View Full Version : Feeling Physically Weak

24-11-2006, 12:41 PM
Oftentimes when I wake up in the mourning or after a nap I feel physically weak, as if my muscles are not at their normal strength.

I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on my situation.


24-11-2006, 11:43 PM
This probably isn't the answer you're hoping for but I'll toss it out there anyway for you to pick through and decide for yourself.

*Ascension symptoms*

There's lots of info and links with more info about this and other of the many symptoms from continually processing lots and lots of our lower vibrating 'junk', on the thread I started in Spiritual, called The Ascension Process. Just a suggestion however. :smile:

25-11-2006, 01:01 AM
i feel like that every single day sweetie, i think you're just sleeping really deeply and taking a while to 'come round'

25-11-2006, 07:00 PM
Hi Enlightener,

In addition to the other answers, when you get up in the morning, stretch like a cat does, with your arms outstretched and your ribcage expanded. This releases pent-up energy residing in your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Hope that helps somewhat,


26-11-2006, 03:44 AM
Thanks guys,


29-11-2006, 11:00 PM
i agree with all of the above. from a physical perspective, i would advise consulting a natreopath if you are having other sluggish symptoms. you might benefit from a physical detox by upping raw food into your diet, eating at regular intervals throughout the day to balance your blood sugar levels, drinking plenty of water...there may be many reasons. the body is holistic. it needs a balance of the physical, spiritual and mental. so if one is out of balance so it starts a domino effect.

if it's just general sleepiness then yes...i too believe that is normal for some people, but if it's quite debilitating then i would recommend getting checked out. especially as you admit to experimenting quite a lot with chemicals my friend...even though you are young, and have much more pressing and deeper concerns than your physical body, please remember your body is a vehicle. if it's not working properly, everything else will follow it the same way.

lots of love and light to you :hug2:

30-11-2006, 12:52 AM
That's top advice that is, Rose.
