View Full Version : Why do we have negative thoughts?

21-05-2011, 01:44 AM
Its something i always wondered during my meditations and affirmations. If i am in the process of manifesting a certain "circumstance" i understand the practices and mind-frame involved - however there are always negative thoughts that continue to pop up in an attempt to deny said circumstance.

What i don't get is, if you are working towards a circumstance that can only make you a better person without infringing or hurting others why does your mind self sabotage you with negative thoughts.

Through continuous practice these thoughts become less apparent but they are still there. Shouldn't our mind encourage whats good for us?

21-05-2011, 02:02 AM
The mind does what the mind does, chatter, but you are not the mind, its non of your business unless you make it your business and yes sometimes we have to make it our business, but then we only should use it as a tool to serve us in our practical life, through continual practice of meditation we don't change the mind but we learn to understand that the mind is our tool, and like any tool its only as good as you can use it.

21-05-2011, 02:07 AM
spiritofgems... The mind is only a memory/learning machine and runs entirely on conditioning, which is where our thought patterns come from, both negative and positive. The mind can unlearn negativity and relearn the positive, which takes self-awareness and a method for mind change, such as EFT, for instance. ( http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=4478 )

If you want to know the part of you that wants the best for you, you have to go beyond the mind into your inner self... the pure heart within you. This you can do through meditation.

Here are two simple meditation practices that can take you there:

Three Steps into your true nature - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?p=32551#post32551 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.spiritua lforums.com%252525252Fvb%252525252Fredir.php%25252 5253Flink%252525253Dhttp%25252525253A%25252525252F %25252525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com%25252525252Fv b%25252525252Fshowthread.php%25252525253Fp%2525252 5253D32551%252525252523post32551)

Inner Heart - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3695 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.spiritua lforums.com%252525252Fvb%252525252Fshowthread.php% 252525253Ft%252525253D3695)


21-05-2011, 02:39 PM

It is at the times we are most silent that we get the greatest messages that serve us well to move us forward in understanding on our life paths.

When we are in a the state of meditation or dreams we are calm in that place, we are not activly thinking on what we have to do or what we have not done on the full conscious level of thinking . Our mind is not racing in a million different directions on the conscious level.

We can separate our from the consciousness of what we have to do in a day and move into that place where we can look inwards to self. It it in this place we have to I so have come to understand listen to what is there. At times what we see consciouly as a negative thought is not that at all. It is something we need to understand to move forward from. At times its a hidden issue that we are not clearing from us, or soemthing we are not seeing in any other way. If it is looked at more closely and we take it a part a bit we might well see that is simply HOW we are not listening to what is there. It is then given in a negative way so that we hear the message.

Anyone can meditate but not everyone finds that place they NEED to be. We do not like negativity in our lives but its a fact of life there is a meaning to it all. From that place of negativity we can take that lesson and MOVe it into a possitive place.

Keeping a journal of what we get from a meditation is a good tool to use. When one can get further along where one can separate into two places in the state of meditation one might well even be able to take notes during that state. Means that one separates from the body in part.

We are always GIVEN what we need in life. If we listen we grow.


21-05-2011, 02:49 PM
Why do we have negative thoughts?

Our thoughts are attached to our beliefs, which may be outdated through what we are revealing within ... maybe make a conscious effort to examine those deep seated beliefs which are no longer serving any purpose ... the negative feelings which accompany the thoughts is the fear being generated by the beliefs ... that has been my experience spiritofgems ... just let it all go :hug3:

22-05-2011, 05:20 AM
Maybe the truth hurt but we just call such thoughts 'negative'.

We call a thought negative because it makes us feel bad, like 'I'm a useless so and so' isn't a happy thought, and that statement isn't really true, it's a conclusion based on certain evidence.

The true things are 'I burned the steak, ruined the pan, scratched the stove, left the fridge open, forgot the kids and the rabbit died coz I neglected to give it water'... and all that leads to the conclusion 'I must be a useless so and so'... and much unhappiness.

It takes a lot of work, and it causes a lot of anxiety to be better... improve as a parent, be better organized, learn how to cook... so it doesn't bring the happiness either, but working on things to improve them is rewarding in it's own way, and sometimes it gives a little glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.

25-05-2011, 07:51 PM
Every subject is two subject, you get the contrast so that you can compare and focus on what you really what. This is what I have understood from abraham hicks.

New Rage Guru
28-05-2011, 02:30 AM
We live this three dimensional existence within a polarity.

One of the greatest fallacies facing the “so called” new age movement is the belief that we need to remove all negative aspects of our individual selves or any negative person from out of our lives to be enlightened.

Not only is this “wrong thought” in its self, but a trap to make us feel less then what we are.

We need to embrace our dark side, understand it is there to teach us to move forwards by acknowledging it then moving on to the next challenge.

The guru who sits above others sprouting his “enlightenment” asking others to follow so they can be where he is are usually found to be the most screwed up. Life is not about the “Here I am…Enlightened!” But about the; what’s coming next to help me grow the love of the divine.

Listen to what the negative is trying to tell you and then move through it with love as your highest marker.


28-05-2011, 04:42 PM
I have that same question.About negative thoughts creeping in.I am trying to practice mindfulness in my daily life.I try meditating and negative thoughts pop up.I feel ungrateful for having them.It is odd how the mind works.

28-05-2011, 04:58 PM
I have that same question.About negative thoughts creeping in.I am trying to practice mindfulness in my daily life.I try meditating and negative thoughts pop up.I feel ungrateful for having them.It is odd how the mind works.

Well cool, you notice them... and soon they go away.

It's maybe like a clever advert, the first time they happen they are something of interest, but after they pop up again and again you just get bored with them and change chanels to watch the other show.

New Rage Guru
29-05-2011, 10:05 AM
Well cool, you notice them... and soon they go away.

It's maybe like a clever advert, the first time they happen they are something of interest, but after they pop up again and again you just get bored with them and change chanels to watch the other show.
Owwww... I like this!:D

Air Spirit
10-06-2011, 01:41 AM
I believe that neg thoughts can be healthy. They are often instincts that are there to warn us and alert us. If they are imaginary, and for example go as far as to create a senario that manifests, then these are inner demons that must be conquered.

10-06-2011, 01:49 AM
Out of chaos comes order.
Why should our thought process be any different?

11-06-2011, 10:46 PM
In my opinion it is your subconscious mind that hasent cleared it's fears yet. Plus when people are caught up in your mind they can only think in terms of time. The mind will create negative emotions based on the past and future. In my opinion all negativity is resistance on some level. Fighting rather than just surrendering to your current circumstances.

21-06-2011, 03:03 AM
I was wondering that too. Recently i came across a small quote from an Indian spiritual leader. I want to share it with everybody.

Negativity cannot remain without a hook to hand on. Positivity and happiness can exist without any reason.
The mind goes on trying to find a hook for its negativity - if not this person, then that thing or that person. The creeping vine of negativity needs support in order to grow.
Negativity is an indication for you to move to your center and to broaden your vision to cosmic intelligence. Instead of focusing your attention on a hook for your negativity, look at the seed of the negativity. With meditation, silence and breath exercises , the source of negativity is nipped at the root.

From Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's book called " Celebrating Silence"

25-06-2011, 01:18 AM
Well the thing is that our egos have kinda built who we are based in that duality that New Rage Guru pointed out... And we maintain that Duality with our judgments....this is good, this is bad..., and meditation is the process of Undoing that building upon judgments and allowing what simply is...to simply Be...
Problem is our ego's invested a lot in the dualistic description (which is a Hoax).... and once you start meditating.... the ego feels it's Hoax is suddenly in Jeopardy....and uses it's two favorite tools to keep you from meditating... A noisy head..... and noisy emotions.

I like what new rage guru said, about the fallacy of removing "Negative" aspects.... Because in Truth there are no Negative and Positive..... Those are just ego created judgments upon "what simply is"....
Our task isn't to remove the negative things from our life and collect positive.. (well it is in the first half of our evolution).... but if you are meditating it's a good bet that you are no longer in that stage of evolution.... Our task is to , as my teacher said,"see everything with equal eyes"... which basically means to remove our dualistic judgments that have turned the Truth of One, into the Hoax of Duality.
Like New Rage Guru said, embrace the "dark" side.
Then it can become what it really is...
and so can you..

29-06-2011, 11:37 AM
I agree with Sound. Our thoughts cerate our beliefs, which create the path of our life and the experiences we’ll encounter.

29-06-2011, 02:25 PM
thoughts are not negative or positive in of themselves, they are just energy which holds meaningful data or information. Just as Xan said, our mind is made up of memories from the past and should i add, dreams for the future. Any thought that brings up guilt from our past memories or project fear to our future dreams, we will term it as negative. Negative thoughts to me are GOD'S loving blessings for growth and advancement. Without them humanity remains stagnant. They uncover harmful hidden emotions for us to deal with, keep us from harming ourselves and others,get us out of our comfortable zones, and build within us a supeman/superwoman will. I am pretty sure if you meditate upon why we have negative thoughts you will find hundreds more benefits why we need them as much as positive ones. With enough reasons youl grow to love them, with enough love, when they pop up you wont help it but laugh at them!

29-06-2011, 03:58 PM
I believe having negative thoughts is a natural way of being and you can argue they are for our survival. But sometimes I think a person is nutured in such a way where that's all they can produce as well :(

But look at it this way; if we never had negative thoughts, we couldn't produce positive ones! One doesn't exist without the other. True, one might take more work than the other, but it's worth it.

29-06-2011, 09:15 PM
Its something i always wondered during my meditations and affirmations. If i am in the process of manifesting a certain "circumstance" i understand the practices and mind-frame involved - however there are always negative thoughts that continue to pop up in an attempt to deny said circumstance.

What i don't get is, if you are working towards a circumstance that can only make you a better person without infringing or hurting others why does your mind self sabotage you with negative thoughts.

Through continuous practice these thoughts become less apparent but they are still there. Shouldn't our mind encourage whats good for us?
I agree with what psycholice said. The mind will do it's thing. When you realize it is a tool, and you just accept that the mind thinks what it thinks. You don't have to become those thoughts. It's giving the negative thoughts emotions that create negativity. I know my mind thinks on it's own. Surrender to what is. When you use your mind as a tool. You will see truth when it comes. You know negative thoughts aren't you, therefore you don't pay attention to it. It won't bother you. When you don't give emotion to your thoughts, you will become more Present in the Now. The mind is going to do it's thing, you are not your mind. I just go with the flow.

30-06-2011, 04:03 PM
I am starting to look at from from a ying/yang perspective. Its all about balance. If you have positive thoughts its only natural that your mind harbor negative thoughts as well. Just because they creep up from time to time does not mean they will impact your life unless you dwell on them. I have also begun to realize that its not good practice to pretend they don't exist as it will increase the cycle of frustration. Accept them for what they are and don't dwell on them. As my meditation practice progresses more and more negative thoughts seem to dissipate.

I appreciate all your comments as i doubt i would have gained such an insight without all your feedback.

30-06-2011, 06:36 PM
Yep, every single thought, as long as we are still trapped in the duality, which we are until we are Enlightened...generally has a value of Positive and Negative attached to it in some degree.
In reality there is no Negative and Positive....
we create those values through our judgments upon things.
This is why one of the 7 major paths to Enlightenment is through replacing our judgments upon things....
with Love.
This removes the duality from the world around us....
it frees things to be what they truly are,
and allows our perception to be one based in clarity,
rather than judgment,
that is always rooted in ego.

Air Spirit
15-07-2011, 08:22 PM
Its something i always wondered during my meditations and affirmations. If i am in the process of manifesting a certain "circumstance" i understand the practices and mind-frame involved - however there are always negative thoughts that continue to pop up in an attempt to deny said circumstance.

What i don't get is, if you are working towards a circumstance that can only make you a better person without infringing or hurting others why does your mind self sabotage you with negative thoughts.

Through continuous practice these thoughts become less apparent but they are still there. Shouldn't our mind encourage whats good for us?

Maybe neg thoughts are a way of the mind playing devils advocate. Inner warning mechanisms just protecting self interest. thoughts worth considering, not depriving

15-07-2011, 10:18 PM

as a human "we" face challenges....
That why we are HUMAN.

21-07-2011, 02:46 PM
I agree with what psycholice said. The mind will do it's thing. When you realize it is a tool, and you just accept that the mind thinks what it thinks. You don't have to become those thoughts. It's giving the negative thoughts emotions that create negativity. I know my mind thinks on it's own. Surrender to what is. When you use your mind as a tool. You will see truth when it comes. You know negative thoughts aren't you, therefore you don't pay attention to it. It won't bother you. When you don't give emotion to your thoughts, you will become more Present in the Now. The mind is going to do it's thing, you are not your mind. I just go with the flow.

This really spoke to me. I place a lot of emotion on negative thoughts and then tend to dwell on them for quite a while. I like the idea of stepping back, looking at the thoughts whether positive or negative, and seeing them for what they are and learn to be in the present moment.

21-07-2011, 02:50 PM
because nothing is perfect

21-07-2011, 10:02 PM
I believe everybody will have a negative thought because there are 2 sides to everything like night and day, tears and laughter, boy and girl, sunshine and rain, life and death.

I've tried to meditate and I had negative thoughts. I have negative thoughts about others in the real world as well followed by depressive emotions. I don't want to embrace it because it is mentally disturbing to have negative thoughts all the time.

not human
21-07-2011, 11:15 PM
Without answering your question directly a different approach to negativity is that it is the main catyllist of spiritual growth. Meaning we push ourselves to move beyond it.

22-07-2011, 04:52 AM
Not really answering your question spiritofgems, just wanting to put in my two cents. In my world Religions class when we first did meditation my teacher taught us that when we meditate strange, negative thoughts come up. He said the best thing to do with those thoughts is accept them and push them aside. I don't know that really helped me with my negative and often strange thoughts so I hope I've helped you in even the least bit :smile: Really though they are just thoughts, they are not you or your actions.

30-07-2011, 08:51 PM
Its something i always wondered during my meditations and affirmations. If i am in the process of manifesting a certain "circumstance" i understand the practices and mind-frame involved - however there are always negative thoughts that continue to pop up in an attempt to deny said circumstance.

What i don't get is, if you are working towards a circumstance that can only make you a better person without infringing or hurting others why does your mind self sabotage you with negative thoughts.

Through continuous practice these thoughts become less apparent but they are still there. Shouldn't our mind encourage whats good for us?
Subconscious mind. There are 3 aspects of ourselves, mind, body, spirit. The subconscious is part of mind. Goal's is integrate all three together. Be-Do-Have.

Etu Malku
30-07-2011, 09:00 PM
Negative and positive thoughts are purely subjective, in essence there is no dualism of positivism/negativism. Associating what is good/bad is a matter of cultural/social/political environment.

This trilogy of mind, body, spirit is also understood as subjective, objective, and that which is beyond both.

31-07-2011, 01:04 AM
This speaks to our mastering our thoughts. Practice makes perfect!!!

31-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Negative thoughts are simply the manifestation of unresolved fears and traumas on your mind.

07-08-2011, 06:45 PM
How do we consciously get rid of it?

07-08-2011, 06:49 PM
I don't think there's a specific way to get rid of them I'd say just accept them and push them to the side. Focus on the positive thoughts that come through. Also, you have to wonder if the thoughts you're having are really your thoughts, perhaps you're picking them up from other people around you. I've had that happen to me on numerous occasions.