View Full Version : I just had a realization!

04-05-2011, 03:47 AM
All societies, all foundations of political parties and governments across the globe were founded on mans ideas. Man. It is called here, the founding Fathers. I believe that this is the way the world has been from the very beginning. Only very recently have woman even been recognized as a thinking, opinionated, person. If man and woman were to collide, peacefully, to form a new world, how different do you think it could be?

I have an idea.
Man and woman were created for a reason, differently. We are created differently not only in our outer physical makeup, but the inner workings of our mind.
What happens when we are one and we create a new way of life?

This is fresh on my mind, still circulating, so forgive the chaos of a realizations birth.

27-05-2011, 04:33 PM
A free product or ebook will always be a good bait. I notice many top players in the industry starts with free program to attract more subscribers and then starting to promote their product.

06-07-2011, 04:12 PM
Yin and Yang, nothing new. Unless there's more to be said on your part.

The Perdue University web site has lecture modules on Judith Butler, who also has a lot to say on the social construction of gender.


06-07-2011, 04:20 PM
We currently live in a patriarchal society (in the west primarily though it's influence is world wide)... that purses misogyny with a vengeance, accompanied by homophobia (these two always go hand in hand).. this has not always been the case, there have been countless times in human history when the feminine has been the leader in society and religion... or in some cased when they have ruled hand in hand...