View Full Version : Metaphysical View on Body Health and Well Being

19-05-2011, 11:38 PM
We view our very body as singular organism and in that view it is thought to be unique. What our body really is, is a group of millions on billions of cells all acting in alignment. Each cell in our body has an individual existence, as it is created, lives for a time, carries out its set function and dies to be replaced by a new cell. All this activity takes place on a level that is not our conscious awareness but it is totally necessary for our continued existence and over all well being.

Now for those of us that are working on more of that non conscious level of thinking we might well be aware of what is going on in our bodies on the very cellular levels and be more in tune there. This is not the normal situation. Our very existence it can be viewed as a miracle as to exist in life we rely on those millions on billions of cells to organize, interact and communicate with each other .

We can say that our cells each act on a singular level of functions but its for the over all necessary functioning of the whole body or being. When we apply the Metaphysical principals to this our cells working in co-operation to sustain our body, is the same situation of us being part of the larger whole of life on Earth. From the Metaphysical view we are a part of the larger organism that includes every thing that is found on the Earth and in the Universe. We depend fully on our body to function on an over all health level as do we the Earth to do the same.

So from the Metaphysical view point food, nutrition and over all health is a KEY part of our connection to the higher Universal Plane.

Do ye feel that what we put in our body and do to our body has a ripple effect on the Earth and Universe ?

Do ye feel we are connected on a whole and not just in how we often think as individual beings ?


20-05-2011, 02:56 AM
Do ye feel that what we put in our body and do to our body has a ripple effect on the Earth and Universe ?

No. But taking care of our bodies still has great reward.

Do ye feel we are connected on a whole and not just in how we often think as individual beings ?

Yes. All is one.

20-05-2011, 04:25 AM
I'm with ath we are all one if we remember that. I do think we can be individual but what we think affects all and the universe and what you think affects all and the universe...
we are just cells in Spirit's Body.

20-05-2011, 11:10 AM
We view our very body as singular organism and in that view it is thought to be unique.

Well you say "we".

The body can be looked at as cells -- cells whose energy can be individually cleansed. It can also be looked at as an ecosystem in other ways. For example in Taoism the organs, each with its function, are related to the elements and each is contacted as a set of spirits/consciousness-streams within the body. That's another thing our body 'really is'.

The mind is multiple partly because the body is, with many calls on it and many needs for harmonization. Harmonious self-leadership, connected to the Inner Self, is the name of the game there.

Another important aspect is the skeleton, which produces the bone marrow and which can be rejuvenated by energy work. (As we get older the marrow often turns to fat and this has spiritual effects as well as physical ones.)

We are also a symphony of energies, weaving constantly. Food is one aspect of health, and is particularly important in terms of sustainable earth relationships IMO, but to me energy work is the secret of causing inner illumination to reach the level of cell and organ and nervous system rejuvenation. One who experiences that will not soon take their body for granted!

The ordinary person not only takes it for granted but asks it to bear all sorts of emotional burdens which shortens its life and makes the mind within miserable. That's the sort of thing that leads to an escapist spirituality, rather than one which heals deeply down to the bones.

The microcosm/macrocosm viewpoint would be that if we are able to harmonize our personal universes, we are also more able to experience the deep harmony of the greater universe, and anchor it in the cultures in which we find ourselves.