what you have said as IMPRESS-not because I've been trying to impress myself, rather I have seen for such a long time how people try their best to impress others and not realising that they're getting trapped further...

You talk about school but it's the entire western education system where the higher up you go the more you are encouraged to completely immerse yourself in traditional left-brain thinking-we had a discussion about this it was called "what is fantasy and what is reality" and it is under the philosophy section-loads of fascinating view points there.

What people don't see in the current academic/educational system is how soul destroying it is. It's an intelligent device that controls and manipulates people by teaching them to reason and logic everything-instead of making you want to reason/logic everything you become more and more trapped from that which is pure, true and free...

Ok will shut up now as assume have gone 404 miles off topic:smile: